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Everything posted by optimuspint

  1. optimuspint

    Hi-Metal R

    So if you go on ebay right now there are a ton of monsters. I wonder if when the Tomahawk gets released if those Monsters start to get snatched up.
  2. Posted in the wrong place. You should probably move this
  3. Two of them broken right out of the box....
  4. optimuspint

    Hi-Metal R

    CD Japan shipped mine today. Bring on the destroids!
  5. optimuspint

    Hi-Metal R

    Sadly he's gone already 😞
  6. Got an ipad pro and decided to color and rework a drawing I did on paper years ago. Proportions are off a bit but Im happy with it.
  7. optimuspint

    Hi-Metal R

    Im totally going to army build with these. I collect star wars also but never had the urge to army build and I used to shake my head at guys with hundreds of stormtroopers.... I understand it now. Im even thinking about getting rid of some of my 1/60 scale valks just to buy more Regults and CF valks... maybe even an extra monster or two.
  8. optimuspint

    Hi-Metal R

    Mine has been shipped... Just waiting now. So stoked to see how big it is!!!
  9. thanks guys!
  10. are there any known issues with the Luca 171ex toy? looking at picking one up. I already have a nightmare vf171ex that will forever be in gerwalk mode. Just wondering if the Luca also has issues.
  11. more than likely the macross delta stuff
  12. never mind.. just found the thread. guess i got stuck with a turd
  13. sorry if this has been talked about before.... BUT. has any one else bought a sealed bandai vf-171 nightmare only to open it and find multiple broken parts? one of the bars that attaches the cockpit to the chest is broken and both of the little pieces that fold in behind the legs are broken. this toy is melting! i thought all the new bandai valks were good quality
  14. If this is in the wrong place I apologize, but is anyone planning on picking up that Robotech miniature table top game just for the sake of having macross models? I havent seen anyone post about it and the regult and spartan images i saw looked realy cool.
  15. wow, nice, so we already have to deal with a short supply as it is and then we have to deal with people who do get the pre orders ordering multiples only to offer to resell them to us? how is this cool?
  16. I kinda wish they would remake robotech from the ground up with newly designed mecha. not because Im a huge robotech fan but maybe it would go good towards separating the macross and robotech properties visually. Possibly even making it easier to get macross stuff in the states if there was less confusion on the look of characters and mecha. I know its not that simple but I think it might solve some problems with macross licensing if harmony gold is no longer pushing a macross based product?
  17. cheapest one I could find was around $200 :/ think Im going to save my money for the vf-4
  18. thanks!
  19. Sorry I should have been more clear, I was wondering if this was a quality toy or if it had problems like the vf-25 v1, I was not asking to buy one off of a member here. Sorry for the confusion.
  20. so.. Im assuming this came out a while ago and I missed it? Looking at one on ebay, anybody own one?
  21. I also discovered macross through models, I couldnt afford the larger revel models that came out when I was a kid (most of the 1st run that was available here in town were the dougram based models) so I ended up getting the small R.O.B.O.T models by testors, they were all macross based and used the original japanese painted box art.. about the same time I was getting into the old battletech and even as a kid was drawn more to the macross based mecha, as a teen in highschool we had a bootleg of dyrl that was so dark we could barely make out what was going on and it had no subtitles but we loved it.
  22. actually it did show up in a tv episode of macross. wasn't on the screen very long so it could have been and error or something like when they accidentally color something the wrong color.
  23. hey all this is my first post here, well I'm a tattoo artist and last year at the hell city tattoo convention in columbus oh i talked a friend into letting me do a macross tattoo on her. i did this from my own drawing and the pic is of the healed tattoo.
  24. im going to order a GBP in a couple of weeks. can i do a pre-emptive strike and order the shoulders now?
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