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Everything posted by optimuspint

  1. optimuspint

    Hi-Metal R

  2. optimuspint

    Hi-Metal R

    I have a new toy company called Bear Clan Creative. We are in Northern Indiana. Right now we are making a run of gaming miniatures but in about 2 weeks we will be releasing several sets of add on parts for HMR. Our website should be up right about the same time. We are not doing pre orders for these but they will be super limited in number and packaging will be super basic. They will be posable, fully assembled and painted. Price to be announced. Here are some work in progress pics of the heavy particle beams for the Regult. Obviously work in progress pics. Feedback is welcome. We have a lot of destroid and valk stuff planned and are open to suggestions.
  3. optimuspint

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah I’m inspecting everything from now on
  4. optimuspint

    Hi-Metal R

    Maaaan... I got my VF-4 a few months ago, opened it up, never transformed it and left it in jet mode. Today I went to mess with it for the first time and its missing one of the shields in the back of the legs that cover the hole below the knee joint. Its been way too long to try a return or replacement. Anyone else have this issue?
  5. optimuspint

    Hi-Metal R

    Anything bandai makes is going to be comparatively cheeper because they manufacture everything in house. They are not paying in excess of $100,000.00 for the molds for one valk. They are paying someone a salary or hourly wage of less than that a year to make multiple molds all year round.
  6. Thanks for this link!!! Thought I missed out while I was at work.
  7. I was thinking about getting a second myself just to display the Buster Machines.
  8. optimuspint

    Hi-Metal R

    Upvote for using the Monarch’s voice
  9. Didn’t MAAS toys have some kind of issue on kickstarer with one of their figures recently?
  10. optimuspint

    Hi-Metal R

    Aaaaaand gone before I can snag it lol
  11. Thanks guys!
  12. Hey has anyone had and luck/bad luck ordering directly from mandrake? There are a few used valks Im looking at but have never used them before.
  13. Lol I saw this and clicked to go buy it and either its sold or the link is messed up
  14. optimuspint

    Hi-Metal R

    I was going to but have to wait a day or two. Is it sold out already?
  15. optimuspint

    Hi-Metal R

    Man! Cdj glitched on me for a sec but then went through. Going to bed. Good luck everyone!
  16. I got excited for a sec and thought hese were for HMR lmao
  17. optimuspint

    Hi-Metal R

    Anyone use Loopaza before? Are they legit?
  18. So I got my 19 in today and it has the broken head laser. Is there a prefered glue that you guys are using to put it back on?
  19. optimuspint

    Hi-Metal R

    Damn I missed it again...
  20. optimuspint

    Hi-Metal R

  21. optimuspint

    Hi-Metal R

    Obviously I meant having them sell it under the Robotech name. Obviously I prefer Macross but it would be nice to get hmr in the states. Is there an example of Big West punishing anyone from dealing with Harmony Gold? Or is it just speculation?
  22. optimuspint

    Hi-Metal R

  23. optimuspint

    Hi-Metal R

    Toynami could have fixed a lot of problems they have with their reputation by licensing the hmr line. They could have even marketed it as a new “masterpiece” line.
  24. optimuspint

    Hi-Metal R

    Not at all... I still need a TV 1A Max
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