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    david martin

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Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. It was all modern stuff. Nothing 1/55.
  2. I decided I am not selling any of my Macross toys about a month ago. I doubled down by throwing the boxes out. I know that might upset some collectors. But if Im not selling, those boxes take up a lot of storage space.
  3. Ok. So yeah I am tired of waiting. Anyone on here use a vpn to watch on Disney plus? I have zero experience using a vpn. But now I am thinking about doing that. Also which countries had the original series and DYRL on Disney?
  4. They already shipped a replacement figure. Hopefully that one is good to go.
  5. Well… got a bent fin. Messaged BBTS to see whats what.
  6. Does anyone have any insight on if these are going to be offered stateside like the Tomahawk and SV-51’s ?
  7. I remember way back seeing the Zola for $120ish on ebay at one point. Good luck now lol
  8. I sold most of my valks during the covid shut down. It’s pretty awesome I can get these reissues at a better than ebay price.
  9. At that price it is almost worth the buy for spare parts.
  10. Uh… yes please
  11. Look at the area between the neck and shoulder joint. The new one is more level than the renewal version. Maybe it is something that has been fixed?
  12. optimuspint

    Hi-Metal R

    More than likely over $100k
  13. So I ended up with two Legioss from BBTS. I opened one and it is a combination of floppy mess & over tight. Nothing that cant be fixed but more of an issue than I thought it would be. Still Better than anything we have gotten so far.
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