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Everything posted by valid

  1. mine have arrived.. now.. i would like to see some customize VF 4 that i can copy
  2. nope there's still no updaate from hlj
  3. curse bandai.. i hate that evil company!
  4. amiami sold out damn.. i went out to eat.. and missed the window
  5. i have the server busy notification looks like a lot of people push refresh button at ami ami
  6. do we have to buy it in tamashii? or we could get it in ami ami or HLJ?
  7. hikaru in cockpit?
  8. mine is on delivery.. i wonder if the multiple rocket launch in vf 1 could fit like this model kit
  9. work? at new year? :|
  10. i think there's a lot of 1:72 and 1:48 deck crew set.. but 1:60 i never knew except for the PG gundam set... i made it too in shapeways.. and you need to sand papper it in a few part so it could be paint easier
  11. weird the prototype looks more like a plastic model kit.. there's no seam ore plastic gap.. that suggesting it as a transformation toys..
  12. the cockpit,,, i don't like the shape.. and why there is a big gap in the folded backpack..
  13. what ?!? is the same thing happen to the vf 4 ??
  14. hi when will this bird release? it's late november... but still not heard any news
  15. well i don't care if it to small for my 1:60.. the bug can fight with my koenig,, and hi metal.. at home
  16. looking forward for what you gonna do to your vf 19 macrossJunkie.. i would like to spray a matte,, and give some feathering.. but i don't no if it would be fit for it..
  17. when is the release date? anyone know?
  18. Yeah 1:60 will be great.. but i'm more than ok with the hasegawa 1:48
  19. My weathering vf 0 i know it's look to heavy.. but i don't care
  20. i don't care if it's an old mold.. i take it!!! i missed the previous issue
  21. I think the fin is quite simple and easy to modified.. can't wait for mine to come.. i will mask and airbrush it
  22. have any member have a problem with the rear landing gear? mine is very easy to flip up.. kinda annoying
  23. yes it is.. but look at the date of my post.. when i post it.. the fast pack was not release or even mention yet.. but it's history
  24. is that so? well the price is good http://www.hkcollectibles.com/macross-robotech/7148-vf-4g-lightning-iii.html i think i just have to cross my finger perhaps because they on holiday untill today..?
  25. no one order in HK-collectibles? they have a good price
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