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Everything posted by valid

  1. ohh wow.. soo it's not a flaw in the design of the toy.. rather it's supposed to be like that
  2. i notice that the cockpit still look expose in batroid mode
  3. hahahah that's a shame.. amiami! please take his money a soon as possible BTW.. how about the paint? is it still came with a glossy look?
  4. mine still in shipping.. i envy for you guys..
  5. guys.. trust me.. as long as that thing was made by human.. nothing will came out perfect just enjoy it
  6. and graham lips still seal.. damnit graham tell us sumthing (lol)
  7. yeah.. what do you mean with "gullet"
  8. i smell something cool and expensive.. better start saving from rite now.. you never guess if graham plotting sumthing
  9. is it possible?? tell us the truth GRAHAM! YAMATO actually going to made vf 4 is it graham?
  10. release date late october ritE? can wait for this beauty . i hope the super pack will come soon!
  11. -tint purple-ish cockpit?.. i prefer the flat one..
  12. i don't think it's a spoiler.. coz it's already all over internet as a promotional trailler for the upcoming dvd.. if showing one variant of mecha is a spoiler.. then buying yf 29 is also consider as a spoiler hahahah.. but if you say soo.. then i'm sorry.
  13. hey guys .. do you think after the Yf 29 bandai will build this awesome YF 19 with vf 25 fast pack like this one?
  14. is it a resin kit? where can i buy this!! WAOww 1:100 it look good!
  15. need more pict!!! specially the one wit paint detail.. still hoping the paint to be as mate as vf 1 yamato (cross my finger)
  16. i think the mate color will come in version 3.0
  17. still hopping the flat color paint
  18. awww my eyessssssssssssss the picture look so small.. hahaha i hope the material will be much more better than before.. and please come in flat color
  19. i have my order check in. now is time to cross my finger.. hopefully it will came out as cool as vf 29 perhaps even better *ie with rotating cockpit in batroid mode
  20. i think it just a matter of perspective.. the camera took a different angle.. and for the matter about the photoshop retouch rumor..well as long as the made it as close as the durandal.. is enough for me
  21. landing gear check... pre order.!!
  22. anyone like an vf 25 from this series? i think it would look good with the bandai monster koenig
  23. wow look good.. shiny .. did he snap the rear landing gear when he try to transform it? )
  24. landing gear ! i want to see it!!
  25. hahahha ok then.. i will keep that in my mind
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