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Everything posted by CheeseKing

  1. Oops! I miss typed the #'s. The 2 that you mentioned are correct. Thanks for explaining the differences.
  2. I there a difference between the QF-2001A & QF-2001B besides the paint scheme? Just wondering.
  3. Very freakin cool. Wish I had your talent.
  4. Found these at bigbadtoystore. Thinking of pickin up a few. http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/menu.as...p;category=4184
  5. It's not real easy to see. It looks only half completed, like he is still building it. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http:/...%26tbs%3Disch:1
  6. I'm on PSN! CheeseKing = CheeseKing Spending most my time playin Bad Company 2 if not doin home work or studying.
  7. Sweet! Can't wait to see your progress.
  8. Very cool! Thanks 4 all your hard work. Can't wait to get started making 1.
  9. Is anyone building the Hasagawa YF-19 1:48 scale model? Curious to see some finished or in progress pics.
  10. Thank you very much for all the tips and advise.
  11. Sooooo amazing! Keep up the great work!
  12. "To the only man I've ever loved" <3 Bud.
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