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Everything posted by Red96TA

  1. Saw ep. 1-14 with the wife...we split on the ending. *Spoilers* My wife thinks that the Mitsuki ending was best, but I would have preferred the Hakura ending....IMHO, Mitsuki was just too manipulative and selfish...you may disagree, but she only took care of Takayuki as a way of building codependant bonds between them. You can tell early on in the series that Takayuki seems to regret the decision in being with Mitsuki.
  2. Whew!!! Timing is coming down to the line....I just did a quick test with the subs muxed in and everything looks fine, just need to fine-tune everything up a little. The release of episode 06 will probably be on anime.mircx.com in a couple days....will keep you posted!
  3. I'm working on a divx copy of Gunbuster and so ripped my HK dvd to the hard disk....when I started scanning through the vob files, I noticed that there were still commericals in them that are apparently passed over during normal play!
  4. It's the Protoculture Theory!!!! The AFOS has sped up her 'evolution'
  5. Did anybody else notice that Mao Nome seems to have magically aged in episode 3? In the first two, she looks like the WAY underaged little sister....In episode 3, she looks 3-4 years older. Maybe Kawamori squeezed in the love triangle to beef up the plot? I don't know...
  6. Already grabbin' it now!!! Will have it on DVD by 7pm PST ....lol
  7. Spykes...If you're running into problems with the encoding, send me a PM and I may be able to help...
  8. cough cough...for mature audiences only for your doujin scans... http://e-hentai.net/main.html
  9. I got the 'Minmay Whore Outfit sold seperately' for my Minmay doll...
  10. Agreed....excellant concept and artwork Can't wait for the R1's
  11. Chariot...like one or two horsepower? Hmmmm....that's befitting a Honda or toyota...lol
  12. I'm looking for someone to do some VHS transfers for me...I need my Gunbuster VHS set captured to a high bitrate divx or xvid format for use to author a new dvd... If anyone can help, they get to keep the VHS set...or some other VHS or dvd's that I have around the house for trade. FWIW, the set is the US Renditions version and volumes 2&3 are the clamshell cases... Send me a PM or email me if you're interested. (mods...if this should be in the for sale section, feel free to move it )
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