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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. I really liked season 1, definitely in for season 2 and Toph, and THE BOULDER!
  2. Love my LEGO Optimus, absolutely in for a transformable G1 Bee, that sounds great.
  3. Yeah I'm all caught up and this is absolutely the best thing on TV right now, it's frakking fantastic. Excellent performances, the show is gorgeous, there's intrigue and drama, it's just a 10/10, highly recommended.
  4. In for Ahsoka, she looks good, I'm glad I didn't bend and get the Mafex, the Figuarts looks better and it's cheaper.
  5. I absolutely love Halo Reach, easily my favorite game in the series, and would love a high quality, poseable Noble Team, but those prices are outrageous for figures of this size. Carter and Noble 6 are insanely expensive, I can imagine George will be $200+ easy, maybe even $250, I can't justify those prices.
  6. Boy Kills World looks wild, and that cast is insane! Makes me remember Warrior got cancelled again on HBO, bummer...
  7. I'll give it a go eventually, but I'm still surprised this series keeps getting new seasons. Not to be that guy, but the first season with Woody and McConaughey was damn near perfection, and honestly, the only consistent season.
  8. I grabbed Black Suit Snyder Superman for $65 on sale, killer price. I'll use him to replace my Figuarts Superman in my Snyder-League display, I like the Figuarts figure more, but the black suit just looks right with the rest of the League, I liked the Snyder Cut, so this works for me. I'm considering grabbing the 2.0 Snyder-League Batman, but Mafex prices are frakking insane! Everyone gives Bandai crap for rising Figuarts prices, and I agree, but damn, Mafex is far more egregious IMO. All I have is a KO Mafex Batman, the Figuarts Justice League Batman was absolute garbage and I gave mine to one of my cousin's kids, maybe I'll wait and see if I can get the Mafex 2.0 for cheaper after release.
  9. I think I have Chapter 2 John, decent figure, may grab Caine, don't need another John.
  10. I think the red ape is Kong's big enemy, there's another enemy, some giant ice dragon thing or something, it's far larger then even this new Godzilla and that's Godzilla's new foe.
  11. Still looks like a ton of fun, I'll definitely be seeing it opening weekend!
  12. Looks awesome, and hilarious! Will this save the MCU? Highly doubtful, one movie can't do that. Will it make a billion? Probably, but that was pre-determined, people are in for this because its Deadpool 3, not because it's now an MCU film, this was always going to make money.
  13. Looks frakking incredible! I loved the first three films, best reboot series to come out of Hollywood, possibly ever?
  14. I just got mine in Monday but haven't built it yet, I actually grabbed the Concorde too and started on that last night, absolutely brilliant set so far.
  15. The rest of the cast looks great, and I'm still loving that they went with the art style from the original game and not the Remake series. But damn, they are crazy pricey for what they are, small and light on accessories, Square's Play Arts stuff has just gotten out-of-line expensive.
  16. I imagine Combat Evolved would be next, after the events of what I'm expecting to play out this season that's the next stop for Chief in the game timeline. I absolutely loved Halo Reach, great book and one of the best games in the series, I'm wondering if we'll get.... Either way, solid first two episodes, episode 1 in particular was great, comes off like a soft-reboot of sorts. Effects look better, action was more focused and easier to follow, I'm definitely excited for the rest of the season.
  17. Which one? I just grabbed the Top Gun F14 with Maverick and Goose, looking forward to checking it out when it arrives.
  18. With Dragons Dogma 2 dropping in just a couple of months I grabbed Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen for Series X for $4.70, to this day this game holds up as one of the greatest action RPGs of all time, it's still incredible. It's certainly dated in a few ways, graphics for sure, but damn the gameplay, RPG elements, companions/pawns, character building and progression are phenomenal, it's still such an absolutely stacked RPG well beyond many modern games. Highly recommended if you've never tried it but seen people gush about it for years, it's an incredible game that has tons of replay value, and the combat is just insanely fun. Dragons Dogma 2 seems to improving on the original game in every way so I'm insanely hyped, I'll be grabbing that instead of FFVII Rebirth for sure, I'll check that out eventually, part 1 was just okay.
  19. frakking awesome, that's my birthday weekend, I'll be triple dipping for sure.
  20. Kong looks fine, Godzilla not so much, and are they still using the same molds? No updates? No real effort? Godzilla isn't even rocking his new crazy purple color scheme, this is beyond lazy, at least he comes with an effect piece this time.
  21. I really liked season 1, except the B plot with Kwan, she was frakking insufferable. Love the Fall of Reach book, and of course Halo Reach, so I'm really looking forward to this season.
  22. Sopranos is still my number one favorite show ever on TV, followed closely by The Wire.
  23. I'm excited to check out Echo, definitely feels more like a Netflix MCU series then a Disney+ series, if that makes sense. That said I saw the showrunner or someone high up finally come out and announced Netflix DD is in canon with the MCU "holy timeline", which is great, but how? Why does Kingpin have literal superpowers now? It seemed on She-Hulk that was Matt getting his first DD suit, was it just a new one? Why didn't Gladiator/Melvin make it? Is Bullseye coming back? Did the events of Defenders happen? I take it the Disney+ DD series shakeup/rewrite is redoing far more then expected, seems they might be writing things now to include the events of the Netflix series, but what about Foggy and Karen? Is The Hand an official thing now in the MCU? What are Punisher? Whatever, Echo looks brutal, and pretty good, and more DD is something I'm always in for.
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