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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. I watched episode 1 last night and it was just rather boring. Even the much touted lightsaber scenes weren't really anything special, I doubt I'll jump right into episode 2, I'll probably wait for the whole season to wrap up then binge it. Funnily enough I just started Jedi Survivor on Gamepass, that's scratching the Star Wars and Jedi itch I had, I also have the newest season of Bad Batch to watch, that first episode didn't really do anything for me.
  2. Wow that's gorgeous, I'm absolutely in! I have every Creator/Icons car and I love them, I can't stand Technic so these brick-built cars are what really do it for me, that set looks fantastic!
  3. Damn, sub par? That boat chase scene alone looked better then anything put out by Hollywood in the last decade and a half by a wide margin. I know it's subjective but yikes, fan film? I gotta wonder what you think of most of the insanely budgeted crap that Hollywood puts out these days and looks far worse, only US films that I think actually pushed visual fidelity to this level would be the newer Apes trilogy.
  4. It won for best visual effects, that said, I'd still put above most other US films that won Oscars for many other categories, it was movie of the year 2023 for sure.
  5. Adult tickets at my go-to theater at Cannery Casino are up to $18. frakk that, all of it, $18 plus a $15 popcorn? I went for Furiosa, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, I'll go for Deadpool 3, but yeah my days of going casually to the movies are over, prices are absurd, and now my damn theater plays up to fifteen minutes of ads. I get it, these theaters gotta make money where they can and how they can, but damn, they are making the experience worse, and more expensive, not a smart move.
  6. I saw it Saturday night and enjoyed it enough, not as good as Fury Road, but it was still solid. Definitely a bit flustered at some of the CGI, definitely could've had more things done practical but oh well. I haven't been rewatching the movies but I did restart the Mad Max game from 2015, and what a hidden gem that game was. Absolutely gorgeous, incredible sound design, Arkham-style free flow combat, great car combat, beautiful fire and explosions, it's a great open-world game, and an excellent Mad Max game.
  7. I do! He's in storage though, I had it displayed for a bit until I got the Bandai MonsterArts figure. That sale price is fantastic, if I didn't already have one I'd definitely grab it now, makes for a really nice display piece.
  8. Honestly, he looks more like Geralt was described then Cavill, and he looks more like Geralt from the games as well. I too thought this whole season got cancelled, last season was pretty abysmal, a terrible outing for Cavill's Geralt, oh well, I guess it will limp on one more season, and I'll watch, so they got me.
  9. MonsterArts Tigrex. Love it, love Monster Hunter, easily in my top 5 favorite game series ever, I'm positive I've put more hours into Monster Hunter then any other game franchise, thousands upon thousands of hours over many, many releases on several different systems and handhelds.
  10. Looks fantastic! I was bummed beyond bummed when I sold my Yamato Mac-0 stuff back in the day, I thought Mac-0 itself was meh, but the designs were some of my favorites in all of Macross. Years later, I'm glad Bandai is giving me a second chance at these designs, at a much more space-friendly scale.
  11. They weren't "zombies", they were "infected". I kid, but there is a difference, these people were alive and needed to eat and sustain themselves, my question is how? I thought they were mostly mindless, did things go like the Crossed comic and some of them started thinking and taking care of themselves and their bodies? Did they start communicating and getting smarter? Did they evolve and adapt?
  12. I think they have a long ways to go if they repeat the original film timeline. I think this new film was only a few hundred years after War, whereas the original film was set thousands of years in the future, the new movies need to pack on at least a few hundred more years before we should expect the missing space crew.
  13. SHMA Shimo was already teased, awesome, absolutely in for all four big baddies, I imagine they'll do a new...
  14. Absolutely in for both, I cancelled my Hiya pre-order for Evolved Godzilla, switched over to Bandai. Now Bandai just needs to announce, or at least tease Shimo...
  15. At this point all I'm subscribed to these days is Hulu, Disney and HBO, so honestly if this saves me money I'm in. Especially if the no-ads version is a decent price, Hulu/Disney got too pricey so I switched to the ad-supported version, would love to drop ads again if possible.
  16. I'm finally playing the Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty DLC on Series X, it's really good, the story is already far more interesting then the base game. Great mo-cap, excellent characters, newer, bigger baddies, the area of Dogtown itself isn't very big, but it's dense, and there's tons to see and do. A little bummed I missed a sale just a few days before I bought it but oh well, CDPR did really good on this, after years, Cyberpunk 2077 is easily a 9/10, it's an incredibly good RPG now.
  17. Definitely in day one for Quiet Place, I loved the first two films and this one looks fantastic as well.
  18. My parents, both in their sixties, who are boring as hell and watch Price is Right, Andy Griffith, and Sons of Anarchy over and over binged the entire season and absolutely loved. Not only do they have no knowledge of the games, they have no gaming knowledge to speak of at all, they went in completely unaware of anything they were about to watch, and they both absolutely loved it and wanted more episodes when it ended. It doesn't hurt that they love Walton Goggins, everybody does, but they loved everything about the show, all the characters, the world, the sound and aesthetic. This series is a total win for Amazon, fans of the games love it, and it's accessible enough for non-gamers, even boring old people, to get in to.
  19. I didn't see Wolverine in the cowl, I've seen promo art and merch, but no actual shots in the movie itself. I hope it doesn't get thrown away really quickly, the suit is fantastic don't get me wrong, but I want Hugh with that damn cowl on.
  20. For better or worse, it's a world where the "nuclear" family and society of the 50s and 60s never ended, things advanced technologically like our world, but nuclear powered. We don't see much of other countries in Fallout, the games are always based in the US, but the little bits we do get tend to reveal the rest of the world mostly tried to continue on as normal, but the Fallout universes Cold War became a whole different beast, and the US and China became too powerful too quickly to not dictate the cultural development of the rest of the world to a fairly large degree. Beyond that....
  21. Damn that looks really good! Now the real question, will Bandai even bother with Shimo and Skar King? I pre-ordered the Hiya Shimo but will gladly cancel and jump over to Bandai if they announce one themselves.
  22. Wrapped the season up last night and it was fantastic overall, really well done, faithful to the source, great performances, it was funny and dark, very Fallout. Definitely looking forward to season 2... Great season overall, a pleasant surprise to be sure, hopefully we'll be getting more game adaptations with the same care moving forward, this and Last of Us proves there's money to be made and the shows don't have to be terrible if you respect the source material, and who woulda thunk it, brought some of the people on that worked on the games themselves. If you've never played any of the games I highly, highly, highly recommend checking them out, they're all on sale pretty much everywhere right now. I grabbed New Vegas and Fallout 3 for $1.50 on the Microsoft store, I've played both games a half dozen times at least but they still hold up and both deliver 100+ hours of excellent content, at least, per game.
  23. Every time I see this thread get bumped I hope beyond hope that it's a TV Kaki 1A announcement, oh well, one day...
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