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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. Ah I see, in that case it's totally understandable, gotta prioritize your health and do what's best. Big visual shift though, he was seriously bulky in those earlier seasons, either way, he's still a great MM.
  2. Yeah the B-plots were just awful, I thought Kwan got dropped in season 2 but nope, they didn't learn anything and she was back, and absolutely stalled the pacing and made me check my phone while she was onscreen, just like the first season. I wasn't prepared for how much out of armor Chief we'd get, for the entire battle of Reach, which he didn't even take part in in the games, he didn't even have his armor, instead the only Spartan that acted like an actual Spartan died.
  3. Yeah I'm not surprised by the cancellation, I watched both seasons and would watch a season 3 but I know I'm in the minority. I think focusing on Chief was a mistake, he shouldn't have been the main character and they should've kept his mystique and speaking parts down to a minimum, the main characters should've been ODST or UNSC Marines. All the Halo live action shorts were incredibly well done, especially the one by Blomkamp, he wanted to do a Halos series or film first and he wanted it grounded, a war series, he said he wanted to do something like Band of Brothers but Halo and that always sounded like an absolutely fantastic idea, but he moved onto others things and the ideas for a Halo film or showed died off for nearly a decade until we got this P+ show. Oh well, this short still holds up to this day and is far more impressive then anything on either season of the P+ show.
  4. I finally bought my first Hiya figure, Godzilla updated from GvK. Pretty nice, bigger then Monsterarts, less articulated, but more screen accurate, not bad overall. doubt I'll be switching over to Hiya for my Monsterverse completely but it's a cool figure at a solid price.
  5. I woke up early before work to catch the finale and I really liked it, things are officially in place for a big final season. It was an okay season overall, clearly they had to set up a big final season, and I'm mostly okay with that, the worst thing I can say is it was a bit middling, it felt like not much happened and that's mostly true, they're really banking on the final season being big and bombastic, I just hope it pays off.
  6. I went ahead and grabbed one on BBTS, MP-44-lite sounds like a good little desk-bot.
  7. It's a cool looking Prime, seems like something that would be fun to have as a desk-bot at work, and agreed, definitely seeing and feeling the MP-44 vibes, but with greebles and a better backpack...
  8. My current One:12 Collective setup, I'm happy with what I've got, and glad to be pretty done with them nowadays. Not to push conspiracy theories, but Mezco really seems to cater to resellers and scalpers, and they seem to almost promote and pat themselves on the back for artificial scarcity. I see people buy into it too, like a figure is more worth it if you have to "hunt" for it and pay more, it makes a figure more rare and sought after, realistically, it's just bad business, and a bad look.
  9. I think the first two episodes were a bit slow, but it's been a solid season overall, the last two episodes were great. edit: I see a lot of people online complaining the newest episode is a bit too gross and pervy, but honestly, that's not even remotely close to how insanely over the top and nasty, and pervy, and gross Tek-Knight's story was in the comic, everything in the comic is beyond next level, much to it's detriment most of the time.
  10. Kite-Man deserved his own spin-off, he's great in the Harley Quinn series.
  11. This looks like a fan film, the budget for this and the last one with the Stranger Things guy should've just gone towards wrapping up the Del Toro/Perlman trilogy, what a damn waste.
  12. Bummer Netflix is stretching this out as much as they possibly can, three parts with five episodes each? That release schedule sucks, but it is what it is I guess, I love the show and am ready for more.
  13. If Smylo Ren is a Sith Lord, does he tie in at all to Darth Plagueis or Palps eventually? When was the rule of two made? Is he Plagueis's master? I mean, 100 years from the events of Phantom Menace, we shouldn't be too far off from Plagueis and Palps right? As mentioned by others above, at this point, if Smylo is a Sith then Acolyte is going to have to have some more deaths to keep this Sith a secret in order to keep continuity, no survivors is the only way out at this point, but I highly doubt both sisters are dying, Sol is a goner for sure though.
  14. Yeah I think they'll get out of breaking continuity on a technicality, he's going to be called a "dark-sider", not a Sith proper, even though he used that word himself.
  15. Yes, it directly ties into this season of The Boys, is directly referenced this season, and one of the main revelations from Gen V has serious implications for this season and next season of The Boys. I also saw the preview for this week's episode and at least two kids from Gen V make an appearance, for one reason or another...
  16. I think with season 5 being the final season this season is going to be a little slower on story and character development, they gotta build towards Homelander's break, then next season is the the one we've been waiting for. I'm interested in seeing if anyone else from Gen V shows up, as it is I believe that.... We'll see, entertaining enough so far, but yeah, a bit slow.
  17. Mr. Terrific looks awesome, always loved that costume! Even the CW, somehow, did a solid job when he was on Arrow.
  18. Shoresy is one of the funniest comedies ever put on television, and season 3 was easily, without a doubt, the best/funniest piece of hockey related media evert created. I'm glad Letterkenny ended when it did, it kind of ran its course, and I was a bit worried about Shoresey as a spin-off, but season 1 eliminated all worries, season 2 was more well written hilarity, and season 3 was pure gold. Once again, Shoresy is probably one of the funniest things ever put on TV, an absolute must watch if you are into hockey at all whatsoever.
  19. RIP. This scene will remain one of my favorite moments in cinema history!
  20. Yeah I don't care in the slightest about any of that, Watchmen was the progenitor, it's when comics grew up, dark and edgy was it's identity, the fact that DC, Marvel, and anyone else in the game at the time followed suit is on them. Watchmen is Watchmen, it's identity and tone is set, DC and Marvel are the ones to blame when it comes to chasing trends, I will never fault Watchmen for being Watchmen, it was a pivotal piece of comic book history, it's timeless.
  21. Damn I had no idea this was even happening, Watchmen is still to this day one of the most influential graphic novels I've ever read, it's still one of the first to make "graphic novel" a thing, it's a masterclass in superhero writing. I loved the Snyder film, for the most part, the Snyder-ness of it sucks, the slow-mo, the celebration of violence, he just missed the point on a lot of what made Watchmen great and it's messaging, but that's Snyder, this looks great.
  22. Very solid first three episodes, good to have The Boys back for sure! I'm glad it's ending with season 5, the comic really isn't a long read and they really don't need to drag things out, you can't have a character like Homelander on the brink for four seasons when he's that powerful, it just doesn't make sense, he's gotta snap and say frakk it at some point. Now, not to be a dick, it was apparent last season too, it's her body and her choice and all, but the actress that plays Starlight really did a number on herself with those surgeries. I mean, damn, she was really naturally beautiful, now she looks, not great to say the least, yikes, what a shame.
  23. I'm so in for that LEGO Bee, he'll look good with Prime. My cousin's thirteenth birthday is in two weeks, I'll be grabbing him his first MP Transformer for his gift, probably MP Grapple, he really likes Grapple.
  24. I'll always game on Xbox first, Playstations exist solely for the one or two exclusives they get a year, if they weren't exclusive I'd get them on Xbox. Superior ecosystem, UI, controller, Gamepass, more Dolby options for audio and video, more games that support 60fps+ and up to 120fps, cloud saves aren't locked behind a premium paywall, seemless play with PC, backwards compatibility. My PS5 collects dust until the next exclusive, nothing against the console itself, I've just always used my Playstations as exclusive boxes and nothing else.
  25. Absolutely hyped for new Doom and Gears E-Day, Gears is my favorite Xbox IP, even above Halo, I'm always in for more Gears of War!
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