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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. I just want that damn TV Kaki 1A and I'm solid gold, my squad is done and I'm happy.
  2. Featuring 14 legendary games, and Concorde, the most legendary flop in gaming history that probably cost Sony upwards of a half a billion dollars. No wonder Sony has ads on their home screen now on consoles, and the PS5 Pro price makes more sense, gotta make up that money somewhere.
  3. As far as I remember the only Figuarts Yoda we got was TWE, and he didn't include soft goods, as far as I can tell that's the only difference between that release and this one, I don't remember a second release, Figuarts Yoda has been a grail for some so it's nice to see a second chance at him.
  4. Chewie seems nothing, Yoda has a soft-goods cloak, and Han has a slightly updated head sculpt, Anakin too.
  5. I'm a bit baffled at how good this series is, only two episodes in I know, but it's a damn solid start, Colin is killing it as Cob.
  6. Yeah I saw this this weekend as well with my cousin's kid and we loved it, great new start to another series of films free of the inarguably terrible Bay-verse continuity. Really fun film, great voice actors, there was more heart and character in this one film then all the live action films combined, I enjoyed it.
  7. Those are some solid looking updates for those that missed out, makes you feel bad for being an early adopter, but that's just how Bandai rolls these days.
  8. I do think they look great, most FFVII merch is Remake and Rebirth so OG FFVII is awesome, the size is perfect, but that price is yikes. I think the sweet spot would be $60-70 per figure, MAX, $100+ each is just outrageous.
  9. Holy hell, those prices are frakking insane. I saw the reviews for Cloud, mostly bad articulation, falls apart easily, not great QC, and $100+ per figure? So for the full Turks and Rufus you're looking at roughly $600? For 5.5" figures with very few accessories, dodgy QC, and limited articulation? Who the hell are these for? If you want the best there are other brands making much better figures for cheaper, yes, probably not from OG FFVII, but still, this must be a joke.
  10. Oh yes that will be mine, hoping they also do a Rathian repaint with some slight retooling.
  11. I don't know, I read there was a ton of behind the scenes messiness on this one, lots of reshoots, terrible test screenings, it's an okay trailer but anyone can cut together a decent trailer these days. A Wick cameo right in trailer 1 doesn't instill a lot of confidence, and my guess would be he appears at the very end anyway, and it's probably only this scene from the trailer. I'll definitely wait and see for reviews, The Continental also had some cool trailers, and that series was an absolutely boring slog.
  12. Monster Hunter is absolutely top five game series ever, I don't do chug, but I'll buy that crossover, looks awesome!
  13. Yeah I'm in, even if the team is boring, having three Captain America-lites.
  14. Devil May Cry looks cool, but honestly, I'd rather have a new Splinter Cell game then a damn animated series. That series was great, and seems to have been abandoned in this current-gen of gaming.
  15. Looks fine to me, I can barely tell a difference, and I have a bunch of Patlabor figures and have seen all the movies, OVAs and series, I'm just hyped to finally get some new media.
  16. I liked Werewolf by Night and would love to see him and Man-Thing return, not sure about Agatha, WandaVision was three years ago, asking viewers to care about a spin-off of a spin-off that features a villain that hasn't been relevant in years and most people forgot existed at this point is a tall ask.
  17. That looks so much better then the Figuarts, and it's a fraction of the price. Bandai should just let the line go at this point, they're beat.
  18. My MonsterVerse MUTO finally dropped into my pile of loot at BBTS, I was worried for a while there I'd get an email about not enough stock or something, only to see the figure posted again at a higher price, BBTS has done that before. Looking at third party prices, yikes, I didn't know a Legendary original kaiju would be to sought after, I'm glad I grabbed one at retail, she's going for $100+ on Ebay already.
  19. Okay that makes sense lol, and you know if someone is willing to drop $500 on the big boy barge, this thing isn't even a thought, it's simply a must-buy if you don't already have those minifigs. Damn you Lego, you got us again.
  20. No Jedi Luke or Boba Fett minifigs? WTF?
  21. Damn that looks pretty good, I was contemplating Mezco One:12 or this, I think I'll save some bucks and go with the Figuarts.
  22. Wow, $700, no disc drive, that's an $80 upgrade, no vertical stand? Really? That's a paid upgrade. frakk right off Sony, I highly doubt we'll see this scalped like the PS5, a moderate hardware improvement, at an absurd price, with bad caveats....
  23. I saw it, I liked it, it didn't blow me away, but as far as legacy sequels are concerned I thought it was pretty good.
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