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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. Finally! Young Gohan is happening! And it's the Saiyan through, what? Freeza Saga version? Looks good, I've been waiting for this version of Gohan, when Piccolo 2.0 was announced I figured he may be coming next.
  2. The original Blade is still available at retail price at a bunch of different spots online. As I type this BBTS still has it in stock for the price I paid back when it first released, got mine from BBTS too, I don't think I ever saw him listed as sold out either, I think their stock is still from the original release. I think Blade is still too niche, he's Marvel, but he hasn't had a movie in years, and he's not in the MCU yet.
  3. Tking22

    Hi-Metal R

    Is this the DYRL 1A Hikaru with armor? I have one I've been trying to unload but it has the stupid mismatched leg armors. Let me know if you're interested.
  4. I just finished this last night, took me three sittings, it just wasn't very interesting, very been there done that.
  5. I randomly saw a Siege Jetfire/Skyfire last night at Target, on clearance, for $35. For that price, I couldn't pass. He's a neat figure, the Siege mainline stuff has been very impressive IMO, the heavy G1 influence is right up my alley. I'm done with my MP collection though and have no interest in starting another line, but it's definitely a cool figure, if I didn't have Phoenix or couldn't afford/find a FT Phoenix I'd probably be able to settle for him as an MP Skyfire/Jetfire, but I have Phoenix and he's the best MP Skyfire that may ever be made :). Saw Siege Prime too, on clearance, but like I said, I just can't start another line, Prime would lead to far more, then more, and I can't.
  6. I was almost in for FT Sheridan out of impulse, I can care less about Warpath as a character, and I never intended to have an MP of him, but he looked cool. Glad I waited on reviews, the leg thing is atrocious, it's a ticking time bomb like official MP Hound, money saved, bullet dodged. I read replacement screws are out in the wild, you can only get one if you have a single broken leg though, apparently you can't request an extra screw just in case the other leg falls off too, that's a bummer.
  7. Meh, it's a pass for me, I have the originally released Blade and I like the look of that one much more.
  8. I've been sinking a ton of time into Streets of Rage 4, absolutely brilliant game. I played the original three way back in the day on my Sega, some prefer Double Dragon, but Streets of Rage has always been and will always be my go to for a proper beat'em up. The soundtrack is fantastic, the title screen alone sets the mood, smooth 90s style electric jazz, it's incredible. I don't think the soundtrack is as strong as the first or second game, but it's better then the third and it still stands on its own just fine, lots of talented folks were involved, and you could tell they had a passion for the 90s throwback style music. Graphics are great as well, truly a modern take on a classic side scrolling beat'em up, character models and backgrounds look excellent. Highly recommended, it's on Gamepass too so if you have it there's no reason not to check it out, about 5GB, 2 player online coop, 4 player splitscreen couch coop, lots of replayability and retro characters to unlock from the previous games, I'd say it's well worth the $25 asking price. I've been doing arcade mode with randoms online and it's a lot of fun, mixed bag with randoms though, lots of button mashing, and I'm usually stuck finishing up the last leg and level boss myself.
  9. So for anyone that was looking forward to Last of Us 2, beware, it seems most of the story has been leaked online as of this morning. Avoid any and all threads that you can about it, because massive, massive spoilers abound, the entire ending is circulating on various video sites and social media. Apparently a disgruntled dev or tester leaked everything, pretty shitty thing to do, a lot of people were looking forward to this, the first was one of PlayStations best exclusives ever.
  10. Maybe it'll look better when it's actually released, but yeah, that doesn't look great. This release is quite loaded, lots of accessories and bits and pieces, definitely a must buy. Up at BBTS, price is very comparable with overseas pre-orders, I grabbed one here, done with NY, much easier with BBTS. https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/124328
  11. I just finished my first playthrough at 39 hours to do and collect everything, I dabbled with classic mode but it's kind of lame, it's locked to easy difficulty which is way too easy.
  12. Finished FF7 Remake, pretty good, 8/10 for me, it's not perfect and it's no 10/10 but it was good and I felt it lived up to the hype and wait. I clocked in at 39 hours and change total for my first playthrough, super thorough and meticulous, did everything and collected everything. Combat is fun, story gets admittedly idiotic, this isn't a 1:1 remake, this is very liberal towards the end with the remake part, for better or worse, the future installments will be covering pretty much brand new territory. Game is mostly gorgeous but as mentioned above, there are some garbage, PS1 era textures throughout the game, really terrible stuff, NPCs look mostly terrible and lip sync and mouth movements look awful outside major cut scenes. I'm baffled at people paying scalper prices online for physical copies, there will be more made, and there will obviously be a future collected edition when the other parts release. Overall I enjoyed my time, it was 90% faithful remake, 10% crazy new Nomura schlock. I'm interested in seeing how they handle the sequel seeing as how it should be heading to the open world area, I'm also wondering how progression will work and if/how we can keep items and progress from this game to the next, the level cap is 50 so we'll see how they handle that too.
  13. Very epic indeed, it's been a long time coming but the end is finally happening, seeing various characters getting set off to their big Clone Wars movie locations was pretty chilling. That classic Lucasfilm logo was cool as well, definitely presented things as more cinematic imo. I know this is the end and the budget was going to get let loose but damn, the animation quality is absolutely incredible, I'm hard pressed to think of a better looking CG animated series.
  14. It's the first part of the new Remake story, covering the Midgar portion of the original game, lengthened and extended to a full release and story arch. It's not a 1:1 Remake of the original game and story, there will be more parts but there's no word on how many and when.
  15. I understand these aren't what a lot of people were hoping for or expecting, but I am so in for this whole line, it all looks pretty fun. I've gotta wonder if Lego is making a mistake not doing at least a few more traditional sets with mini figures though, I see a lot of fans wanted something more along those lines.
  16. The original Resident Evil 3 was already exceptionally short even by OG Resident Evil standards. Seeing as how Code Veronica was supposed to be RE3 but didn't get finished in time so they just made RE:Nemesis RE3, it was never even a full RE game, it was always supposed to be a quick side story game. It's a wait for sale for me, the only other reason the original was worth the money was because it came packed with mercenaries mode, this one just comes packed with a garbage, janky, wonky as all hell assymetric multiplayer mode, Resident Evil Resistance. Which after 5 rounds of the beta on Xbox I can confirm it sucks, it feels unfinished and unpolished. Resident Evil Resistance was going to be a stand alone release but I think Capcom wised up and realized REmake 3 wasn't a $60 title so they padded it with this awful multiplayer mode. Times are tough right now and money is tight, I went with Final Fantasy 7 Remake instead, RE3 should've been a $40 title, it's far shorter and has far less replayability then REmake 2. And yeah, spoilers abound for FF7 Remake, it's already been streamed to completion on Twitch, all the secrets and surprises are out. Apparently, without spoiling things, the game takes some massive liberties with continuity and the story towards the end, and it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea.
  17. Got my Mandalorian duo at HLJ after getting jerked around by amiami for over twenty minutes, either way I got them so I'm happy.
  18. Well, there's the full Beskar Mando and Child, as a separate release, how fun. I'm guessing The Child will come with his floating crib setup, maybe a little frog creature, a hand with Mando's ship knob. At this point I'm going to cancel the original first two episode figure and get these instead, I don't need a figure of the more short lived look.
  19. DYRL Kaki? Ugh, pass, I just want TV valks. Also, can't Bandai just release a TV Roy 1S with a Roy and Hikaru pilot figure included then problem solved? I don't remember the valk having any differences between when Roy and Hikaru piloted it, aside from eventual TV super parts. If people want a Roy 1S with both pilots they can just double dip the same way they would have to if Bandai did separate TV releases anyway.
  20. This. It does look good, but not really better then the Mezco One:12 in any significant way so I'll pass on this and stick with Mezco. I highly doubt we'll see a Jack Joker from either company, from what I've read he's very hesitant about okaying merch based on his likeness, the Hot Toys was apparently a stretch to get the okay as is.
  21. I managed to get my figuarts Toku Spidey and Chogokin Leopardon at HLJ, definitely needed both myself. I actually watched all of Supaidman! in college many years ago, it's definitely terrible, but iconic, and immensely important as far as Toku history is concerned. Both toys look great and honestly, not even a week ago I was checking eBay for prices on the original Chogokin Leopardon, glad I didn't bite, this renewal version looks fantastic, plus a nicely articulated Figuarts to go with it is a huge bonus.
  22. Yeah I read this earlier, very cool news indeed, live action Ahsoka, finally! Kind of agreed here as well though, I remember reading that Ahsoka's character model changed slightly from Clone Wars to Rebels to better resemble Ashley Eckstein so she herself could one day possibly play her in live action. But like you said, Rosario is frakking awesome so I can deal, no real complaints here.
  23. HOLY frakkING crap, I did not expect Nargacuga, that is awesome! So bought, so, so, so bought, on site, no matter the price. I love Monster Hunter so everything Bandai puts out in this line is an instant buy for me, this guy looks fantastic! I'm dreaming of the future for this line, I hope it sells, Diablos is necessary, Rathalos and Rathian, Azure, Pink, Silver and Gold repaints, Tigrex, Teostra, I'd take a Fatalis, my favorite Elder Dragon.
  24. There's almost zero chance you won't love it, it's polished, optimized, and a hell of a lot of fun.
  25. Lol very true. I remember my uncle brought that up every time we discussed the casting, that Mr. Mom himself was going to ruin Batman, and be terrible. He frakking loved that film :).
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