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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. I caught both episodes and enjoyed them, they're fun and funny enough, but we really need some progress in the next episode, like, some real actual story progress, the sitcom thing has gone on long enough. Definitely agreed on that feeling of only getting a few moments of real substance from the episodes we've gotten so far, like I said, it's been fun and funny enough, but you really can't drag that kind of schtick around much longer, we need more information on SWORD, and whoever is attempting to contact Wanda. Also,
  2. I want more UCS and Creator Expert cars, I've loved every Creator Expert and UCS vehicle I've ever purchased. My Ecto-1 will be in my hands Monday, just in time for my b-day. I'd LOOOOOVE if Lego announced a UCS/Expert DeLorean time machine for this year, I'd also take a UCS Adam West Batman Batmobile.
  3. Holy crap same situation here with my girlfriend, except I got her to watch the first season of Westworld, which is amazing, and not a fair trade-off for me cringing through Bridgerton. She even liked Westworld and is in for season 2 after we finish Bridgerton and the final season of Spartacus on STARZ, which is also beyond incredible, that show is fantastic.
  4. Finally saw MP Thundercracker, looks good, but not good enough to spend the money to upgrade from my MakeToys figures. Takara REALLY needs to get to something new G1-MP-wise to keep my attention, I expected Trailbreaker and Hoist before more seekers, but nooooo. Also, when are they putting out more Hound? Like, not garbage broken ones? I like my FansToys figure for the most part, but Takara really knocked their Hound out of the park and I'd definitely grab one if I knew it wasn't an expensive time bomb.
  5. Can't wait, this is absolutely the main WB movie I am looking forward to checking out on HBOMax. I'm a total Gozilla fanboy, loved G2014 and KotM as well, King Kong vs Godzilla was one of the few VHS tapes I wore out to the point it would no longer play, until I got a little showa VHS box set for my 8th birthday, then I wore that tape out too.
  6. Thanks for the link! Grabbed one, with that code the price isn't too bad, but shipping seems a bit weird. Do they charge later with an updated price? I didn't choose an actual shipping option, and shipping was a random, flat price.
  7. Back from Christmas holiday, missed the 1D pre-order, damn, feels bad. I didn't even know it went up, what a stupid ass day for pre-orders, even an exclusive.
  8. I finished my first run of Cyberpunk on Series X earlier, Corpo, level 50, got the achievements for all main quests complete, and all gigs and NCPD stuff in every bureau, 83 hours total. All I really had left were street races, which are a pass, and apparently didn't count towards the completion achievement for that area anyway. Enjoyed it overall, nothing groundbreaking, but it was a fun enough open world rpg, with a solid story, and some very amusing side stories and quests. Without spoiling things, there's definitely multiple endings depending on which and how many side quests you complete, I did a save before the point of no return so I may check the other options out, after the final quest you can load into your game before the final quest and finish up other things, plus you get a unique item depending on your ending.
  9. Gotta agree with everything everyone else is already saying here, it's boring, too long, and the special effects are really shoddy. I'm pretty surprised how many times I checked the time, and paused the movie to see how much was left, while the movie was still going, it was really middling. I mean, I don't care too much, these movies have been all over the place for a while, fast and loose for sure since Justice League sucked, but up until this film the continuity of all the movies in this universe kind of worked. Now WW84 truly just says screw continuity, and tells whatever story they felt.
  10. Sony pulling Cyberpunk is huge, that's one of the first blockbuster, AAA games to get that treatment. Not surprised, it's garbage on earlier consoles, and CDPRs messy refund situation only made matters worse, they sort of dumped Sony and Microsoft with a mess, and Sony clearly wasn't a fan. I'd imagine Microsoft will pull the game from the Xbox Live marketplace soon as well. I'm happy to be playing on Series X, the game is pretty fantastic, but yeah, damn, what a complete crap show.
  11. Yeah I'm in for the inevitable Bandai Figuarts "The Mandalorian" Boba Fett, I really liked this look, he was a beast, and looked good beasting.
  12. It's mostly The Witcher 3 thing, Witcher 3 was widely considered one of the best RPGs ever made, and easily one of the best games of last generation, if not the best RPG of last gen. Witcher 3 was pretty phenomenal, it set a huge standard for open world, third person RPGs, the Assassins Creed series and many others have taken many, many, many different cues from Witcher 3 and blended it into the blood most of their newer games. A lot of RPG-lite games these days are built around Witcher 3 tropes. Onto Cyberpunk, I did the New Zealand switcher-roo on my Series X yesterday and played for about 13.5 hours, yes, almost straight. It's pretty amazing, it's huge, and open-ended, and there's a ton of options for building and playing your character. Even though the "real" PS5 and Series X versions don't release until next year, the Series X still had an option for "performance" or "quality" mode, basically capped 30fps at 4K or 60fps with a scalable resolution, mostly hovering at 1080p. I'm on performance mode, and it runs very solid for the most part, but there are plenty of bugs to go around, better hardware can't change that. Poor base Xbox One and PS4 look and run like absolute garbage, which was to be expected but still, they're pretty bad. Review code was only for PC, not a single reviewer got console code, seems obvious why, if you're not on one the new consoles, you're going to have a rough experience. The resolution alone seems to drop to 720p for both consoles, and seems to hover around 15-20fps, yikes. The game is amazing so far though, I don't think it's the second coming of Christ like some gamers have made it out to be, but I think it's really, really good. The world is beautiful, and believable, I feel I am fully in charge of every aspect of my character, what I say, do, how I engage situations, it's a full RPG through and through, I'm pretty happy so far. The bugs I've run into haven't been game breaking either, mostly annoying or humorous, lots of T-Pose NPCs standing around in larger areas.
  13. Got some new Lego in. The Charles Dickens Christmas Carol gift set is pretty neat, not bad at all for a free holiday set.
  14. The fact is every episode of Mandalorian is filmed in the incredibly advanced, expensive, fancy, top of the tech industry tv/monitor room thing they developed specifically for this show, so not a single part of the production design was lacking, it was all intentional. Just because they chose a more "average" looking or reserved location for the big fight doesn't mean it comes off as lacking or cheap to me, it was intentional, that's just the area they chose to have this fight in. If you found it lacking so be it, but it was shot in one of the most advanced screening rooms ever created, almost entirely digital, real props and people mixed with incredibly advanced virtual sets, this wasn't just shot in some random desert in Cali.
  15. Holy crap, what an absolutely fantastic episode! Wow! After last week I was expecting some slow down, but nope! Loved, loved, loved the episode, but I love that character, so this was a dream come true for me. I could give a crap less if was fan service, serve that crap up! Star Wars needs to be, at minimum, entertaining, and this episode was monstrously entertaining. I expect the final two episodes will contain the movement in the overall story we were expecting, once again, absolutely nothing wrong with being entertaining and giving fans some brilliant action. Lol in no way, shape or form did this look like a fan film, that's hyperbole, it was fan servicey, yes, but fan film? That's just crazy.
  16. HLJ pricing is only slightly better then BBTS. Honestly, if I wanted any of these, which I don't, I'd just order at BBTS. Being in the US and not having to international ship them will probably balance out with HLJs price. Iron Man is an easy pass, Thor, Hulk and Cap look great, but I've already got soooooo many Marvel Figuarts, including the full Age of Ultron Avengers, which absolutely don't look as good as these, but I really don't need another Figuarts Avengers team.
  17. Roy has arrived from Nin Nin, first batch order. Wow that's some crap, I hope you can get it sorted out. After stressing about Nin Nin even fulfilling orders, having your Roy held up on the last leg of his journey has got to be frustrating. Fedex has pulled that with me before, they got a signature, but couldn't even tell me who signed it. That was Chogokin X Figuarts Hulkbuster, I was livid, I got it sorted and FedEx eventually made the delivery, but it was a crap show.
  18. Exact same situation. When FedEx first updated it said delivery Thursday, it reached Vegas this morning and is currently out for delivery, that FedEx Priority plays no games. Excited to get my Roy, just Kaki TV 1A and I'm happy with my collection, I'll grab a 1D if I can at retail, not willing to pay more though, 1D would just be a bonus, it's not something I really need.
  19. I snagged Monsterarts Nargacuga for $63 shipped off Hot Topics black Friday sale, of all places. I was waiting on stock at BBTS for retail price, this works :). My Rathalos is on the way too, and I'm in for Zinogre when orders open, love me some Monster Hunter.
  20. For those that ordered through Nin Nin and received a shipping notice, but haven't seen any progress, my package is officially in the hands of FedEx and is on the way. No delivery date yet, but is is finally moving.
  21. Got tracking from Nin Nin, glad to see they came through! I'm relieved! Fedex Priority, should receive Roy early next week, hope everyone else's orders go through.
  22. Exact same here, same shipping, nothing yet. Should here from them today or tomorrow at the latest if all is well.
  23. So I guess in the next week those of us that ordered at Nin-Nin will see if we do in fact get the Roy 1S we paid for, or if we're getting screwed, fun!
  24. I really just want to see a single Predator again, no team, no Predator civil war, just one single nearly unstoppable beast doing it's thing, hunting. Also, just make it an OG Predator, not another hybrid or Super Predator. It's definitely tough in the beginning, but I loved that, that feeling of no hope, just despair, you know you can't fight, just run. It gets better eventually, you definitely can't outright fight or kill the Xeno, but you can drive it away, which kept the feeling of an unkillable stalker, you know the best you can do is buy time. Also, from a game design standpoint, the Alien AI in Isolation was award-worthy, it was such a brilliantly designed monster, it nailed everything that made the Xeno such an icon in the first film, and the tech and AI behind the creature itself was amazing.
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