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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. Got a Figuarts Loki for $57 shipped. I've seen the reviews so I know what to expect, at that price I had to bite.
  2. You'll enjoy him in this, he never becomes a main character, but always remains a pretty integral character. Plus he's pretty deadpan funny, he plays a good roll.
  3. I had a very hard time with the accents too, they're thick and heavy, especially when Tom Hardys character shows up, he's got a real mouth full of marbles accent going. I watched nearly the entire first season with subtitles, by then I was sort of used to it, especially the main cast, there's a lot of characters that speak The Queens English/Proper English, and it can be a bit much at times. If you can power through it, it's definitely a great show with an excellent, quite expansive cast, lots of A list talent involved.
  4. I'm addicted to Peaky Blinders right now on Netflix, I watched four seasons in two weeks, I'm already onto the latest season. Really good show, excellent performances, great soundtrack, it's a very solid gangster series.
  5. Holy crap, wish granted, this is totally bought! Looks fantastic! Vip orders open February 15th, I'm definitely in.
  6. I had no idea this was a thing, but I'm totally in, Shin Godzilla was fantastic! That Ultraman design is quite classic, I like it, definitely not the big redesign Godzilla got in his Shin movie.
  7. Yeah this was a solid episode, we certainly got some answers to a few things, the timeline is pretty locked down as well now. Also, it was really cool to see two MCU side characters brought back into things. As far as what I think is going on overall, I'm firmly in one camp.
  8. It most certainly is, she's the internet's new gaming obsession right now.
  9. I got to try the Resident Evil 8 Village demo on my buddies PS5, pretty creepy, but if you didn't like 7 I highly doubt you'll be interested in 8. I find it funny almost nobody is talking about the actual demo, the internet and everyone on it seems to just be obsessed with the sexy eight foot tall vampire lady lol.
  10. Oh it's definitely made from Godzilla dorsal fins/plates, which is pretty awesome. The big question is if he fastens this himself in the movie from an encounter with Godzilla, or if he finds it on Skull Island, left by one of his ancestors from the apparently age old Godzilla-Kong rivalry.
  11. Yeah I could go either way too, I'd understand if they dropped or kept her, she was pretty solid in the role, came off like a badass, but like most people these days, she's really not doing herself any favors with the idiotic tweeting. I felt in the Bill Burr episode of season 2 she kind of had a thing with Bill Burr's character, I figured we'd get an announcement of a New Republic series starring her and Bill, which I'd definitely watch.
  12. I already posted this in the Kong V Godzilla thread, but hot damn I'm excited to see these! Bandai wasted no time after that trailer dropped to get these promo shots out! They both look fantastic, I'm excited to get my hands on them, especially Kong.
  13. Aaaaaaaaand my wish is granted. These both look fantastic, I really don't need another Legendary Godzilla, I have G2014 and KotM Godzilla, but I'm a Godzilla fanboy so I'll be buying this one too.
  14. So I'm really enjoying Attack on Titan's final season, but my question is, and I've searched but not really found definitive answers, will the anime have an original ending? I read up to the "Jeagerists" storyline in the manga, which I believe the anime is just about getting to, the manga is ending in April, and this is the final season of the anime, was there a Game of Thrones situation where the showrunners got with the manga creator and got filled in on the ending? Or will there be two endings? One anime and one manga? Also, last weekend I finally watched the live action Attack on Titan movies and wow, they were like, really terrible. I thought the Full Metal Alchemist movie had a really, really, hard to get past cast, but Attack on Titan was far more egregious. Also, why make those movies so soon? The original story, setting and ending were terrible. The Japanese, like, just sort of, somehow created a virus, or mutagen or something, that makes random people into titans? No Levi? What an awful couple of films, with the only saving grace being the actual titan action, which looked pretty good, and was pretty intense. The ODM gear stuff looked terrible, which I expected.
  15. I liked Gina's performance, she's still a bit stiff but that's to be expected, she's not a "traditional" actor, she's a UFC star turned action star, those people are never and never will be great actors. I wouldn't be bothered much if Disney canned her, she said some stupid crap about a virus that has killed over 300,000 Americans, she's very popular now and has a platform that reaches quite a lot of people, being in the spotlight, common sense would dictate not saying dumb crap about something so serious, if Disney wants to distance her from their very, very popular IP, so be it. I'm glad the hubub around Rosario was mostly dropped, only the most cringy and whiny sites still bother to bring up her dropped accusations, which as I said, were dropped. She did great as Ahsoka, and I'm very interested to see her future as the character. Honestly? I'm ready for Book of Boba, I read all of the, mostly crappy, expanded universe stuff around Boba because I really liked the character and felt he was done dirty in RotJ, getting a canon revival of the character has me giddy.
  16. Oh zero arguments about the humans in KotM, Godzilla films have always had human moments in between the kaiju action, and it's always cringy and stupid, but KotM went above and beyond that. The entire plot only moved forward because the humans made, not just stupid decisions, but the stupidest decisions ever in a Godzilla film, showa era Toho Godzilla included, it was beyond terrible. I plan on watching this for the spectacle alone, King Kong vs Godzilla was my most watched Godzilla VHS tape, I've been dreaming about this film since G2014 and Skull Island. I fully expect more awful human moments, which is a bummer, but at least I won't go in disappointed on that front, I just want some expensive Kong vs Godzilla CG action. Also, MechaGodzilla confirmed.
  17. As we've seen in the previous two films Godzilla's atomic breath isn't anywhere near as strong as the Japanese Toho films. Ghidorah and the MUTO took multiple blasts without vaporizing, they honestly shrugged them off pretty easily. Also, he can't use it often, it's a trump card, and Kong is fast and more agile. Maybe watch the film? Seems silly to count it out already and call it franchise ruined, you're already suspending belief watching any film about kaiju. Also Superman doesn't kill, as stupid as that film was, Superman obviously just entertained Batfleck's nonsense without really hurting him. Looks fantastic to me, I loved Skull Island, and both Legendary Godzilla films to varying degrees. I've got HBO Max so I'm absolutely watching it multiple times, and I'll be grabbing it on 4K when I can. I'm excited to see the eventual Monsterarts Kong figure.
  18. Grabbed an extra Mezco One:12 Moon Knight for customizing, very solid figure if you're a fan of the character. I got figuarts IG and Mark I, finally, too. Haven't cracked IG open but Mark I is fantastic, and with Mark I my Figuarts Hall of Armor is finally complete, MCU Mark I-VII look real good together.
  19. It looks pretty accurate to me, those old Cadillac MMs were massive, massive vehicles, basically boats. This complete Ecto-1 is 18" long, pretty big model.
  20. Ecto-1 showed up today, looks good, can't wait to dive in. I'll be leaving off the "rust" stickers, and I'm switching the ladder to the other side.
  21. I very much remember the first trailer, and that it was a YouTube Red exclusive, and felt the same. I had two questions, who is this for? And is there any chance this won't be terrible? Look where we are now, it's absolutely one of my favorite new TV shows in recent years, it's a ton of fun.
  22. Lego UCS/Creator Expert Ecto-1 showed up today. Looks like a fun build, I'll be leaving the "rust" stickers off, and I'll be moving the ladder over to the original two film's side asap.
  23. Loved, loved, loved this new season. Wow, it was just so damn fun and satisfying! It's cheesy to the max, beyond cheese, the performances are pretty bad and you can predict every scene as it happens, but still, it's just oh-so enjoyable, it really takes you back. Who would've though in 2020/2021 people would become obsessed with a fictional California youth karate story from the eighties? I bet the showrunners and producers are beyond excited for the Netflix situation, I can say I never bothered with this show when it was on YouTube Red, I never even considered checking it out, and I never heard much hype around it. Put it on a relevant platform and BOOM! Mega hit.
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