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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. Got a few things in, including my pile of loot from BBTS. I paid more then I wanted to for Iron Fist, but he's gotten nothing but positive reviews, and he's my favorite Marvel character, so I had to have him. Harlequin suit Harley was blowing up in price and selling out so I grabbed her too, looks good with my Mezco whatever-whatever exclusive Joker.
  2. Yeah I wasn't really implying this four hour cut would've worked in theaters, just whatever Snyder would've cooked up for his promised 3 hour theatrical release probably would've still been better then what we got. Looking back at the theatrical release, they cut a lot of what I'd consider pretty essential stuff that made the whole film flow better, and make more sense. Either way, I feel the theatrical cut needed more time, it was terribly rushed, to the detriment of pretty much everything in the film.
  3. Woof, yeah, those are bad. The Infinity War figures have better faces, what the hell happened here? Also, no WandaVision? I want a Scarlet Witch Figuart, and that show was a perfect time to finally give us Figuarts Vision, with an easy White Vision repaint.
  4. I finished the whole series up Tuesday night, I liked it. Animation was solid, I liked the new jaeger and kaiju designs, action was admittedly a bit more weightless then I'd like, but I enjoyed it overall. I'm definitely a bit iffy about... I'm definitely in for another season. I'm even more excited for Godzilla Singular Point, also Terminator, Netflix is killing it with the animated stuff. I need more Castlevania ASAP as well.
  5. I too wouldn't say I hated the theatrical cut, but it was definitely beyond mediocre, boring, and was obviously cut up from two versions by two directors, it didn't feel complete at all. I'd definitely say I enjoyed the Snyder Cut as a whole, it was an actually enjoyable, easy to follow Justice League film. Snyder Cut is definitely one of the better DCEU films at this point IMO, I'd definitely say I enjoyed it as much as and more then some different MCU films.
  6. I really liked it, it was much better then the theatrical cut, which isn't saying much, but this version was a film I actually enjoyed. I think the theatrical cut should've been 3 hours minimum, there's just so much that wasn't explained in the theatrical cut, it needed more time. I'd honestly put Snyder cut above BvS, Suicide Squad, Harley Quinn solo movie, and WW84, it was definitely a more enjoyable, more coherent film. The 4:3 was jarring for all of five minutes, I stopped noticing after that. This is definitely the cut we should've gotten, every characters motivations make sense, the villain makes more sense, and looks better, it was all just far better paced and better told, scene by scene actually made sense over the really dodgy theatrical cut.
  7. I'm not into Joes at all so this is an easy pass for me, but there's zero denying that's a fantastic looking Destro, those accessories look great.
  8. God I feel like such a moron for not keeping my Iron Fist pre-order at BBTS. They've already bumped the price up to $110 and they don't even have their stock in yet, most sites are already sold out and aftermarket prices are already reaching $150. Same thing happened with KGBeast, which I did get for retail at BBTS, he sold out immediately and blew up to $200. These are both regular releases, what is happening? Are some of these characters really just selling out like this or are there less being made? Gambit and Two-Face too, pre-orders are open for months at a time, then they seem to immediately sell out as soon as they actually release. I went ahead and grabbed a harlequin classic suit Harley on Amazon because surprise, surprise, she too is now disappearing at retail.
  9. Yeah I'm in the US and this has been on "worth the wait" on US Netflix for a month now, Netflix also did the other animated Godzilla trilogy, they seem to be grabbing up a lot of the Toho animated stuff. Looks good to me, there's some interesting redesigns of some classic kaiju, Anguirus in particular looks cool, very Ankylosaurus. Also, Jet Jaguar is always appreciated, I've always had a soft spot for Jack Nicholson-bot.
  10. About two weeks ago I stupidly dropped my Iron Fist pre-order at BBTS thinking I'd just grab one somewhere else earlier, now he's selling out and BBTS isn't taking orders anymore, and of course, he looks fantastic. This has happened before and it's a bummer, I hope BBTS has more on the day they get their stock, prices are already creeping.
  11. Yeah I finally caught Superman too and I liked it, I thought it'd be more cringe with the two sons but it's not too bad. At this point I've gotta wonder how much longer the Arrow-verse has? Flash can't last much longer, Supergirl is done, Legends is probably on it's last season, Black Lightning is ending, and I can't imagine Batwoman is going to last. We'll never see a crossover like Crisis again, a chunk of those characters are gone, Superman and Batwoman aren't a great pairing, CW had to cancel the Supergirl-Batwoman crossover. Batwoman got gutted when Ruby left, they clearly wanted to do a whole season with Hush, and of course, the above mentioned Supergirl crossover. That terrible back door pilot for Canaries flopped, outside bringing previous heros back just for crossovers, the Arrow-verse is shrinking.
  12. MP Skids looks good, but I'm pretty done and happy with my MP collection, I just wanted season 1 Cons and Autobots. Interesting to see this more kibbly, Hasui-like design for the bot. I wonder what the accessory count will look like, and from that, the price tag?
  13. I'll snap a few pics when I can, I actually don't have room for Rathalos in my display, and now Special Color Biollante is on the way so I need to rework some space before I crack into either figure.
  14. Just in, $106 shipped, not bad at all. Another steal from Hot Topic, of all places.
  15. Sure am, I'm waiting on BBTS to put up the shock doggy, their prices on the Monsterarts stuff has been solid, even accounting for the tax they now charge. With Rathalos out we can get an easy Rathian, and from Zinogre an easy Stygian Zinogre repaint. Coincidentally I just got this guy in, $106 shipped isn't bad at all.
  16. Some of my favorite sets are the UCS and Creator Expert vehicles, so I had to have this ASAP, it doesn't hurt that I've always had a soft spot for the 911 in general, it's a gorgeous machine. Speaking of the 911. It looks fantastic, I'm excited to check it out.
  17. I still think these are the only good live action anime adaptations, so I'm definitely excited for more.
  18. Any updates on your Supes? Unfortunately I've read you're not alone in your situation, other folks on other toy boards are reporting the same thing. My personal friend got one directly through Mezco same as us and he's got no progress yet either. He contacted customer service and they told him his order was still in processing, and that they have more units on the way for the remaining orders like his, and I assume yours unless you got an update. Got my Lego 911 in, looks absolutely gorgeous. I'm really excited to crack into this one, as many Lego sets as I have, the UCS and Creator Expert cars and vehicles are definitely some of my favorites. I'm going Turbo out of the box, I'll convert it over to Targa in a few weeks.
  19. It looks to just be a 2.0 of their previous stripe Wolverine. Mezco is absolutely in on 2.0 figures, this and the new Superman are proof. edit: Stripe Wolverine and Superman also commanded quite a bit on the aftermarket, I'm sure that pushed Mezco to do newer versions of these more sought after figures.
  20. Well hot damn, this looks fantastic. I've been keeping up with this film because the talent involved is exactly what a proper MK movie needs, actual martial artists, and talented stunt workers. That teaser isn't official, it's fan made, using footage from the YouTube MK series from a few years back, and tiny little snippets of real footage from the new movie.
  21. Mezco One:12 Reeve 78 Superman arrived. Didn't expect the circular tin, pretty cool.
  22. I just grabbed a Porsche 911 off Lego.com, good looking set, looks like a fun build. VIP access started today, I should have it in hand Tuesday.
  23. Mezco tried to charge me this morning for Reeve Superman, but their site sucks and their checkout and charging system is garbage so for some reason it didn't go through. I was told they'll attempt to charge three more times then cancel my order, they attempted again on the same card not even minutes later, and it failed again. This is the same card I pre-ordered with, and is active with plenty of funds, good God their site sucks. I swapped to another card and hopefully it goes through no issues. If it fails again I'm emailing them and letting them know they better not cancel my order because of their garbage system, I will absolutely cancel every order I have for a One:12 figure and I will never buy one again if they screw me on this.
  24. Anyone know where I could source an MP-36 "clean" chest piece? I dug my MP-36 out of storage and I apparently lost the non-damaged chest at some point, he had the battle damaged chest on inside the box, and the other is nowhere to be found. I really don't want to have to buy a KO or something for this one piece, but I've had zero luck finding any damaged figures, or parts lots, containing that regular chest piece.
  25. Same. Bought immediately, he looks really good, and those accessories are fantastic.
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