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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. It's a pass for me, I don't do the Rumble Society and Gomez stuff. I'm a bit bummed it's not Bond, I was hoping for some Sean Connery One:12 Bond action.
  2. I put together some more glass shelves and finally had room to bust Special Color Biollante and Special Color Ghidorah out, along with some Lego and Ninja Turtles. I've got Zinogre, Final Wars Gigan and Biollante Goji on pre-order, I'm excited to see the full pictures of Final Wars Godzilla.
  3. Finally got some shelves up in my fun room, sorry for the awful picture, all I've got is my garbage phone camera. I got my "modern" Wonder Woman in so I was able to finish my One:12 JL.
  4. I watched Tomorrow War too and really enjoyed it, it was something I wouldn't have minded paying to see in a theater, but thankfully didn't have to. The aliens were cool looking, and actually quite menacing and dangerous. Plus, we could actually see the creatures, in and out of action, they were cool designs, I liked them, nothing spectacular or original mind you, but they seemed like a real threat. Admittedly, the movie was horribly predictable, as others said above, you can basically guess the next scene, scene after scene, and there were copious amounts of idiotic moments. My favorite stupid part was at the end when I liked it, and fully expected a little scene at the end showing off a surviving egg but nope, I wanted a chance to see The Tomorrow War: Now.
  5. I watched the whole series over fourth of July and I enjoyed it for the most part, it's certainly better then the current Netflix-Zilla trilogy with the stupid Mecha-Godzilla-City and energy-being Ghidorah nonsense. I actually really liked the new monster designs overall, they worked for me, I also really enjoyed that they kept the original roar sounds as close as possible, that was a neat touch. What didn't I like? The techno-babble, it was far, far too much for me. In Godzilla, especially modern Godzilla, you are to expect some techno-babble, it comes with the territory, but I can fully admit I got completely lost on what the hell the mcguffin, or mcguffins were, by the fifth episode, it was really hard to follow. Then to make matters worse, Like I said I enjoyed it, but god damn, give us a more straight story next time, this and the CG anime trilogy both had really out there stories and setups for what is on the surface, quite simple setups, giant monsters and/or robots fighting, with some humans around to talk and be in awe at. We don't need time travel, future versions of Earth, singular points, red misty crap, just give us a more straight forward Godzilla story next time please.
  6. I was expecting a chip upgrade, and 4K resolution while docked so yup, color me disappointed. I use my Switch in handheld mode, a lot, far more often then docked, but this is still a pass for me. This seems like a cool mid-life update for those without a Switch entirely, not exactly upgrade worthy if you already have one.
  7. It's Abomination/Emile Blonsky from Incredible Hulk with Ed Norton, which is MCU, but it was that weird bastard child of Marvel Studios and Universal Pictures before the MCU truly took off. This is a precursor to his appearance on the Disney+ She-Hulk series.
  8. Anyone have the Orville XL? I really liked that show and am contemplating grabbing my first Eaglemoss, I really liked that ship. I checked reviews and it seems a bit of a mixed bag, there's some pretty bad paint detail and markings on some, others seem mostly fine.
  9. Metro Exodus: Enhanced dropped today and I'm really hyped to finally try it out. Exodus first came out in 2019, but since I got my Series X I was waiting on the announcement of an enhanced edition, and it happened, and it's finally here! I've never played a Metro game, I've heard nothing but good things from those that have though, seems right up my alley, first person survival horror, post-apocalyptic, it checks my boxes. I'm glad I waited, 4K, 60fps, ray-tracing it's got all the bells and whistles, this is easily one of the most substantial current-gen upgrades yet, I'm really impressed. Also, the Metro trilogy is on sale on the Xbox store for $45, that's a killer price for all three games, which is both Redux versions of the first two games, and Exodus with all the DLC. I'm playing out of order, I want to try Exodus first, but I'm definitely diving into 2033 after I'm done, then onto Last Light.
  10. I'm dying to get my hands on Ghost Rider, looks frakking fantastic! He's the last big player I need for my Mezco One:12 Marvel Knights. And Black Skulls? Did you get multiple? I've been seeing some Krig army building shots and damn, that's a lot of money right there.
  11. frakking ordered. Wow, they look fantastic, and I can't be mad at $420, that's a lot of figures and accessories, plus I'm assuming a really nice collector tin to hold everyone. I'm double glad they included multiple Reed head sculpts, I like my Reed with a beard! Doom when? He's teased in one of their group shots, I hope Mezco go all out and hit him with a good bit of metal.
  12. This would be cool, I've stuck with the Arrowverse until the most current seasons and I really enjoyed the big Crisis crossover, seeing Ezra Flash on CW-Flash was pretty cool. He even got his name, The Flash, from CW Barry/Flash, Snyder Flash didn't even have a name through all of Justice League, he was just Barry.
  13. I'm on episode 7 and yup, really, really enjoying this series. The world-building, characters, all very enjoyable, the production values are solid, the performances are good all around, it's a very fun new series, I recommend it as well.
  14. I think I'm grabbing it too, I passed on the piano, but the typewriter is just too cool, I need it.
  15. I continuously forget this movie is still moving forward, with Snyder-Flash no less. Didn't Ezra Miller choke a fan or something? How did he get out of that? Aren't the next MCU Spidey and Doctor Strange movies covering multi-verse stuff too? The DCEU, or Snyder-Verse, or whatever people want to call it now, seems far too "young" to be doing multi-verse stuff already, more-so considering Flashpoint was basically at the end of what was the main DC comic universe.
  16. Looks okay but it's an easy pass for me, I'm plenty happy with my SoC Voltron. I don't like a number of things I've seen on this one since pics started popping up this morning, covering the arm-lions legs is cool, but they stopped there, the leg-lions don't get covered, which looks odd. I'm seeing a serious lack of neck on the arm-lions too, it's a bit weird looking. I'm also not a fan of the thigh section of the combined mode, it looks odd, two silvery blocks stacked on each other, the lower section can rotate, breaking the clean uniform look of the "thigh" area, I think SoC looks better there too, it should be one big section, not separated into two. Also, the SoC just has so many neat little accessories, pretty much everything you'd want, the stand was a neat addition too, this looks to only include the basics.
  17. There is an english dub but I can't speak to the quality or accuracy of it, Netflix english dubs can get pretty messy and off at times.
  18. Seems not which is a bummer, the series is fantastic, and agreed, it's part political period piece and part zombie outbreak series, which is a cool combo. The political part is really intriguing to me, Korea has been putting out more and more films and series like this, Parasite was a brilliant film and that was full of commentary, this series is no different. The political parts are plenty interesting themselves, the way the people in charge fail time and time again, after so many warnings, so many chances to do right, it's great. Without spoiling things the zombie stuff snowballs really well, it just keeps building, and the zombies themselves, depending how far in you are, have some fairly interesting rules and qualities to them that set them apart from most other zombies in most other series. It's a good series, lots of intrigue, action, solid performances, the production values are pretty top notch too, it's solid overall, and as I first said, a good zombie series for those that don't really like zombie stuff, or are suffering from zombie fatigue.
  19. Modern Wonder Woman finally dropped at BBTS! I'm really excited to check her out and get her posed up with the rest of the Mezco One:12 Justice League, gotta wait on a few more items to come out before I ship my Pile of Loot at BBTS though, MonsterArts Godzilla dropped, but Kong hasn't yet for whatever reason.
  20. I should've added pre-order again, I actually already had all four up for pre-order on BBTS the day they went up. I cancelled telling myself I didn't need another Figuarts Avengers team, but the full team shots look good so I'll probably be caving.
  21. It's also available on Hulu. In fact, season 2 starts tonight, and the new episode will be up on Hulu tomorrow, Hulu gets all Fox and FX stuff next day after it's on TV.
  22. Definitely looks cool but not really my thing, when the hell is the Mezco "modern" Wonder Woman dropping? I thought I read it was soon, I need her to finish off my One:12 Justice League.
  23. For anyone else playing Monster Hunter:Rise, the 3.0 update drops tonight at 8pm. Apex Zinogre, a few other odds and ends, but most importantly, Valtrex, the jet powered Elder Dragon is being added! That's frakking awesome, Valtrex was always a really fun, challenging fight, and he's just a cool monster overall, I'm excited to slaughter him multiple times over and make his Gunlance!
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