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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. Yup this is exactly what I'm expecting too, these What If stories weren't as random and one-off as we thought, I imagine several heroes from several previous episodes will be making a Multi-Versal Avengers team. I also think that Agreed though, that last episode was fantastic overall, and for me personally, did the Age of Ultron right, he got done pretty dirty in his own movie. Ultron is a massive, important, big time Avengers threat, I was bummed he got wrapped up in a single movie, I know it was all building towards Thanos, but Ultron is no slouch. Watched Venom 2 last night so
  2. I have the Figma DX too but that isn't movie Deadpool so I absolutely need this too, he'll go in the Endgame display somewhere, he'll be in the MCU eventually. I'm a but bummed by the lack of guns, his hip pads look so sad blatantly not having his big Desert Eagles on them. Swords are cool, but not guns? I read DC was trying to move their figures away from including guns but I didn't know Marvel was getting in on that too, even Figuarts John Walker Captain America comes with his side-arm, why no guns for DP?
  3. I'm gutted, Norm was beyond hilarious, easily one of my top five comedians ever, he was brilliant. RIP good sir, you kept the laughs coming, he's had so many fantastic bits over the years it's too difficult to pick a favorite, he was a legend for sure.
  4. I wore out three copies of this on VHS growing up, it's just so good, it revolutionized the film industry, this film set a new standard for special effects in film period.
  5. Lego UCS Tumbler pre-ordered, now the wait. I'm also in for that scaled down Disney Castle, my girlfriend has always been interested in the big expensive one but isn't a fan of the price or size, this one works, I'll grab it for her when orders go up, early Christmas shopping for the win.
  6. What If Zombies was fun enough, I was a big fan of the comic run so I was interested to see what Disney would do with a more toned down version set in the MCU, not bad. Overall I've really been enjoying this series, the animation and voice work is a bit hit and miss, but at least, for the most part, it's the real actors reprising their MCU rolls so that really helps add authenticity.
  7. I skipped the first UCS Tumbler, won't be making that mistake again, this is absolutely bought.
  8. I'm really, really conflicted, I have Beskar Mando, but this new one has quite a few improvements, wired cape, better head proportions and neck length, improved weapon storage, I also broke the stupid little holster on my Beskar Mando the very first time I tried to swap the holstered blaster for the empty blaster holster piece. Boba is an instant buy though, he looks brilliant, unmasked head is a huge bonus, I didn't know if Bandai would bother with that or not. I may scalp accessories from my Beskar Mando and grab this one, as long as the flamethrower piece is compatible I'll keep that and sell the regular Beskar release for cheap on Ebay.
  9. Agreed, I mean I get it, he's a main character now but it seems a bit silly, it's just a word, there's never been any kind of implication or ill intent. I guess overall it's not a great word to think of as cool when it comes to a main character's ship, someone we'll probably end up seeing as a bit of a hero by the end of the season. Yeah I'm thinking there will be a story reason, he'll shift from blatant bad guy that had questionable allegiances on Mandalorian to grey area anti-hero. Unfortunately then I'll feel he'll just kind of be Din without the code, we'll have to see, Disney canon hasn't done much with Boba compared to all the old EU "legends" stuff out there.
  10. Is this for real? I had read a smaller Slave I LEGO set was recently labeled as "Boba Fett's Ship", I figured that was just because it's a kid's toy line, but this seems like an actual name change is coming. https://www.ign.com/articles/boba-fett-slave-1-firespray-ship-new-name Not that I care all that much but this seems pretty unnecessary, is this because of the upcoming Book of Boba series? Is he fully transitioning to anti-hero so Disney wants to make him less, I don't know, vulgar or villainous? The Firespray is an odd title, it's like calling the Millennium Falcon The Corellian Light Freighter.
  11. Seconded, Mandrake always does a fantastic job with packing and shipping, they pack every item like it's made of glass, I love it. Speaking of which, I grabbed a 1D at 28,000 plus shipping from Mandrake, it'll be here tomorrow, I'm excited.
  12. Seems so, Vicious and Spike didn't sell too well and they didn't receive super positive reviews. I think Bandai messed up releasing Vicious after Spike, should've been Faye after Spike, then more crew members.
  13. Oh frakk yes! I'm in! I loved this take on Jet Jaguar, Singular Point as a whole was mostly okay, but I really dug the designs! I'm guessing this is big boy JJ from the final episode, Singular Point Godzilla already comes with little static, non-poaseable JJ in it's first two forms.
  14. Easy pass on MP Cliffy, being based on 2.0 Bee nails that for me, I really thoroughly dislike the chibi alt mode, and honestly bot mode too, I like my alt modes as realistic as possible. I'm once again glad I was buying in on third party back when a lot of those options were available, I got the X-Transbots and haven't looked back, the bot mode isn't perfect, but the alt mode is aces, and looks great next to the original MP Bee. Cool for those interested though, Takara needs to get off their asses and make more bots that they haven't done yet, chill out on the 2.0 and 3.0 figures. Especially mini-bots, everyone needs more mini-bots.
  15. It's not the best but it's better then nothing. The original One:12 Supes doesn't have any kind of smiling or smirking face, this is at least a step up from that.
  16. Looks good, I pre-ordered at BBTS, I was waiting on confirmation of a smiling face and they included one, mission accomplished Mezco. I have the original One:12 Superman still but this looks much better, even used and open I should be able to sell it for enough to cover this new Supes, works for me.
  17. Superman was in the hospital after catching a kryptonite bullet from Bloodsport, it's stated early on in the movie, it's why he's in prison. As for the rest, my guess is the Batman stuff from the first movie was pretty much ignored like many other events and revelations from the first film, this was a sequel but also light reboot.
  18. Anyone else with GamePass, a new game I've had my eye on for months is dropping tomorrow, The Ascent. It looks like an absolutely blast, and it's quite gorgeous to boot, it's an isometric ARPG twin-stick shooter, in a cyberpunk setting. Think Diablo and Helldivers, but less emphasis on random loot, grinding and endgame. Devs have said 15-20 hours for just the main story, 30+ if you want to do, see and collect everything, side quests included. This is a really impressive looking indie IMO, and it was made by a dev team of just 12 people, that's insane! RPG elements, character customization, destructible environments, four player coop, there's a cover system, in an iso twin-stick shooter, it's pretty interesting. I have GamePass Ultimate so I'm absolutely in, I've been following it for about a half a year now, after Cyberpunk 2077 turned out to be far less then stellar I wanted a new, fully functional cyberpunk fix, this looks like it.
  19. The whole movie was frakking weird start to finish. Lebron sucks, but yeah, he's the hero I guess? The villain is weird, the big conflict is weird, building the team is weird, the new Monster people team are weird, the ungodly number of references, easter eggs and cameos were weird, the whole movie was just super, super confusing and odd. I'm still really, really baffled this was made, the original made no sense either, but somehow seemed more plausible? The whole tech angle was weird, the whole movie happens because apparently a movie studio has access to technology that is advanced enough to digitize a human being? What? Did the Tunes World get moved into this digital world at some point? If it's the same one as the first film, that existed in the center of the Earth, or something, why is it all digital now? Do Bugs and the gang actually exist or not? Yes, fever dream is also how I'd describe it, it's just such a weird movie start to finish.
  20. I get that, but a lot of people these days haven't seen the original series, this was supposed to be a jumping off point for new fans, and I don't think it was a very good one. They went in aiming to subvert expectations, and mission accomplished, but I never really had expectations beyond thinking this was a fresh start, instead I got a shake up for a several decades old series I hadn't seen. I guess I may check out one of the more recent reboot series, this wasn't really what I was expecting.
  21. I only got three episodes in but got pretty tired of it. I've never seen a single full episode of the original series, or any He-Man series really, so I went in thinking this was a reboot series, it's not, it's a sequel to the original series, and maybe one more series after that? I don't remember, or care really. I went in wanting to see a He-Man reboot, I didn't get that, I got The Teela Show. I feel the marketing for this series pulled a bait and switch, hard, the trailers and little Netflix previews you get when you scroll over the series shows a lot of He-Man footage, basically all of which comes from the first episode... There's only five episodes, so I'm sure I'll finish it some day, but for now, this was a bit of a drag. It's just not what I was expecting, and had the show had a better, more interesting and relatable protagonist, I'd probably be able to stay on board, but nope, Teela is like, the worst.
  22. Gotham by Gaslight Joker certainly looks fantastic, but it's a pass for me as well. Gotta say though, this Joker in particular certainly looks the most like The Man Who Laughs, which is what Joker was based on in the first place, kinda cool.
  23. Absolutely agreed, Dead Space was perfection made survival horror, I put it up there with the best, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, etc. That said, I feel a bit skummy supporting this, EA bought, then killed the original studio that made Dead Space, now they've got another team scavenging it's carcass to make a remake. I'm pretty mixed on this, I may wait for a sale before I buy in.
  24. Fat chance but if anyone in the US has a spare I'd be interested. I'm officially moved into my new place, I hadn't pre-ordered because of this, I didn't know how tight money would be right now with the move, but I've got more fun money flex then I thought I'd have, 1D amounts of flex.
  25. I've had Hulu as long as I've had Netflix and I love it, tons of stuff to watch, especially since I dropped cable completely years ago. My number one binge suggestion would be Mr In-Between. Highly, highly, highly recommended, it's an FX series about a man in New Zealand that's former military turned "fixer". The lead is brilliant, it has fantastic performances, it's got a bit of dark humor here and there, and it's got some short but powerful, violent scenes, it's easily one of my favorite new shows in years. I'd also recommend Solar Opposites, Marvels MODOK, Fargo from FX, season 1 in particular, Bobs Burgers, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Palm Springs which is a hilarious Hulu original movie, Sons of Anarchy and Mayans, The Americans, Hulu's new Animaniacs is fantastic, Black Sails is a really good Starz pirate series, and Handmaid's Tale had two good seasons, one bad, then one okay. Agreed, Vikings was awesome, loved it. I just finished Black Summer on Netflix, both seasons, and I HIGHLY recommend it. It's not an original twist on zombies, nothing you haven't seen before, they're the fast kind, which ups the intensity IMO, but intensity is the name of the game with this series. Every episode usually has multiple little "mini" episodes in each one, varying in length, some just a minute or two, some take up the whole episode, but the stories tie together. You see how some people got here, or how that happened there, and scenes are shown out of order, Tarantino style. You can't really pin down main characters, people die often, there's no plot armor, and no real big actors to necessitate plot armor. The zombies are insane, fast, relentless, zero regard for themselves, truly terrifying, and people turn after dying quick. Like I said it's nothing terribly new for the genre, but it's executed VERY well, production values are solid, it's legitimately intense and scary, I really enjoyed it.
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