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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. Yeah I love the Figuarts Turtles, best toon turtles ever made IMO, the NECA stuff is NECA, which is an easy pass. Yeah I've seen that's a common complaint, they definitely look a bit skinny. That said I'll probably be cancelling my pre-order on One:12 Battison and getting the Figuarts instead, it looks really good overall.
  2. Missed the boxed part, that's definitely even more weird, it's gotta be the plastic. Those boxes aren't vacuum sealed or anything, but I don't see how anything, even dust, could've creeped inside the box onto the figures themselves if they were closed up. If I remember right that plastic was a bit odd from release, it's a bit "waxy", definitely doesn't seem like the usual stuff.
  3. Woops, yup, missed that completely. Agreed though, The Wire and Sopranos are some of the best TV ever on TV.
  4. Yeah never seen that before, and I've had my Figuarts Turtles since each one was first released at BBTS, they've been on the shelf for years now. At least he cleaned up, that's some super odd dust collection though, maybe it just looks super odd due to the Turtles color?
  5. Lol I don't think anybody will do that, reception has been pretty lukewarm, 6 or 7 at best on most sites for the two episodes out. Regardless, it was already renewed for a second season so we've got more on the way.
  6. Found a Bronx at Target, no Demona.
  7. Got two, needed two at least, needed first and second movie.
  8. Caught the second episode and I'm still really liking what I'm seeing, the pacing is a bit slow but I'm enjoying it overall, special effects shots look better then most in episode 1. I'm guessing season 1 will end with the fall of Reach and Chief on the Pillar of Autumn coming across the first Halo ring, we'll see though.
  9. I really liked the first episode, the mind-frakkery was high, which is very Moon Knight. Oscar's accent is a bit suspect, but I think that's by design, I'm positive Steve Grant isn't the "original" personality, that's Mark, who we only got glimpses of. I believe Mark's mind swapped to Steve to get away from something, and the reason it sounds like he's faking a British accent is because he is, he's a dude from Chicago, he's just got a lot going on internally.
  10. Still no TV Kaki 1A so those of who are doing the TV squadron can be done yet?
  11. Lol agreed, that part can't really be denied, the real-world physical suits just can't replicate the cheeseable gaminess of the various armors in the games, you definitely get some odd shots and poses due to the clearly quite restrictive armors. I still think they did a good job overall though, everything looks like it should, I think the Spartans look about as good as they can in live action, they will always just look like expensive cosplay because they are, the various nods to the games with the FPS view and shield/shield charge sounds were pretty neat for longtime Halo game fans. I was a bit jarred by just how violent the series is, and I honestly appreciate it, it sells this as a series that's a about a war, not just an FPS where it seems like everyone is shooting marshmallows back and forth. The elites are brutal, and we've never seen Covenant plasma weapons capabilities on non-super soldiers like this, these weapons are devastating. If elites, the noble, honorable soldiers of the Covenant are this brutal I hate to see what Brutes are like, they've gotta be absolute monsters!
  12. It's from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and he goes a lot further then that, that show is absolutely hilarious, one of my all time favorite comedy series ever.
  13. I caught the first episode on my lunch and really liked it, I may have shot myself in the foot starting this Paramount+ free month trial this early though, the first season won't finish before I have to renew so it looks like I'm in for paying for one month of Paramount+, oh well. I like the show! It's definitely Halo, the first episode is a bit lighter on the action then I was expecting but there was a lot to set up. I thought it was a bit jarring at first but the showrunners said that would happen, I figured this was like pulling a band-aid off, just get it over with, now it won't be a lingering question of when, it's over and done with.
  14. Yeah the hoverboard is in scale with the car not minifigs, the old IDEAS set was minifig scale and came with a board Marty could plug onto.
  15. Damn, the hype is very real. https://www.lego.com/en-gb/lego-delorean-is-back I was thinking just a few weeks back when looking at my various UCS and Creator Expert vehicles that a proper DeLorean was a huge missing piece. I have the old Ideas set as well, it's a fun little old set, but not at all up to modern day standards, then I get into work this morning and see this absolutely glorious news! Well done LEGO, bought, probably two honestly, this set looks fantastic!
  16. People are already finding Demona in the wild and BBTS hasn't even put up a pre-order yet, what gives? Also, she looks great.
  17. Yup, this is another incredible series, I'm hyped. Who would've thought funny guy Bill Hader is also a fantastic actor? Seasons 1 and 2 were amazing, great supporting cast too, Anthony Carrigan is frakking fantastic!
  18. I binged this the weekend it came out and agreed, it's a damn good zombie series, it absolutely dunks on Walking Dead and it's various spin-offs in every way. The main thing that blew me away, like with Train to Busan, is how absolutely into it the zombie actors are. I mean, damn, they really sold the fast moving crazy infected zombie thing, big time, they literally throw themselves from scene to scene, it's incredibly intense. This series had, by far, some of the most intense zombie action I've ever seen, it was fantastic! I'd also recommend #Alive on Netflix, not a series but a film, a Korean one, excellent zombie film, one of my new favorites by far. Korea is putting out some damn fine films and series these days, Squid Game, Hellbound, Train to Busan and Peninsula, not to mention they practically own the zombie genre now, putting whatever comes out in the US to shame, with a fraction of the budget. I'd also recommend Kingdom, I've recommended it on here before, it's easily one of the best zombie series ever made, just phenomenal start to finish, there's a tie-in movie for it as well on Netflix. Is anyone else checking out Our Flag Means Death on HBO Max? I binged every episode that's out last night and I really like it, it's very much What We Do In the Shadows, but pirates. It's a bit slow in the first two episodes, but it really picks up in episode 3. Really funny stuff, Taika Waititi is a pretty damn talented guy, he's a solid actor and director, he's putting out a lot of funny stuff these days.
  19. Lol you don't have to text-wall a bunch of nonsense at me to let me know what I apparently believe and that you don't want to watch the show, I could care less if you don't want to watch the show, I was just trying to inform some of the folks that didn't seem to realize this wasn't an exact retelling of the Halo game universe story. -Team Rocket Blasting Off Again!
  20. I actually really, really liked Arcane as well, and I've never played League of Legends. For me personally the best game property adapted to a show or movie would be Castlevania on Netflix, I have played those games, many, many times, the series was absolutely brilliant. Even those though are adaptations, not the exact story of the games, I don't think it's possible to do a 1:1 game to movie, even Uncharted just came out recently and they decided to do a prequel to the first game instead of trying to adapt the first game itself. edit: I also recently watched Welcome to Raccoon City and damn, that was pretty awful, that tried to get closer to adapting both Resident Evil 1 and 2 and failed both games, they took liberties left and right, but mostly it just looked bad and clearly had a Syfy original budget.
  21. Scott Pilgrim vs The World, also, the Watchmen movie was nearly 1;1 until the end, not games but they very faithful adaptations, perhaps too faithful at times. The Dynasty Warriors Netflix film is pretty 1;1, games just don't translate well to film if you're going for an adaptation, they have cutscenes which are the story, but a lot of the big and memorable moments are played out by the player, variable from gamer to gamer. These aren't comics or books that have a single flowing exact story, I don't feel they're comparable at all. I mean, like I said above, I wouldn't compare adapting a book to a game, that's not even a reasonable comparison. Game of Thrones translated well onto TV from a book, yes, would, say, the Telltale Game of Thrones game? No, not at all, for the same reasons almost no other game would either. To each their own, I probably wouldn't have bothered if it was a 1:1 adaptation, I already played the games, I don't want to watch them. There's also the fact that a first person shooter campaign, Halo 1 for example, isn't going to translate to a narrative series easily, or at all. It's a few cutscenes of actual story, then killing stuff, because it's a game, a series in its own universe and continuity gets to focus on the story and characters, something the Halo games were almost never known for, people love the Halo games because of the gameplay, most forget the story beyond kill aliens as Not-Doomguy. Do you not think this will have fan service? Do you think this won't have Master Chief laying waste to Covanent troops just like in the games? As far as Halo goes that's what most people know about the series, and I'm sure this series will have plenty of that, and a Halo, and Cortana, it's all there, just not in the same order or told the same way, let's wait and see if this is any good before we jump to conclusions, once again, the story in the games isn't anything special, and literally everything else from the games is in this series. I'm not sure what you're getting at here, if you wanted an exact adaptation of the first game's story unfortunately you're not getting that. Approve of it or not, it's what the showrunners decided to do, for the best IMO.
  22. Ms. Marvel looks like fun, I'm definitely in! Interesting to see they changed up her powers, I imagine with Mr. Fantastic on the way at some point they didn't want to confuse viewers with two very similar powers, achieved in different ways. Also, it seems Disney wants to wash away memory of their one big, undeniable failure, Inhumans. Good choice, Inhumans was awful, but the MCU needs Kamala.
  23. Only the Grand Inquisitor, and if Vader learns his old master may be alive he'd obviously call on him to help with the hunt, every other Inquisitor is new to the Obi-Wan series, they were an order, usually twelve members strong at any point. Still seems an awfully silly thing to complain about considering they're the most obvious villains for a Jedi on the run after order 66, it just wouldn't make any sense if they didn't appear in this considering the time period. Appearing on Rebels first means nothing, they were just established in canon on that show, for exactly these kinds of stories in this time period, it's why they were obviously a big part of Jedi: Fallen Order as well, that game covered a lot of territory we'll probably see repeated on this very series. Star Wars was made to sell merch and toys to kids, that's the whole series. Lightsabers are the weapons of the force sensitive, some Inquisitors were former Jedi already, some were kidnapped force sensitive individuals who would've become Jedi, lightsabers would always be the main weapon. Jedi temple guards had lightsabers too, plenty of non Jedi and Sith used lightsabers.
  24. It happened on Star Wars Rebels, it was an absolutely brilliant moment and had tons of tiny details going on in it, it was beautiful. Easily one of the most meaningful and emotional lightsaber fights in all of Star Wars, from Obi-Wan changing stances from prequel to OT era, to Maul foolishly attempting to use the same move that killed Qui-Gon, it was easily one of the best moments in all of Star Wars. Rebels delivered some of the best moments in Star Wars period IMO, the Ahsoka and Vader moment was absolutely incredible as well.
  25. The Inquisitors are jedi villains period though, they just appeared first on Rebels, there's quite a few Inquisitors, not all were featured and defeated on Rebels. As I mentioned, they're the main villains in the Jedi: Fallen Order video game as well, they're the villains of the jedi, all jedi, in the post jedi order beginning of the Empire era. Obi-Wan can't fight or duel Vader, that would betray what he said in ANH that he hasn't faced Vader since what we now know was their fight on Mustafar, Inquisitors are jedi baddies that exist and make sense in this time period, Cal Kestis from Jedi: Fallen Order faced them as well, roughly in this exact time period, under nearly identical circumstances. They're the most common sense villains for this time period and were already established in canon, even Moff Gideon on Mandalorian wasn't a "new" villain, he was another Imperial baddy that made sense and fit into that timeline and period. There's no other Sith he could face besides Maul, which he eventually does on Rebels, he didn't face Vader between RotS and ANH which was stated in ANH, I think you're downplaying the Inquisitors too much, they make the most sense, they're the logical villains for a jedi on the run after Order 66, they exist because of surviving jedi from Order 66. Outside of some random, made-up sith or sith-like baddie that would have to be explained away, who should Obi-Wan face? Myself and many others already suspected Inquisitors would be a big deal in this, the timeline just makes sense, they're not Rebels enemies, they're enemies of surviving jedi.
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