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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. Well this works. I'm enjoying SNW and will be moving onto TOS after season 1 wraps up. Not sure if I'll be doing DS9 or TNG next, both seem to get quite a few recommendations. Maybe, someday, one day, I'll check out Discovery and Picard, Picard of course well after I wrap up TNG.
  2. True, I just didn't want to have multiple, mostly empty threads containing a lot of cross info and relevancy. I started a Playmobil thread, won't bother with the other Star Trek stuff because I'll just be watching those series on my own time and keeping the discussion here to SNW.
  3. Started a new thread just for Playmobil. I don't own a single Playmobil set, until now, but they've been putting out some really cool licensed stuff lately. I went ahead and ordered my first Playmobil set, the Enterprise from Star Trek. The retail price of $500 wasn't going to happen with me, not even $400, but if it ever went back down to $300 I'd bite, lo and behold Amazon updated their price again, about $303 plus tax, I jumped at that price, looks like a really cool set! https://www.amazon.com/Playmobil-Star-U-S-S-Enterprise-NCC-1701/dp/B097Q65LD7/ref=asc_df_B097Q65LD7/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=532786061004&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=18431480882016195698&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9030801&hvtargid=pla-1396380901868&psc=1
  4. I know this thread is dedicated to this show but it appears we don't have a Star Trek toys general, or a Playmobil toys general, but Amazon dropped the price on the Playmobil Enterprise, about $300 now. https://www.amazon.com/Playmobil-Star-U-S-S-Enterprise-NCC-1701/dp/B097Q65LD7 I grabbed one, at that price I'll definitely bite, looks like a really fun display piece. Lots of bells and whistles, lots of figures, the usual price, $400+, scared me away, but $300 or so, below $300 would be ideal, works for me.
  5. Watched it last night, really enjoyed it, the boys came back and it was a lot of fun!
  6. I'm passing on the Tech-On stuff, looks cool but just not for me. Venom looks fantastic! Gotta get Carnage at some point too right? Also Gideon is an easy pre-order, I liked Squid Games but those are a pass for me. Best Bandai reveal was that the MonsterArts Monster Hunter line isn't dead! I fully expected Diablos or Tigrex next, but the super bubbly Mizutsune is a welcome addition, works for me!
  7. After season 1 of SNW ends I'll probably go back and watch TOS, then move onto TNG or DS9, I've heard nothing but good things. Lol yeah I've read this before, just jump to season 3, 1 and 2 were a bit uneven, a little rough around the edges.
  8. My girlfriend likes the stories and animation but finds most episodes to be a bit too violent at times. I like the excess myself, Death is right in the title!
  9. Who would want this without a trailer? Is there a deluxe version or something that comes with a trailer?
  10. I thought it was a solid finale, but a really uneven season. Like with Boba, they brought this amazing legacy character back, and had zero idea what to do with them, also like with Boba, this show never justified it's existence.
  11. Shredder's Revenge is easily one of my favorite games of the year so far, it's so damn good! From the makers of Streets of Rage 4 I knew it would be something special, I think I like Turtles more then SoR4 if I'm being honest. The game is fantastic, 6 player coop, solid length, great gameplay, an extended move set beyond the old 90s games, unlockables, it's just such a full, solid package at a great price point. I have Gamepass but absolutely bought a copy myself as well, two actually, one for Series X and one for Switch, it's such a good game, the devs absolutely earned and deserve my money. I ordered the vinyl soundtrack too, I'm a bit bummed I didn't grab the really big edition for Series X when I had the chance, it's such a great little beatem up.
  12. If Bobby "Hamhands" Skullface didn't break it it's probably decently sturdy. I cringed the entire time he "handled" the DX VF-1J he got to review, he clearly didn't go over the instructions, then he whined about it the whole time and basically said it's no better then a FansToys figure. That was one of the most painful to watch reviews I've ever seen in my life.
  13. I started this Saturday night, got to episode four and I'm really enjoying it! My previous Star Trek experience would be the first two JJ films, I've never been into Trek, not my thing, but this show is pretty fun. I'm pretty happy this show was easily accessible for those that aren't up to date on the insane, vast amounts of lore from previous series and films, it's easy enough to jump in on episode 1 and go from there. The weekly quest-style episodes works really well too. Everyone knows the basics of Star Trek, boldly go where no one has before, visit strange new worlds, etc., you know there's Star Fleet, and a cew, and they're on the Enterprise, you just get solid weekly episodes that each have their own conflict and resolution, no need to be aware of everything that happened before and happens after. Slightly unrelated, the Paramount+ app on Xbox is utter garbage. I fired it up to check out episode 1 and the Xbox app only supports 1080p, 2.0 stereo, no HDR or Dolby Vision of any kind. What in the actual frakk? Why even release the app on Xbox? Who in the hell would watch these expensive, fancy looking shows like that? The Series X supports 4K, HDR, Dolby Vision and Atmos, why are these companies releasing garbage, out of date apps for these systems? I saw ads for the Halo series on my Series X all the time while it was on, ads for Paramount+ on Series X, why even do that when the app makes these shows look like absolute trash?
  14. It's a bummer all the licensed stuff keeps getting pushed, I'm not in to their original stuff at all, I just want 89 Batman and Ghost Rider.
  15. So does Optimus Prime become Primal or is Primal a totally different bot like in regular Transformers continuity? Is this set after the Marky-Mark films or after the Bumblebee solo movie? I'm so confused, I thought Bumblebee was getting a sequel and Bay was done with this franchise.
  16. Starfield looks insanely epic, I'm hyped! It's a really ambitious looking game, only thing I'm worried about is performance. Even on the newer Series S and X hardware Bethesda games are known for being rough at launch, I can't imagine Starfield will be any different, if anything, with it's scale, probably worse. Hopefully all those delays helped and it's mostly smooth at launch, the game looks phenomenal!
  17. This looks far, far, far more interesting then every Predator sequel since the second movie, I'm pretty excited. I read there's a Comanche dub, but the movie was filmed in English so I'm not too sure how that will look, I may just stick with English if it looks too off-putting with the Comanche track.
  18. Resident Evil isn't really a "zombie" series, there's zombies in it, yes, but it's not like it's Walking Dead or a Romero of the Dead film. Zombies are just another BOW in the RE universe, most games in the series don't even feature them, so I've never considered the Jovovich series a "zombie" series, those are just bad action movies with lots of monsters. I think they switched to a rip-off Las Plagas in the third film, they were zombie-ish but opened their heads up like Las Plagas and Oroboros infected. I'm in, because I have Netflix and have played and enjoyed every RE game since the first game in the series, but I'm utterly confused by the timeline and continuity. This isn't a reboot series, apparently this is a sequel to the game universe continuity and timeline, but it's a non-canon sequel. So the games happened in this universe, not the newer crappy Raccoon City movie or the Jovovich movies, but the actual Capcom game timeline, but Wesker died in Resident Evil 5 in a volcano. So Wesker is alive, has children, Raccoon City is being rebuilt, people still trust or now have a renewed trust in Umbrella, and Wesker is black?
  19. This actually looks pretty cool, much better then most of the previous films. I think the only newer Predator sequel I liked was with Adrien Brody and Topher Grace, the last one with Rick Flag was beyond god awful, that crap was unapologetically bad.
  20. Shoresy was short, but an easy 10/10 for me, hot damn what a hilarious show. Keeso made him into a full fledged character, not just the one-note mother frakking chirp-master he was on Letterkenny. Highly recommended, only 6 episode and they go fast, but it's a fun little ride, easily one of the greatest hockey-based shows or films I've ever seen, up there with the best for sure like Goon and Enforcer.
  21. Either Vader was Worfed or he is just relishing the chase and the final vengeance over Obi-Wan, and so doesn't mind him getting away a time or two. Doesn't really jive, I know, seeing how it has taken ten years just to get to him again, but there you have it. That's the only way I can interpret it as well, Vader is fine with some cat and mouse now that Obi is flushed out, otherwise he could've and should've just walked through the fire to grab him back. Couldn't he have just force grabbed him again as well?
  22. Damn this looks really good, and dumb, I'm in! Now just bring King of the Hill back.
  23. I managed to get the Forbidden West set off Amazon, arrived last night. I wanted to get it off lego.com so I could get and possibly use some points but oh well, lego.com seems to not be getting stock as quickly as some other sites, which is a bit odd. I just need someone, anyone, to get more Deloreans in at retail price.
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