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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. Woke up early just to catch the new She-Hulk before work, very excited to see Charlie back in a DD suit and he didn't disappoint, he's still got it! Also, I'm liking this MCU DD, he's got some quips like he should, and he's far more acrobatic, beyond what most normal humans can do, like in the actual comics. Don't get me wrong, I loved the Netflix series, but the extreme acrobatics and athleticism were missing, the grounded fighting and what-not worked for me, but I can't help but feel it was also due to budget constraints, he eventually got his splitting club that he uses to swing around the city and keep up with heroes like Spider-Man, we just never saw it, now we are seeing it, and will for DD Reborn. I feel we'll be getting a more comic-accurate DD in the MCU, Matt is supposed to be a beyond-human level combatant and acrobat, I'm happy we'll be seeing more of that going forward, and we still get Charlie Cox in the roll, win-win in my book. As for She-Hulk itself? One more episode, it's been fun enough, nothing spectacular, and nowhere near as bad as the man-children whining about it online, but hyperbole makes for easy clicks so yeah.
  2. There seems to be a few people getting a hold of it as of this week. I'd hold off though, early reviews are a bit rough, most folks are saying it feels cheap, light, and hollow. Odd hip joints, overly tight ratchets in several areas, odd design choices, the main thing most people are saying is it just isn't worth the money, too high an asking price for what you get. I have the Chogokin for the separate zords and the Legacy combined with Titanus and Dragonzord into the Ultrazord, that works for me. I was pretty interested too but I definitely wanted to wait for reviews before dropped that kind of money, box looks nice I guess.
  3. Yeah I switched to the English CC about 10 minutes in, things were definitely rough. Same exact situation with Squid Game on Netflix, the English translation was awful, English CC was the only way to go.
  4. The AVP franchise had so much potential, two of the greatest movie monsters in cinema history battling, seemed a no-brainer. And yet both AVP films were crap, each in their own special way. My main issue is having those films take place in the modern day, jump into the future, AVP needs to take place in the time of the Colonial Marines. I watched Prey last night and really enjoyed it! Easily my favorite Predator film since the first, not a high bar, my previous favorite beside the original was Predators with Adrien Brody, but it was a solid entry in the franchise. The Predator itself looked good, pretty damn brutal, there was some questionable CG with some animals and a few other scenes, but overall it was really good. I watched it with the Comanche dub on, things didn't line up perfectly of course, but it was still pretty cool and definitely upped the immersion factor. Lots of good action, and IMO, a really good new heroine. The film doesn't overemphasize or conflate how badass she is, she doesn't put down the men in her tribe and the film doesn't go out of its way to make every man she comes across incompetent or a psycho rapist, she was capable, all the men in her tribe were capable, the film shows how her strength was her clever thinking. One thing I really liked that I didn't expect was... It was a solid film, like someone mentioned above it checked all the boxes, it was far more intelligent and better written then any other film in the franchise since the OG with Arnold.
  5. I think I read it's a regular release in the US, we've just gotta wait. I'm waiting on BBTS to put him up, I want some more official pics of Andrew Spidey too.
  6. After reading all the hot takes about Terminal List I finally checked it out myself and wrapped it up last night, I really liked it! There's almost nothing political about it, it doesn't really lean either direction, I don't understand how it's being labeled as an alt-right conservative wet dream, it's just a really good military thriller with a conspiracy background and an unreliable narrator. Pratt was great, it was nice to see him do something other then the ah schucks funny guy he literally always plays, he really nailed the roll, pretty brutal stuff, and his weapon handling was pretty on point. Pratt clearly put the time in to proper firearms training and I really appreciate that, Keanu did the same for John Wick and it shows, those films are great because of the clear knowledge and dedication he put in. Good on Chris Pratt, and Amazon for putting this out, too many people these days get all up in their feelings and just want everything homogenized, sometimes a spade is a spade, and sometimes a gritty action thriller is just that, and that's fine.
  7. Completely wrapped up TOS, onto TAS, and I really enjoyed it! It was campy, there was tons of overacting, some really bad episodes, but overall it was a lot of fun, I'm glad I got to watch it all for myself. After TAS I'm onto TNG, then probably DS9, it's been a fun ride so far!
  8. Holy crap Tobey Spidey looks fantastic! Absolutely purchased! Those early shots were rough, and not in a great pose, I know these are just Bandai promo shots but damn, he looks great.
  9. Yeah the new She-Hulk trailer looks pretty great, I'm definitely in! Blonsky returns? Matt/Daredevil returns? That all works for me, I was hoping after Shang-Chi we'd see more Blonsky/Abomination, glad to see he's back, he's probably back for Thunderbolts as well.
  10. Absolutely gorgeous, I've always loved the Angel Birds scheme, I'm in for one. That said, pretty disappointed we can't get a damn TV Kaki yet so we can complete the TV Vermillion Squad, oh well, one day.
  11. It sure is pretty, I'm still baffled I'll be able to get this from BBTS after all these years of importing my valks. I don't mind the mark-up too much, I never pay for the cheaper shipping options from my overseas stores so the shipping is always really rough, BBTS is just so much more convenient, mark-up be damned.
  12. I think it's the price and lack of accessories, that combination is atrocious. I've wanted a 1/12, 6" FFVII Cloud for my Smash display since he got announced, SE did that Bring Arts Kingdom Hearts Cloud but that just wasn't going to cut it. This thing looks fantastic, it's what I've wanted for quite a while, it's PS1 Cloud no less and not Remake Cloud or Advent Children Cloud, but that price is absurd, more-so considering the insane lack of accessories, so it's a pass for me.
  13. Yeah the Legends look meh, but I don't do Legends either way so that's not surprising to me. I'm absolutely in for Tobey and Andrew Spideys, I'm probably passing on the updated Integrated Suit, it's more accurate, but I don't care too much, the V1 is accurate enough for me without the gauntlets/shooters on the wrist.
  14. Great season! Definitely back to form after a rather meh season 3. I'm interested in how they wrap things up, it's been a fun ride for sure, but I'm glad the show isn't being strung out too long, nothing kills interest in a show faster then keeping it alive longer then necessary.
  15. I'm onto season 3 of TOS, moving onto TAS after. It's been pretty fun so far! Some episodes are certainly better then others, and I'd definitely agree there's only a few really good episodes, some fun enough ones, and some stinkers. After TAS I'm onto the apparently fan-favorite TNG. I don't think I'll be bothering with Picard after TNG, I'll probably move onto DS9 or Voyager. Also, I had zero idea Star Trek: Enterprise was a thing, I had no idea Scott Bakula was even in a Trek series, I just know him from Quantum Leap! Enterprise sounds interesting, being so far back in the timeline sounds like a pretty interesting setup, was the Enterprise in ST: Enterprise the first ship in the main timeline to reach the warp speeds necessary for all the Trek shenanigans that follow in every series taking place after? I'll definitely be checking it out too. Should I even bother with Discovery, or as I've seen it labeled, Disco? It's so new and expensive looking! But I've heard almost nothing but negative things, particularly season 3.
  16. The Atari is really cool but a pass for me, I have no nostalgia for that like I did the SNES, Atari was a bit before my time. I'm absolutely in on the Z28 and The Office sets. Both of those are easy bought-on-site sets! The Office is one of my favorite comedies ever so that's a no-brainer, looks great, a bit cramped, and there's no annex and several other desks, but I can deal. The Camaro looks fantastic! I was hoping we'd get a Chevy muscle car at some point, I was thinking we'd see a Nova or Chevelle, but a Camaro works for me.
  17. I binged the whole thing Saturday night on a whim after Hulu recommended it to me, love it, great series! My Chicago buddy was quite vocal on the show not being true-to-Chicago all the time, but I'm okay with that, it was a solid show either way, I'm looking forward to season 2.
  18. I think these are better looking and funner to handle then the Bandai Metal Build Evas anyway, good choices, I'm still waiting on BBTS to get in their stock of Unit 0.
  19. Haven't posted any of my new purchases in quite a while here, very happy to get this in! Amazon finally got more stock at retail, screw the scalpers, they ruin everything. I also grabbed the fairly pricey but very awesome Playmobil Enterprise, Amazon dropped the price to $300 so I had to bite. I've never owned Playmobil, even as a kid, but they've gotten some cool licenses in recent years and have been making more adult oriented sets like this.
  20. Lego Delorean back in stock on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09TBLBFXC?tag=hp-slotter-20&ascsubtag=01g10zHNANwfSoU1DGqfZC8
  21. Pretty cool little clips! I like seeing Sam Wilson Cap, surprised to see Ms. Marvel already considering her show is still currently on and she's not even in her proper Ms. Marvel costume yet.
  22. I'm a sixteen episodes in to TOS and I'm enjoying it so far. As mentioned above it's really melodramatic, everything is overacted, and yes, Shatner is certainly something else. but it's pretty fun overall. I'm definitely noticing some of the inconsistencies between episodes, mostly uniforms and props, binging episodes makes those things more noticeable. Question about uniform colors, are those dependent at all on rank or position? I ask because I've always known Spock to wear blue, but he's definitely rocking yellow in several episodes. I thought the gold arm band bits signified rank, I always thought uniform color was more open, you can wear whatever. But I also know most red-shirts are lower ranking, but there's generic crewmen that die off in other colors as well, Scotty usually rocks red but I thought he was a bit higher up in rank and had a more important position among those in engineering at least. Also, this may be one of those episode to episode consistency issues, is there a standard uniform? I know the first two episodes with Pike were technically pilots, and I read that TOS doesn't really start proper until the episode Where No Man Has Gone Before, but I've seen the uniforms switch style several times. At one point they had the deeper v-neck shirts with the black undershirt, with the more decorative gold rank banks, but then they've also had the more turtle-neck looking shirts with the solid gold rank bands on the arms, then they eventually settle in to the looser colored shirts with the black undershirt. They don't have seasonal uniforms right? They're in space, going planet to planet, that wouldn't make sense. McCoy starts settling in to short sleeve uniform shirts, which I had no idea were even a thing, I don't see anyone else wearing those, or maybe I didn't notice, can you just request short sleeve uniforms? Either way like I said I'm enjoying it, I burnt through several episodes while I built my giant, absurdly sized Playmobil Enterprise, the show has lots of little old-school "sci-fi" sounds in it that are built into the Playmobil ship, pretty neat. I do get it with the sounds though, they come often and loud, everything has to make a little sound or something, it's pretty funny.
  23. I had no idea the animated series was canon, let alone the continued continuity of TOS, guess I'll have to check that out too. Seems nearly everything Trek, the various movies included, is on Paramount+, pretty nice having almost everything on one streaming service for once. I'm nine episodes in to season 1 of TOS and it's pretty fun, the remaster does have some solid effects. Loving the updated sound, I recently updated to an Atmos system and all of this Trek stuff on Paramount+ looks and sounds fantastic.
  24. I had no idea TOS got remastered, I guess if I'm going to try to get through it it'll be that version! I have a high tolerance for camp, and really old-school sci-fi, so I think I should be able to make it, doubt I'll check out the Animated Series though. This is also why I'm interested in checking it out, a bit of morbid curiosity. I've read and heard about all of this, I gotta see it for myself at least once, it's such an important series that paved the way for so much that we enjoy today, I wanna see that old-school struggle and magic in action!
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