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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. I might bite, I love me some M&M variants, and I really like my Roy 0S.
  2. It looks pretty good, but yeah the size, my OCD wouldn't allow it, he's slightly too big for One:12 89 Batman.
  3. The actual exoskeleton Terminator looks great but I'm having flashbacks to Justice League Cyborg, a true garbage-tier figure. Hopefully the quality is better, I'm expecting average Mafex pricing, too much for what you get these days.
  4. Not quite 1/12 but awfully close. https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/187036
  5. If you have a friend to play with, I'd bite at $27, if you're going in single player I'd pass until it's at $20. It's pretty barebones, there's a lot of repeated content, it doesn't run well on a lot of PCs, the story is terrible and predictable, the generic crime grind is pretty brutal at times, there's fun to be had but it's a lot of lows and just a few highs.
  6. Hot damn, at least he's actually releasing! Hopefully the figure was worth the wait...
  7. What's the price? I wouldn't pay one dollar above $20 for it, it's repetitive as hell and quite shallow, lots of "busy" grindy content and there's only a handful of actual boss battles, which are grindy and mostly unfun.
  8. I'm all console gaming all the way, it's just so simple and easy to jump in. PS5 and Switch for exclusives, Series X for everything else, like people with good PCs ask why bother with an Xbox I'm at the point of why bother with a PC when I have a Series X. I don't even have a computer anymore, desktop, laptop, I just use my phone for anything I would need a PC for.
  9. I'm not a huge Harry Potter fan, I read the first three books in grade school growing up and I've seen and enjoyed all the movies, so am in no way attached to nor do I nostalgia super hard for HP, but Hogwarts Legacy is a ton of fun. I get there's a lot of controversy and discussion over JK and her views and comments, outside of that the game itself is fantastic, like god damn, it's just fun. The world is immaculately recreated, there's love and detail in every corner of the honestly quite massive Hogwarts Castle, the combat is fun, the game is gorgeous, it's just a well-made AAA Potter game like the devs intended to make. I'm playing on Series X in balanced mode, I'm waiting to see what Digital Foundry thinks, balanced mode is only available on TVs with HDMI 2.1 capabilities, I think the frames go beyond 60fps some of the time, it's hard to tell, there's five graphics options available on my TV and most people only have access to and discuss two of them. I'm sitting here at work watching the clock, it's slow and I want to jump back in, there's a lot of content, and it's all pretty fun, all the mechanics and systems compliment each other really well. Highly recommended for hardcore and casual Potter fans, it's a great game.
  10. Yeah I caught Wakanda Forever on Disney+ and same feeling, just meh overall. There were certainly some parts I liked, but for the most part it was a bit all over the place. And yes, the CG seems to be getting worse, it's distracting at this point, I felt the same way about Multiverse of Madness. It's just like watching live action cartoons, which yeah, pretty much, but I just don't think these newer films feel as grounded with the CG looking like a PS5 game most of the time. Look back at Captain America the Winter Soldier, still considered my top MCU film by far, just as much CG and money thrown at the special effects but I didn't feel as removed from the setting as I have these newer MCU films. As I'm watching I know I'm just staring at a really glammed up green screen, I get Wakanda isn't real, neither is Atlantis, and CG is necessary for both, but it's just too much, it just doesn't look good in and out of motion. Also, I felt the ending was a bit of a cop-out. I'm looking forward to Quantumania, I've loved both Ant-Man films, Rudd is fantastic, I just don't think the general audience gets how big Kang is, and that he's the new Thanos moving forward, we'll see.
  11. It's streaming on Peacock. I believe there's two seasons on there, I'm eagerly awaiting season 3. I'd also recommend the Chucky/Child's Play series, also a SyFy original. I'm not a fan of those movies and honestly don't even remember the last three or so, but the series is actually quite a lot of fun, it's the right kind of cheesy, it's violent, funny, it's really well done and surprisingly entertaining for a series based around a long strung out voodoo murder doll.
  12. Agreed, it kind of stomps all over every other adaptation ever, with ease. Not a hard task I admit, but damn, it's glaringly obvious, the show is just damn good. Episode 3 was fantastic, Emmy material for sure, it wasn't what I expected, but I loved what they did. The backlash is swift it appears though, there's already a very vocal minority claiming the show is ruined and went, huuuuuurrrrrr durrrrrrrr woke! This is why we can't have nice things, zombies and murderporn disappear for one episode to focus on an exceptionally well told love story amid chaos and darkness, and all the children lose their minds.
  13. I could care less about Roiland, he'll probably be charged, and if not good for him I guess. There's also the multitude of texts floating around, admittedly not confirmed, that he was grooming minors, I think some people just need to accept that sooner rather then later we'll be getting confirmation he is in fact a creep. Adult Swim put their message out pretty quick, and it's to the point, I assume they know more then the public and the truth on events is probably not in Roiland's favor. I didn't think they'd kill the show, it makes too much money, but I can't see it going beyond another season or two without him, either way, Adult Swim has to protect their IP that's worth a billion, and once again, I'm sure they know more then the public on all these matters. He also resigned from Squanch Games, which has it's own settled suits dealing with harassment, it's just not a good look all around for everything Roiland was involved with, I'm gonna lean on my intuition that he's a creep, that's my opinion, and he's probably receiving everything he deserves. I'm also over his "humor". Last season of R&M was meh, I got two hours into High on Life and had to bail, his schtick has run its course for me. Stuttering continuously, over explaining jokes, it's gotten old, I'm actually interested in what new writers might do, and the voices are beyond easy to replicate, I can do both myself. Oh well, R&M is probably dying, but I just read Aqua Teen Hunger force is coming back! Balance, as Thanos said.
  14. Just got to watch Violent Night now that it's on Peacock, what a damn fun R rated Christmas movie! I really enjoyed it start to finish, Harbour is great as Santa, there's laughs, there's violence, there's Christmas spirit, definitely a fun watch, highly recommended.
  15. I love and grew up with the older PSP and DS titles, but there's no denying a lot of the mechanics and systems were antiquated and out of date, even back then, it was nonsense you just dealt with because the rest of the game was so good. World and Rise introduced tons of quality of life adjustments and changes, too many to count, the gameplay is as smooth and welcoming as its ever been. The main thing, the combat, is still as good as ever, faster then ever in Rise, but the tedious nonsense has been cut down tremendously. It's a night and day difference between the old games and these new ones, Capcom listened, they knew too much of the background stuff was tedious and annoying, item management, limited resources for basic things like mining resources and capturing indigenous species, it's all vastly improved now. I'd highly recommend jumping in on Rise, especially on Series X, I looked online and there's quite a few performance options, almost PC-lite, foliage and shadow detail sliders, multiple performance options, Capcom seems to have gone all out on this new PS5/Series console port.
  16. Monster Hunter: Rise is out today on Xbox and Playstation, very hyped to get home and play at 4K 60fps. I put about 560 hours in on Switch, killer game, great entry in the franchise, a bit too easy at times for me, but it's a good entry point for new players. I'd normally play this on Series X since I have Gamepass and play all my multiplats on Xbox, but I've got a co-worker and her boyfriend trying this out as their first Monster Hunter so I'll be "showing them the way", so to speak, on PS5. Gunlance all the way, it's the true professionals weapon, for all twelve of us that use it...
  17. Two or three times over the years I've legit forgotten about One:12 89 Bats, that's terrible. They've had my money for years now, what a bummer, they better crap or get off the pot, or start issuing refunds, this is beyond ridiculous at this point.
  18. I'm hoping for some better storytelling this season, while season 2 was fun, it felt like a lot of fan-service and setup for other series.
  19. If you have a Playstation 3 or up I'd highly recommend it, definitely one of Sony's best first party exclusive titles, YMMV on Last of Us Part II. I'm kind of glad we got a longer episode for this first one, there was a lot to cover and establish, and overall, I feel they did a solid job. Overall it's a really killer first episode, fan of the game or not, it's really well done. There's enough changes and additions here and there to keep the avid gamers attention, it's not a 1:1 adaptation, and I like that. It's close enough, the main story beats are there, the major parts are happening we're just getting there in slightly different, expanded ways. Comparing this to, say, Halo, this is how you do an adaptation, don't alienate the fans by making something nearly unrelated to the source, ahem Velma on HBO, expand upon the source, don't alter it entirely. I'm still surprised how many people didn't know Last of Us was a game, I thought it was a household name by now like Halo. I'm seeing people on social media freaking out like they just discovered fire, Last of Us the game?!?!?! Yup, and it's pretty great, especially on PS5.
  20. MP Trailbreaker looks good, but I'm not liking that shade of grey, I get it, animation accurate, but it's ugly. Once again, like with Hound, it looks good overall but not good enough to justify bumping my perfectly fine third party stand-in. Jetfire too I guess, if I didn't have Phoenix I'd be all over him, but I do so I'm not. The minfig stuff looks cool, but I'll literally never display him like that.
  21. No TV Kaki 1A announced yet?! C'mon Bandai, make it happen so I can bow out.
  22. I grabbed a PS5 God of War Ragnarok bundle yesterday at Target, why not? They're available all over the place in the US this week, seems as good a time as any to get rid of my old jet-engine sounding PS4 Pro. Yikes, this console is MASSIVE, and quite ugly, I'm spoiled by the sleek, compact Series X. Gotta have the newest Playstation for those exclusives though right? Grabbed Ragnarok, upgraded my Miles Morales and bought Spidey Remastered for PS5, Last of us Part 1 on PS5, Demons Souls Remake, upgraded Forbidden West and upgraded my FFVIII Remake. Lots of stuff to play now, Last of Us is something I've played at least 15 or so times all the way through, I've got no problem playing it again far prettier on PS5 though, that's after Ragnarok for sure. Ragnarok is amazing, no surprises there, it's a beast of a game on PS5, truly something special. I get the issues people are having with it being cross-gen, but, like, damn, it's still so good, it's still more polished then a solid 90% of the AAA games on the market these days. Story is great, game is gorgeous and offers a 120fps mode on PS5, it's pretty awesome. I'm thinking Game of the Year will be between Ragnarok and Elden Ring, both fantastic games.
  23. As stated above, Conroy was my Batman, period. We all have our live action favorites, but he was the definitive for me. There's not a single piece of Batman media I've read since TAS that I didn't read Bruce and Batman in his voice, just like Hamill for Joker, their roles were character defining, beyond timeless. There's a reason Rocksteady brought them both back for the excellent Arkham games, except Origins which was WB, they were those characters, bringing them back added clout and an immediate level of authenticity to those games. I'm forever grateful I got to chat with him and grab a pic at Comic-Con back in 2010, the dude was a legend, sweet as can be, and completely humble, he loved his fans and he loved his roll. A true legend died today, Batman died today. Never forget he did in fact get to play Bruce/Batman in live action, on CW, that voice made things just click, he was wonderful.
  24. It took quite a while but I wrapped up Star Trek TAS, it was fun enough I suppose, and I see why it was essential viewing for wrapping up the original TOS five year story arc. That said, I'm officially ready for TNG, I really took my time with TAS because it was just a bit too cheesy and yes, old looking, a lot of the time, I need to get back into live action territory.
  25. Caught up on Andor last night and I'm really enjoying the series overall, bit of a slow burn, but it's fairly competent and well written, it looks better then Obi-Wan, which is insane he's a major legacy character, and it's got heart. We're being given reasons to feel for these people, and hate the Empire, they're doing a solid job of pushing why the Rebellion was so important, and why so many were willing to sacrifice so much for it.
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