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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. Tking22

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm a little bummed I sold most of my Hi-Metal R stuff off over the last several years, I figured the line was dead and I needed the space, so away it went. It all went to good homes, I sold everything here on MW, but still, I had a lot of cool stuff, Regults, all the valkyrie releases, several Regult missile sets, I kept the "good" stuff but all the cannon fodder 1As and enemy mecha are long gone. Oh well, I'm hoping we keep getting more interesting valks in the R line, VF-0s are a step in the right direction, SV-51 would be nice, a modern 19 would be cool too, VF-11 is my holy grail. I never bit on the 0D, and I sold my Yamato 0S long ago, I'm glad I got another chance at these valks even if they're in a different scale. On topic, even with a slight color difference that 0D looks fantastic! I'm in for the Max 0S as well, a 0A seems a no brainer at this point, I'd be in for at least one.
  2. I finished TNG last weekend and am excited to start on some new Trek, will probably do DS9 but I'm pretty interested jumping into season 1 of this because I'm still high on Picard lol.
  3. We're so close to the finish line I just want the damn figure in hand so I can decide if the wait was worth it or not, the lack of early in-hand reviews is still jarring too. Even D Amazing, Mezco's biggest fanboy, hasn't gotten one in hand yet, crazy.
  4. Has anyone gotten shipping info for 89 Batman yet? Mine is paid but there's been zero progress beyond that, no new notifications or anything.
  5. Maybe they'll do a new Flash too one day. I have the original release, I looked about two months ago and saw the prices were pretty steep, he seems to be one of the other pieces a number of folks are missing for their One:12 Justice League.
  6. New Supes look pretty good, not good enough to upgrade from my original one, but really nice for those that missed out.
  7. Those photos aren't great, who the hell took these? Why bother if this is the best they could do? What the hell is that bottom right picture? Did they take these with an early 2000 flip phone? It's like someone getting a blurry "picture" of Bigfoot, I still can't see enough to judge anything, all I can confirm is that his suit is, indeed, black.
  8. I think they should've rounded it out to 10 episodes this season, in particular I think the last episode should've had more to it, one more episode could've helped add a bit more and given a few other episodes more room to breath. We'll see on season 2, Last of Us Part II isn't my favorite narrative, I don't agree with everything that happened, so it'll be interesting to see if the show-runners will get more liberal with the events from that game.
  9. Bill Hader proving, once again, he's one of the most talented guys in Hollywood. Such a great actor, Barry is up there for me with some of HBOs best, I recommend it to anyone I can, just a phenomenal show.
  10. My buddy got one last weekend and I messed with it for a few hours, definitely pretty cool for plug and play straight out of the box. Gran Turismo 7 is insane in VR, I'd also recommend Horizon Call of the Mountain and Resident Evil 8 Village, all of RE8 is playable in VR and it's pretty neat. No Man's Sky is getting a PSVR2 update eventually, that's space flight in VR, could be pretty cool eventually.
  11. Got charged for the rest of 89 Batman earlier by Mezco, hopefully I'll be getting some tracking information soon. I'm pretty surprised there aren't any early reviews online of him yet, I wonder why it seems nobody is getting an early copy for review? I thought for sure D Amazing would have a review up a week before us regulars even get our shipping notification.
  12. Yeah one season for the whole first game is a bit of a rush IMO, there's a lot to cover. I feel they've certainly done their best, but maybe two seasons for Part I or more episodes would've been better. I just read the finale is 43 minutes? That's pretty slim, once again there's still quite a bit to cover. Excellent season so far, the fact that people are asking for more, or a longer season is a good sign, they've done an exceptional job so far.
  13. My bad, I totally forgot those threads existed.
  14. Big ol' markup on BBTS, Grabbed one here anyway, $5 flat shipping and convenience works for me. https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/234137
  15. I'd recommend waiting until the 28th for Last of Us Part I to drop on PC, it's the ground-up PS5 remake of the first game. Night and day difference, totally rehauled visuals, it's one of the best looking games on PS5. Same great story and characters, it's just got modern bells and whistles for the visuals. Pulled straight from the DLC for the first game, such a great moment. For me, as someone that's played the first game about 15 times over, across PS3, PS4 and now PS5, I'm really happy with the balance that's been found between new and old for the show. I feel all the best moments from the game are nearly recreated 1:1, and the things that have been changed aren't of any detriment to the show, it's been a really well done adaptation, easily the best game to film/tv series ever, not a high bar to clear, but there it is.
  16. Got another Mezco email, I think they are just about ready to charge for 89 Batman, it's finally happening, forty Rumble Society releases later....
  17. Of frakk you Bandai, Deadpool 2 Figuarts, WITH GUNS!!! Great figure, doubt I'll double dip just to get these parts for the first release.
  18. Live service? Always online? Easy pass, Rocksteady, why would you do this? What a complete waste of the Arkhamverse, this is Conroy's last project? He'll be a boss that gets grinded for gear so you have a high enough gear score number to go grind a bigger bad with even bigger gear score numbers? What a joke. Also, what is happening with Batman in this? Five years after Arkham Knight, Harley called him Bruce in the Batman trailer from about a month ago, is the 100% Arkham Knight ending not a thing? Is it being retconned? Did Bruce just, like, keep being Batman even though everyone on Earth learned his identity? What about the fear toxin Bat-person thing we saw at the end of the 100% ending? Was that still just Bruce? No fear toxin involved? He's just Batman again? What a mess.
  19. I got three episodes in on Rings of Power, had to bail, it was terribad. The trilogy doesn't need rebooted, I fear what they will change to "fit" with modern audiences, Rings of Power was bad enough, now they've gotta ruin The Trilogy? Rings of Power was just so incompetent, uninteresting, badly acted, predictable, I watched Critical Drinker's video review just to catch the rest of the first season's story and yikes, it was as predicted, and yet somehow even worse.
  20. I'm wondering if D Amazing will get an early copy of 89 Batman to review? I'm really anxious to see how that body turned out.
  21. Nice! Works for me, BBTS is just so convenient these days, Tamashii US webshop when I can, BBTS when I can't and don't want to bother with an overseas shop.
  22. I hope this gets a US release, BBTS usually has a markup but for me the convenience and low shipping costs offset that, I love grabbing as much as I can these days at one webshop.
  23. Looks gorgeous, I'm in for one.
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