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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. I still prefer 1/48, all I have is a 1/60 VF-1D and a TV VF-1S on the way, but that said the 1/48's are getting very hard to find and they're pricey, but I have to admitt these 1/60 are quite nice and in almost every milked color scheme you can think of.
  2. And I thank you sir, it now sits nice and proper.
  3. Okay I don't know if I'm missing something but I just put my old VF-0S into gerwalk. I find that the knees don't bend as far as my VF-1 1/48's, so I can't pull off the slightly hunched standard pose, am I missing something or are they all like this?
  4. I found a little video review action, the guy in the video is erm, quite enthusiastic but beggar's can't be choosers!
  5. Very true, re-issues can have major problems and first releases that are supposed to terrible can be just fine, my first release VF-0S had no problems at all and my re-issue VF-0A from HLJ was perfect as well.
  6. Hi-metal VF-1J is finally on the way, I've heard good things and bad things so we'll see.
  7. Sweet mine is finally on the way, I can't wait!
  8. I forgot about their shipping sale as well, good god that is terrible luck and timing.
  9. It's always gonna be hit and miss with yamato toys, I have a first release VF-0S and it's perfect, no problems at all, I also have a first release SV-51(the black one), and it's also miraculously perfect. Old molds, new molds, poo happens they're fairly intricate plastic toys, there will be mess ups.
  10. I unfortunately pre-ordered mine on evilbay thinking I'd get it faster, the seller says he hasn't even received his supply of the damn figures yet, I should have just used HLJ I have a 10% off coupon from them anyway.
  11. Bah I can't wait for mine! Hopefully I'll get a shipping email tomorrow.
  12. I ended up getting a coupon for 10% off my next order for dealing with that little shipping problem.
  13. They all still transform the same, look the same, same proportions and size, those are all just tiny little fixes, they didn't change the figures overall.
  14. They're all the exact same toy, it just comes to your color preference, I started with a VF-1J max with super parts from angolz.com, only about 150 after shipping.
  15. I received my VF-0A, retarded shipping issues aside I got a good deal. No problems unlike some recent posts I've read, mine came in the new reissue box so I guess they did get the new ones right.
  16. I officially will never order from HLJ ever again. I tracked my package earlier, it was scheduled for tomorrow but you know I got anxious, it says delivery attempted today at 8am, delivery failed due to incorrect address. I call fedex, it turns out HLJ sent my package with just my city, state, zip code, my name, and the word office on it, though my email shipping confirmation has my entire address and even more importantly my god damn apartment numbers on it! I have no idea what they were thinking but for how much I paid this is completely unprofessional and easily one of the biggest most idiotic blunders it has ever been my misfortune of being involved in.
  17. I can't believe the levels of stupidity at robotech.com, many of the people are saying wow, awesome, I'll be buying the whole series, it's madness!
  18. My reissue VF-0A will be here Tuesday, I'm officially in panic/poo bricks mode.
  19. I don't own 1 or 2 of every 1/60 and 1/48 ever made, so I'll probably be collecting all of this line-up.
  20. I chose EMS for my 1/48 super Max from angolz, ordered it on a Monday, got it next Wednesday so not too bad, or maybe I got lucky.
  21. VF-0A goodness Tuesday by 4:30, i truly love fedex.
  22. Wow very nice, package is on the way now, fedex of course it's a vf-0a in there! That was fast, and to think I was almost gonna use evilbay.
  23. I've never ordered from HLJ before, my card was charged for the VF-0A today, so how long does there process take until shipment? The item is in stock.
  24. VF-0A on the way woot!!!!!
  25. Tking22

    Yamato Sale @ HLJ

    Just got my second 1/60, the VF-1D was a steal and there was no possible way I could pass it, revoltechs were on sale as well, 02 the beast and batman pre-order!
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