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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. Sorry if this a little out of line, but what exactly is our Yamato connection? What they tell Graham a few months early about what they're gonna be releasing? I think we're entitled to our opinions and I definitely think Yamato needs to get its poo in order, they expect us to pay $100-300 per figure and be okay with the hit and miss of their quality control, that said, the 1/60 regult looks cool, but it is insanely overpriced. People saying be glad they even offer one? That's not really fair, it's along the lines of just because you can doesn't mean you should, it's a large unpainted model, you can get a perfect grade gundam fully detailed and painted for $150-200 so I don't understand the method to their madness with this kit.
  2. Owning many regults, heavy and normal, was the main drive for me to start collecting a solid 1/100 line, then the new bandai hi-metal series showed itself, and I knew it was to be! Plus the 1/100 glaug is on the way, and I have several 1/100 destroid and male power armor models, so yeah big battle scene.
  3. What's so great about the vf-27? Precisely it's a matter of opinion, I find the vf-27 butt-ugly, yet I love the sv-51 even though I don't own one.
  4. Good god the internet is awesome.
  5. I really do indeed love mine, it has the best battroid mode of any valkyrie available bar none, and one of the slickest easiest transformations ever.
  6. So I was messing with this guy earlier and wondered, is the pilot removable or not? I pulled at it for a bit but gave up in fear I may break the poor little guy.
  7. Oh god, this is the valk with the ultra ugly power ranger zord looking face! Instant pass!
  8. I might get a VF-11B next, definitely not a VF-11C because I'm not into buying several of the same figure just in a different color, and the 11C pilot looks retarded. And I will of course never buy 2 or 3 of the same figure because, to me, that's a massive waste of money.
  9. I'm wondering when they'll release stand alone fast packs, so my VF-1J can get the super/strike upgrade too!
  10. You're not serious.....right?
  11. I'm pretty sure you're trolling me, there's no way you can't know that color scheme, even if it is a little off.
  12. Hmm if they say macross on the box that's even worse, most of those retarded robotech purists won't even buy these guys, hell most are still asking "what's with the ugly green color?"
  13. I still don't know why they're releasing these DYRL regults as robotech items, robotech never had DYRL. That aside they're releasing them on robotech.com, I've looked through some forums on there and those people are idiots, they truly only buy items only if they say robotech on them, even though yamato's, bandai's, hell anyone's figures are better they just say macross.
  14. My friend I have 6 standard regults, 2 heavy missile, 2 light missile, I'm getting a Glaug, I have the Hi-Metal VF-1J, and as I've said I'll be buying most of this series. It's really what I've been waiting for, some quality in scale baddies and valks, I have a couple 1/60's, but the 1/60 regult model or whatever it is, to me at least, is stupidly expensive and of course it's also exclusive. I could really see no one, even the hard core collectors with lots of random dough to drop will be buying enough to make any kind of scene. I am also building a nice city-scape battleground scene for my whole amazing looking 1/100 collection to sit in, it is safe to say, I can't wait to see what gets announced next because haters and complainers aside, this line will and is doing well.
  15. Well since all the pics show this guy without arm armor, it's pretty obvious these are still prototypes. That aside, I really don't think it looks that bad, yea they angle out a bit but I don't think it's anywhere near enough to complain over, but that's just me, and I'm also not one who has nerdgasms over tiny little miniscule details unlike most on this site. I don't even comprehend the complaints over the head, it looks like a VF-1S head.
  16. Exactly, people are already bitching, let alone about a piece you can't even see.
  17. Don't get me wrong I love how certain color schemes look even though they are the exact same figure over and over again, but I think these fairly low quality, and I'll just say it, lame weathering versions are taking it too far especially for the inflated price. Like others said, at home weathering jobs can turn out much better and obviously cost a WHOLE lot less.
  18. I'll probably bee buying this whole line, I only have two i/60's, the TV VF-1S and the VF-1D(for obvious reasons), I really prefer these guys to the yamato 1/60's, I was really blown away by my Hi-Metal VF-1J, I found it to be more pleasing to the eye and an overall better sculpt.
  19. So it's a slightly smudged version of a previous release which is already just another recolor of several other releases, yea pass.
  20. It looks good, but if it's rediculously priced, like over $250, I couldn't justify that small size for that amount.
  21. Sorry Graham it seems as if you made a typo, what I meant to say was I saved money by not buying those butt-fugly VF-19's .
  22. Hell effin yes, today is full of awesome news, I got 3 normal regults, 2 heavy missile, I'm skippin the light missile but the glaug is oh so mine, and they announced the hi-metal VF-1S with parts, god damnit GET SOME!!!!!
  23. Hell yeah I love my hi-metal VF-1J, I skipped on those fugly VF-19's so I gotta pick me up one of these, and here's to hoping they release some fast packs for our Hikaru's!!!!
  24. Yikes, I love my new hi-metal VF-1J but I could never put one of these ugly guys on my shelf, the faces are far too power-rangerish for me to even consider.
  25. I can't believe all the quality control issues some people are having, mine arrived and it's completely fine, not a flaw on it. You really can't knock the toy that much since it's the first release, it's still hit and miss just as much as any yamato figure, and I personally prefer the battroid on this guy to any other VF-1 available.
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