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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. I just finished re-watching Mac7 and one thing I noticed is that there is not one single vf-11b in the whole show, all the cannon fodder is vf-11c. It seems weird to me, I mean they're already using the vf-11 as there primary work horse, wouldn't they use all the different variants? I mean was the step up from 11b to 11c really so great that they decided to not use ANY 11b's? Either way I never got an 11c as I think the pilot looked pretty goofy, and I prefer the color scheme of the 11b, if you don't have one get one, it's near perfect, like everyone said the shield is the only downside.
  2. I still want my god damn TV sdf-1, c'mon graham tell yamato to do it already.
  3. I'm just wondering is the 19S going to have the same cockpit gimick for battroid as the 19 kai? I mean it only makes sense that it would and should, but I just wanna be sure, I haven't seen any pics.
  4. For me it's the 19 hands down, honestly the 19S was the only new 19 I wanted to get, but right before I graduated college my roommate got a 19 Kai and I fell in love the bright glossy red. I finally got one after I repeatedly told myself I wouldn't. The 19S has always been and always will be my all time favorite 19 in the entirety of the Macross universe.
  5. Yikes the gerwalk looks as atrocious as ever.
  6. When are we getting some new pics is my question, I mean we've seen one or two pics of gerwalk and that's it. Like someone said above when will we see a finished product image? For this thing being due out in December we haven't seen very much of it.
  7. A red Miria version I'm sure.
  8. That aside you had to buy what? 2 or 3 other exclusive add-ons to even get a stand and landing gears?
  9. Indeed the gap is a little unsightly, honestly though I never noticed this on my kai.
  10. RVF-25.....RVF-25.......RVF-25........RVF-25, I'm a sucker for a green valk, and these new V2's are pretty amazing.
  11. I don't know I just started re-watching Mac 7, which made me much more comfortable about all the dough I dropped on the 19 kai and sound booster, while also giving me a greater appreciation for the 17. Is my appreciation for said valk enough for me to want to buy one? Hell no, but when the second release is out, or the newer version or whatever Yamato decides to do, with a decent price cut, I'll be happy to grab one. There just still isn't enough to this thing for me justify that price, but I am growing fonder of it.
  12. That's a shame, I'm pretty underwhelmed by the lack of gimmicks. Hopefully this things cost will be justified by its engineering and quality.
  13. So does anyone know if the beam attachment for the gunpod is in the other leg?
  14. I transform everything in my collection that can transform at least once a month, between all the modes until I'm back to the mode I started in.
  15. Now I've had some problems with HLJ in the past, but they're always quick to correct them so it's not a very big deal. Today HLJ proved to me why I should only be pre-ordering and buying from them, I completed my vermilion squad in one sale, and got some other stuff for a steal price in one fell swoop. But, my bank screwed up and I wasn't charged the day I should have been, alas, I received my shipment from Japan to Nevada in just 3 days, 3 days? Get out of here, order while you can people, HLJ is pretty much GIVING away a merry X-mas for Macross nerds.
  16. I don't care, I collected 1/48's for years, trust me I know where you're coming from, I'm not talking about history I'm talking about modern relevancy, it's all about the 1/60 line today.
  17. I'm gonna go with a definite no, I just sold my last 1/48 about 2 months ago, the last thing I want is more repaints of a pretty much dead and forgotten line.
  18. Well I not only made two different orders in the past week, but I've decided to make a third, this sale is just to good to pass up. Aside from Macross HLJ is having a huge sale on pretty much ALL revoltech, I went ahead and got a sound booster for my VF-19, along with a ghost for my VF-0S, but I took it a step further and got a revoltech Legion and pre-ordered the G2 Gamera, along with the new ZOE Jehuty, and the new Anubis, my wallet hates me.
  19. Why the hell did this take so long to come out? Like everyone else said, the battlepod is the same for all 3 they just added weapons, I can understand the Glaug since it's a brand new mold, but damn Toynami, how terrible are you?
  20. I sure hope so, I nearly had a god damn heart attack when I saw ALL the Yamato stuff was gone, especially during a sale, hopefully they'll fix it soon.
  21. I was looking at a couple of things last night that I planned on adding to an order I placed the other day, and for some reason half the stuff on HLJ is now gone, pretty much ALL there Yamato stuff is off their site, half the Revoltech stuff is gone, what the hell is the problem?
  22. I think it goes without saying that the Toynami masterpiece VF-1's were beyond horrible. God I was so excited to get my Hikaru, or uh, Rick, 1J in the mail, only to open up a big box of disappointment and anger.
  23. Damn I just ordered something that just barely shipped out, and yet, I had to get revoltech Ironman and War Machine, at that price, I'd be a fool not to.
  24. Probably my 1/60 YF-21, I only got it because one of my old college roommates moved out and he offered me it for only $80. I know there's a ton of love for this thing from almost everyone on the site, but it just doesn't do it for me, it's fugly, I'm thinking for sale section.
  25. I've found that the Mac-Zero line was the most hit-and-miss out of anything Yamato has put out. My original release 0A is fine, I got a re-release 0S that's fine, and my SV-51 Ivanov is an original release yet it's one of the most sturdy toys I own. I think when it came to the original releases it was like a 50/50 chance of getting screwed, but as far as I can tell, all of the re-releases have been fine.
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