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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. It was a timed exclusive, they never put the "timed" part in ads, that doesn't create FOMO that pushes better sales numbers for the company that bought the timed exclusivity.
  2. Who would've thought, years later, the often maligned JJ Trek would be getting awesome merch, that I'm actually excited to buy? Go figure, but I'm in, these Hiya JJ Trek figures look great.
  3. Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West are both fantastic, you can probably get the loaded GOTY version of Zero Dawn for dirt cheap too, FFVII Remake is great as well, sequel comes out at the end of February.
  4. Texas and California allies? Yeah, this is a work of fiction.
  5. It looks good but that price per brick ratio is absolutely horrendous.
  6. I got the new Avatar game, absolutely gorgeous, one of the best looking games this gen for sure. Yes, as a lot of people saying, it does feel like a Far Cry Primal 2 at times, but it definitely does it's own thing and is very, very much an Avatar game. The hunting, gathering and exploration is fantastic, combat is a bit too difficult and stealth isn't really a thing, enemies spot you almost always no matter what, there's no clearing about bases using stealth only like Far Cry, enemies seem to know exactly where you are if you shoot your bow at all. Kind of annoying, but really good overall so far.
  7. Looks like Minus One is getting an extended theater stay because it's been doing so well, I may go see it a third time, this was film of the year for me by far.
  8. Yeah I'm done buying from Mezco directly, I got hit for $500+ this month and they won't ship a god damn thing until end of January at the earliest. I've got two local shops that also get One:12 Collective stuff in, and it's all the licensed stuff which is all I buy, I don't collect any of their Rumble Society or original stuff.
  9. At least they left last gen behind, bout damn time. I get it, the install base for PS4 alone is massive, but you've gotta cut the cord at some point, even the PS5 and Series X are dated by modern hardware standards, I'm wondering how the Series S will handle the game, it's a neat little machine but there's always compromises for getting most of these newer titles on it.
  10. Love me some Fallout, Fallout 2 was my first but I like the Bethesda ones too, really excited to check this out. Honestly, anything with Walton Goggins gets my view, he can do no wrong, guy is a frakking powerhouse actor.
  11. My cousin passed away earlier this year and I've been spending time with his son more often, taking him to see this tomorrow night, his first Godzilla film! He's excited, I was already in for a second viewing so this works for me, we're gonna watch Shin Godzilla when we get home.
  12. Looks like a ton of fun to me, I'm absolutely in! Want Godzilla that makes you think and feel? Watch Minus One, Toho delivers on that front, Legendary delivers on stupid, expensive monster action and I love it.
  13. I liked most of the first season, agreed though, those B plots better be improved, or dropped altogether, they absolutely sank the pace of the first season.
  14. I'd watch, forget the second film and Netflix series and we're good to go. So the big bad in this new one is some super old, Alpha Kong right? Should be fun.
  15. Kenshin Figuarts? I'm cautiously optimistic, Bandai's QC for Figuarts has been a bit crap lately, the One Piece line is incredibly hit and miss, Guts is a really rough figure, and even some recent DBZ releases have been pretty rough lately.
  16. I just don't think about the Mad Max timeline, at all, it makes absolutely zero sense if you think about it seriously at all. Even the original trilogy had a rather dubious timeline, Fury Road further muddied the waters. Looks fun enough, makes me want to watch Fury Road again and play the slept on Mad Max game, it's still a looker and it's been updated to 60fps for Series X.
  17. Holy crap, like, holy crap, not only was this probably the best Godzilla film ever made period, but it's absolutely one of the best movies of the year. Absolutely phenomenal, holy crap, I loved Shin Godzilla and considered it an already near-perfect Godzilla film, this surpasses it IMO. Just brilliant beginning to end, great pacing, beautiful cinematography, great performances, and the action and effects are fantastic. This film was made on a micro-budget compared to the American Godzilla blockbusters, which I also thoroughly enjoy for different reasons, but it still somehow looks better and more impressive IMO, just frakking fantastic. I am absolutely in for whatever big, deluxe 4K release they cook up, this movie was incredible and I may go see it again before it leaves theaters Wednesday. Seriously, this may be as good as or better then the 54 original film, it was fantastic.
  18. I caught the first two episodes and feel a bit mixed, I thought this was an adaptation of the original comic, but it's very much not. I guess the marketing didn't tell us much, they showed enough to make you think this was an animated adaptation of the original story, but like I said, it's not, it's very much a retelling/reimagining. It's okay, I feel Scott got bumped from his own series which is a bummer, but the animation is great, the voice cast is spot on, I'll keep watching I just wish Netflix was more forward with the details behind this "adaptation", this is almost an expansion, or alternate universe retelling. Fun enough, I'll finish it up, but not what I was expecting.
  19. New Captain Marvel looks awful, why did Bandai even bother? Not only did the movie bomb but the figure itself looks awful, Marvel Legends have more detail and better printed faces. Her hair isn't even the right color, and they gave it that "shiny" look that Bandai is oddly fond of. It looks incredibly low effort, maybe they were obligated to put a figure out so they just let the D team handle it? At least it comes with a cat accessory, that's nice.
  20. They've at least teased the rest of Skull, if anything this means they are closer to completing Vermillion and should just finish it off, this dancing around one more release is frakking absurd, it's such an easy release to get out of the way too. It's just getting exhausting caring about this line anymore, I've contemplated selling off what I have several times because I just don't care anymore, Bandai keeps making idiotic releases that make me want to not bother. First I had most of Vermillion in Hi-Metal R, with no signs of life from that line for such a long time, then they come in hot with a new DX line, give us Hikaru and Max, then nothing. Then they poor salt in the wound and release Vermillion TV Hi-Metal R figures, frakk off Bandai.
  21. There is no pattern, they just release what they please. I'd rather finish the TV squad, which is just as complete as Skull from DYRL, then they continue releasing more oddballs like the VE-1 and a clear pack Hikaru 1S.
  22. Bandai just needs to release the god damn Kaki TV 1A so I can be done, all these other releases are just absurd at this point, finish the damn squad off already.
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