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mass driver

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Everything posted by mass driver

  1. mass driver

    DX VF-25G

    LOL sometime between Wednesday and next Monday. At some point I have to ask myself is this amount of time wasted worth the 60-70 dollars saved or not...and it's still not even a sure thing. Not by a long shot.
  2. mass driver

    DX VF-25G

    I got a response from HLJ regarding the VF-25G perorder window and Brian Keats, the rep basically said there is no way for them to notify us the exact time when the preorder will go live. It goes live when they get info about it from Bandai. Oh well. I gave it a shot. By the way I would appreciate it profoundly if someone would please message me if the preorder does go live. I can't keep checking the site each night. See my sig
  3. Frogze, that looks like Jenga, except with several thousand dollars worth of toys!
  4. mass driver

    Macross figures

    This is a @#$% idea and you shouldn't do it . Save your money for valks! Seriously though, I'm with Benson. To each his own. If you loved that figure and want it that badly, then it's worth it.
  5. Plastic wrap. Brilliant. I should have thought of that. *Goes to get his one remaining flexi stand*
  6. Well, the problem with the version one flexi stand was the black stoppers degraded over time leaving unsightly black marks on the toys. The problem with the version two flexi stand was that the plastic on the clear tips had a chemical reaction with the paint on some yamato valks. You had MWer's telling horror stories of the paint on some 1/48 Low Viz being damaged due to this flaw. I can't find the original post I suspect because of the recent website overhaul. Someone back me up on this..
  7. Sweet display Ultramanzoffy. Anyway, on an unrelated note I heard that those flexi displays with the clear tips can suck the paint off some yamato valks. You might want to consider displaying your valuable VF-25s on something other than the flexi display. This is of course unless I am way behind the times and the maker of flexi stands corrected this flaw.
  8. Really? Hegemon aka non-megatron is actually smaller than MP10 if you look at comparison pics and the p38 gunmode isn't that small. http://tformers.com/ig.php?mode=view&album=16994&pic=transformers-g1-megatron-toyworld-hegemon+%2811%29.jpg&dispsize=600&start=0&sl=transformers-hegemon-preorder-and-shipping-information
  9. Still says sold out to me...most likely the preorder was cleared in 3 minutes. Whatever
  10. Darn. I just sent an e-mail to them too. Oh well
  11. You know, this may seem kind of silly but has anyone considered contacting the websites directly and asking exactly when they will post their preorders so there would be no guessing games and the buddy system could actually work? Too late now but something to think about for the future RVF
  12. 12:30 am here in California. Nothing yet. Oh and to Lolicon, I feel the same. I too feel like I'm now invested in the line so I feel compelled to complete it, at least Vf-25s, f, g, and luca's. 171 is still up in the air. The funny thing is all I ever wanted was the 25s and now look at me.... spending tonight refreshing my stupid computer.. This is so retarded I could laugh. If my anger ever overcame my lack of self restraint I'd be out of this hobby already.
  13. mass driver

    DX VF-25G

    Can you add me as well? I'm gonna man the computer tonight too.
  14. I love the Maketoy's non-devastator but given the choice between spending that kind of money on a third party transformer vs a Yamato valk or even a bandai valk, the valks always win. I suppose this is again a matter of personal taste. I do have fond memories of transformers G1 though, hell even masterforce... When I was living overseas in Africa as an expat, my buddy who was the son of a wealthy oil company CEO had the power master optimus. A japanese transformers Dx toy. In Africa, pre- internet age.....God how I lusted over that thing.
  15. This is beyond ridiculous.
  16. Really? Darn that sucks. I do NOT want to go through the 171 fiasco like last time.
  17. I would also like to be in on any group buy if you can plan that out Chrono. Thanks
  18. Would love to get more into 1/6 figures at some point. But the expense on these guys are even more prohibitive than valks for me these days. It's crazy. Anyway, Kicker are you planning on getting the hottoys 1989 batmobile?
  19. Still available at Nippon Yasan for 206 US dollars if anyone is interested. Also, does anyone know when the fast packs are going to be released. Have they even shown pictures yet?
  20. Wow. Talk about an Otaku tax. Of course, that wouldn't sting so much if the yen dollar exchange was better. I don't even want to know what the Itashar will cost...
  21. I still find this toy cool, cute, and hilarious all at the same time
  22. I am really loving the proportions on this. The curve on the underside of the fuselage is very subtle. I think it works really well
  23. How funny... Just when you thought you've seen every vf-1 made in existence Yamato finds yet another obscure color scheme to milk the VF-1 mold
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