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mass driver

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Everything posted by mass driver

  1. Awesome collection Kicker. I love how you have all the 1/48 and 1/60 valks lined up in battroid mode like that in single file. Very smart use of space and it really appeals to my OCD tendencies for neatness. Very clean and attractive way to display them all.
  2. Unbelievable. Even old faithful, Nippon-yasan is out. Guess I'll just have to wait till they have a restock or a MW'er who is willing to sell me one.
  3. I received my Maketoys giant/devastator this week and would like to echo what Hikuro said. It's a very solid release from Maketoys. The piece is well done with good quality plastic. The paint is superb for a third party release. Great, great toy and highly recommended for anyone who loves devastator. Can't wait for my Fansproject Bruticus to come in so he can battle devastator. Regarding Menasor, there has been some talk on the TF2005 boards that the individual cars can swap out as legs or arms to emulate the Scamble City OVA. I don't mind that the cars just become shins for Menasor's legs. That seems true to the animation.
  4. Its mistransformed. You're supposed to push that up further but I decided to mistransform it on purpose to use it as a trigger of sorts. @ Hikuro, I really hope you get your package once they sort things out.
  5. I just received my Fanstoys Quakewave from Acestoystore today. I have to admit that this is my first third party stand alone purchase (not counting all the Dr wu accessories that I've bought in the past). In short, the toy is excellent. The toy looks gorgeous, is easy to transform, feels solid as a rock, and fits very well with the other masterpiece figures. Some highlights 1. It feels heavy and substancial in hand thanks to the generous diecast in the legs. 2. There is some really nice detailing in the chest area. The molding is sharp. 3. It looks very accurate to the cartoon. Aside from the blocky legs, this really looks like shockwave just lept off the cartoon and onto my desk. 4. The plastic is pretty good, not cheap feeling. It has a slight textured look to it that gives it a matte finish. 5. The shoulders and knees have strong ratchet joints. There is a waist joint and ankle tilts allowing for some nice dynamic poses. I didn't try the electronics yet since I don't have the watch batteries needed. The clear hand and gun barrel may be accurate to the original toy but I'm eagerly waiting for the solid hand/barrel that will be provided later. Fanstoys really hit the ball out of the park with this one. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing other products from this company.
  6. I received my MP soundwave today too. Yes, it seems light when you first get the box, but once you get the toy out and mess with it the weight seems about right. It's about as heavy as MP-10. Eugimon said the plastic feels cheap. Well, it's about the same quality as MP-10. It seems durable to me. The only diecast I can see is the front half of the feet and that's it. The paint is great and I love the way the face/visor looks. There are no QC issues that I can see. And yes, laserbeak is awesome. Is it worth it? Maybe if you got it for 169 and even then it seems pricey for what you get. It's definitely NOT worth 189 or whatever it's going for now. Especially since the US version is rumored to be coming in like 6 months at half the price. It's still a great toy and he displays beautifully.
  7. Brainstorm and weirdwolf both look great. Brainstorm was one of the only headmasters I ever had so it has a special place in my heart.
  8. Those bid services are terrible. You end up paying WAY more than just 10%. When you pay the bank fee, commission, and shipping, you end up paying at least 50% of the base price of the toy itself.
  9. I finally had the courage to transform mine. Thanks to Veef and Jenius for some excellent videos.
  10. At least yours is in the US. Mine is still in HLJ's private warehouse thanks to the holiday the staff took off. I can wait...but only so long
  11. I finally got my set today as well. Just like Renato said, there seems to be a fit issue with the left leg armor. I managed to get the left leg armor to fit after a bit of fiddling. If you have an issue getting the armor to fit, try what I did. Try putting each leg piece on the leg individually to loosen up the peg holes before you try putting the whole leg armor assembly on. The thigh armor is a little loose but not as bad as the vf 25 super pack thigh armor. My new wing pins weren't loose. Everything else fits well.
  12. Yeah go for what you want first if price is not a consideration. For bang for your buck, I'd recommend the VF-25G since it's still relatively cheap and I love that huge sniper rifle. The YF-29's are expensive and fiddly with all those canards and I always worried about handling it and damaging the canards. The VF-171 as some have said is quite difficult to transform, which takes some of the fun out of it. The VF-25G is easier to transform, cheaper, and looks badass.
  13. Lucky! Too bad the US dollar to yen exchange was horrible then. I paid 16000 yen + 3600 yen for shipping. The toy itself was already 200 dollars due to the exchange rate. Yeah for uncle sam.
  14. Wow, that is beautiful. Good work EXO, you're are true artist.
  15. You were probably lucky enough to get one from HLJ or hobbysearch or animeexport.. I went through nippon yasan and it was 203 when I preordered it. I should've shopped around but that was before I was aware of the different prices.
  16. Probably in anticipation of the demand for the cannon fodder. Well good things go to those who wait in this case.
  17. Oh yes, pepsi prime. I'd throw down for that!
  18. What? Blasphemy! Just ask your wife for an advance on your holiday goodies! Waiting two months is too long to handle MP 10. That toy just rocks.
  19. Yes, it is a good design. I really wanted to like it but the horrible quality control on mine just ruins it for me.
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