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mass driver

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Everything posted by mass driver

  1. I'm guessing Noah is on the right. The center guy better not be Ohta. Doesn't look squat and angry enough. Yeah shame about the uniforms. They look more like a military team than you're average joe police department that just happens to have mechs.
  2. Nice pose. Nantoseiken Gokusatsuken!!
  3. http://www.ebay.com/bhp/sazabi-formania I think someone above mentioned it before but it's a conversion kit for the MG zaku 2.0.
  4. Take me on by AHA. Love the squiggly lines pencil montage. Some guy put up a "literal" version which is even more popular than the original. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djV11Xbc914
  5. Wow damn 500+ dollars for a small resin premade model and the auction is not finished yet. I confess I've never owned these boutique toys so I don't completely understand why they command such a high prices. I reckon it's because its perfect transformation, handmade, and its the ONLY transforming Dangaio available. You'd have to be a huge fan to plunk down that kind of scratch for it. I agree though... be patient. I'm sure someone else will get around to making a chogokin of it someday. Just like I'm hoping someone will make a quality transforming gaogaigar/gaofaigar/genesic gaogaigar chogokin. The cm's ones are only passable.
  6. That's a nice find Darrin. Those are gorgeous looking kits. Oh if only I had a modicum of modeling skill... Please post when you get around to them
  7. Wow. That is just crazy. I love it
  8. That Giga drill breaker though cool since it's included, looks like it's a hot mess.
  9. Wow. Now that's what I'm talking about. Very good job on the custom.
  10. We aren't doing so awsome. It's only Kicker. He's secretly found a gold egg laying duck and he's keeping it all to him self. I'm not jealous or anything
  11. Wow. That instantly makes it look 10x better
  12. Fist of the Northstar. You're already dead.... Watatatatatatatatatatat Ker splat! Never gets old.
  13. Wow, I'm glad this is finally going forward but my enthusiasm is dulled by the shoulder and face redesign. If only they left the design like the TV it would be perfect.
  14. Great find Darrin and good job on the background. You're quite the artist.
  15. That was quite articulate and funny. She really did do some research after all. Gotta give her credit for that. My wife regularly confuses my valks with the transformers. I've stopped trying ). Your gilfriend is a talented writer.
  16. Hmm. Does the feet color look darker? LIke it was painted black? Maybe it's just the lighting of the photo but my vanilla 1/60 VF-1S ver 2 Hikaru has grey feet.
  17. Nice! Pic of the day. Too bad the thing costs almost as much as a friggin Gibson Les Paul custom.
  18. Jason has a point. A lot of it is presentation. IMHO, artfully displayed valks in a clean tasteful display case are much more likely to be appreciated than just a bunch of randomly displayed toys on a desk or bookcase. All my valks are in a large display case I purchased a few years back. Half my valks are also displayed in jet mode, which helps also since the f-14 is iconic and the silhouette is easily recognizable.
  19. Most of my visitors are family members who already know that I collect toys as a hobby. I occasionally get a few of my wife's friends that come over. Sometimes a contractor. When I get asked about the collection, I just give a one liner. I just say that they are toys that I used to have as a kid and that they bring back good memories. I try to sell their "personal value" to me, not their monetary value. I find that few are willing to argue with you once you bring in nostalgia as a primary reason for collecting anything. It's why people hold on to pictures or chotchkies.
  20. Awesome. About damn time they made it. My metal composite unicorn is itching for a fight.
  21. preordered. I'm glad that Arcadia is back reissuing the VF1's. It gives some hope that they'll do the max and miria valks eventually. The stand is a nice add in.
  22. Looks like you started a nice avengers shelf. You should round it out with hottoys iron Man MK VII and Hulk
  23. Awesome hot toys collection Kicker. Is the Ras al ghul a custom?
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