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Everything posted by nhyone

  1. From what you quoted, it sounds like they will sharpen the soft parts. Amazon Japan lists a regular and limited edition already, availability on 29 Jan 2016. Argh, I thought this is a budget release? Even a budget release has a limited edition?
  2. What I'm interested to know is if DYRL is identical to the first blu-ray release -- the censored clips and the altered music score.
  3. Book 5 came out in Mar 2013 and book 6 in May 2015? I missed just one book even though I have not checked back in 2 years. Wow.
  4. Oops, I replied to boinger in DYRL HD Remaster Cleanup Script. I did not realize it is in a different forum.
  5. For completeness sake, I shall post the screen-captures from the DVDs. The 2008 Bandai remastered DVD (from Galaxy Network DVD-rip) The AnimEigo DVD The difference in framing (Bandai DVD frame in red) If there is one thing that the Bandai blu-rays can be improved in the future, it would be to zoom out more -- except in selective scenes where the art is not drawn to the edges.
  6. Note: I replied here because it is related to DYRL video processing, which is what this thread is all about. Based on your description, it looks like you are using the 1999 Perfect Edition DVD? That is a nightmare. However, the PS3 can deinterlace it, so it should be doable -- somehow. For HandBrake, you should play around with the detelecine and decomb parameters: Telecine Deinterlacing Guide Decomb I have not used this DVD as a source, but perhaps I should give it a try one day. I have not taken my DVD out of storage for 10 years. I hope it is still working! That is a very ambitious project! Macross-wise, it is akin to post-processing and upscaling the AnimEigo DVDs to the blu-ray standard... It is well-worth to get acquianted with Avisynth. HandBrake has limited filters. For maximum flexibility, we need to fall back to Avisynth. I've used it to do simple color-correction. As we know, almost every transfer has its own color! (But we seldom see people arguing over it like grain...) In the near future, we will be upscaling our 1080p anime to 4K and filters are the key to get good quality.
  7. Actually, I'll be a spoilsport here. I would like to ask the grown-ups who are discussing who-owns-what and who-does-what to start their own topic so that we kids can talk about our cartoon? That's the whole point. Here's one where there is a difference. This is a panning shot. Original Denoise Grain is not entirely removed, but it looks very good in motion. NLMeans (light) denoise Introduces a bit of banding... The comparison is not new. You can find very similar images in the SDF tv animeigo vs new remastered thread, by TheLoneWolf, all the way back from 2008! I got the info from that same thread. Now that I think about it, I think Bandai did clean it up. But they did not spend an extraordinary effort to do so -- the print was already in good condition. That's purely my guess, though.
  8. For comparison to the DVDs. The 2008 Bandai remastered DVD (from Galaxy Network DVD-rip) The AnimEigo DVD (Resized to 640x480 for the proper aspect ratio.) You can see the Bandai DVD image retains most of the details. I stand by my statement that the Bandai DVDs are good enough. The AnimEigo DVD framing is a little looser, that's the only good thing about it.
  9. There is some loss, but I think it is negligible. For grain, the key is to go light on spatial denoise, but use medium/strong temporal denoise. This does not reduce much details, IMO. Original Denoise NLMeans (light) denoise This is not a grainy frame at all. The point is to show the details are retained. They have been resized to 900px, though. What is interesting to me is that I need to use strong temporal denoise to remove the grain, but with NLMeans, I just need to use light strength. (Although that does not work for the opening.) Personally, I don't think they cleaned it up, but they just happened to have the print lying around. I believe that because the footage was on the 2008 Remastered DVDs too. To grain or not to grain can be a heated topic. Mass-market will demand less grain. Even the Nausicaa blu-ray from the 2014 Miyazaki Hayao Complete Box was de-grained significantly. For me, I prefer the source to keep the grain because it seems to be easier -- you just need tons of bitrate. Degrain is a path fraught with issues. (If I messed up on my end, I can just do it again.)
  10. If the Maxman DVDs are the same as the AnimEigo, I'm sorry to say something is wrong. It is edge-enhanced so strongly that I can't bear to watch it on LCD displays. You might have some misunderstanding. The original aspect ratio is 4:3. HD means at least 720p, it does not have to be 16:9. IMO, the 2008 Bandai remastered DVD is good enough. It is not as crisp as the blu-ray, but Macross is a relatively low-detailed show (as is most TV anime). This is where I disagree with Mr March. Of course, it was equally expensive and is now OOP. Update: I just briefly skimmed through AnimEigo epsiode 1 and the EE was visible, but not that obtrusive. It was different from what I remembered a few years ago. But the color is exactly like what others have described -- oversaturated and bluish.
  11. Another pic. This has been posted before in another thread, but not at this size. Original Regular denoise Which does not work NLMeans denoise Which works very well, but the very very fine details are lost. (The star streak) The clean video
  12. The RE price has been pretty stable on Amazon Japan, according to CamelCamelCamel. Well, I missed the LE, but that is expected since I only decided to pick it up recently. The cheapest LE used is around the same price as the RE new, but the descriptions (after Google translated) were too gibberish for me to make out the condition. No problem, 4K UHD is just around the corner. Previously, I have tried to denoise the opening. Original: With light spatial and strong temporal denoise: The sky remains grainy and the yellow spots remain in the white areas. With NLMeans denoise: You can't really tell from a static image, but the sky is smooth, just like the cleaned-up opening, but the white areas become yellowish -- but pretty smooth. The cleaned-up opening from the bonus disc: (Note: the images are PNG, hence ~2 MB each.) Edit: oh no, the images are resized to 900px. They were 1080p.
  13. Sorry to dredge up this old thread, but I would like to ask, does anyone know if the 6 discs containing the TV show is bit-for-bit identical between the RE and LE? I ripped the first disc of the RE and it has a 0% MD5 match against an online LE source. (Usually, I can get 99.x% match -- I have never gotten 100% match.) I always found it ironic that the opening in 35mm film is in a worse quality than the rest of the show in 16mm. For the show, you can use regular denoise to remove the grain (blasphemy, I know ) and some filters to remove the spots / dust. Those don't work on the opening, but recently I found something that does... NLMeans!
  14. I'm just thinking Arcadia is burrowing itself deeper and deeper into a niche. They might not recover from a single failed product. Here's an idea to make the toys more affordable: have a simpler toy that is not so detailed. In addition, sell upgrade kits to add on or swap in the detailed parts.
  15. I stumbled on this thread while searching for DYRL DVD. Is there any update to this project? I wonder how the LD compares to the DVD and BD.
  16. In ten years, they just need to sell the CAD design and the diecast parts. The rest, we'll 3D print ourselves.
  17. I'm wondering what is the cost at each level. The list price of 1/60 Macross Zero VF-0S Phoenix Transformable is ¥34,800 at HLJ. What is Arcadia's cut? 17,400 yen? (50% of MSRP) And how much did Arcadia paid for it? 8,700 yen? (50% of wholesale price) And what is the factory's cost price? (Very likely the factory is keeping mum, but we can guess.)
  18. The boxset has been out a few months now. Has anyone done a comparison?
  19. The original 52 episode will probably work as well, but it won't have something that I like about Macross: the post-war episodes. I always viewed ep 28-36 as sort of a "season 2". They have a different feel and are somewhat more depressing. If I want to stay upbeat, I stop watching at ep 27! :-)
  20. I have three thoughts about grain on digital displays. 1. Film can be very high-res, but ultimately, does higher scan dpi give more details or merely just grain? 2. Grain looks worse on digital displays than on CRTs. Grain on digital displays look unnatural, while CRTs hide them naturally. 3. Anime has v little fine details. IMO, 480p is sufficient to capture all or most details. Sure, there could be very detailed background art, but they are not the focus of the show.
  21. If you buy the regular edition, you just get the second pic that EXO attached -- the 4-page leaflet and 4 discs. It's a good thing I didn't order the limited edition. While the book is nice, I don't want to pay an extra US$150 for it.
  22. You are faster than me! I just got it from Amazon Japan too. Was surprised cos isn't it supposed to be released today?
  23. Oops, just realized this thread is about DYRL. I was talking about the TV series.
  24. Why compare against the original release? There is a 2008 remastered R2 DVD release whose quality is as near to the Blu-ray as the DVD format would allow. The Blu-ray would be a better choice if you were to try to remove/reduce the grain. I've tried downsizing both to 360p with denoising and the Blu-ray version is slightly cleaner and is about 15-20% smaller. My thought is that the grain is captured more finely in 1080p and that makes it easier to be removed. However, I worked with 2nd-hand sources, not raw rips, so my conclusion may be invalid.
  25. I was preordering the Mospeada Blurays, so I thought to tag this along. Amazon doesn't allow us to combine shipping anymore? I had to cancel my preorder and create a new order. On its own, the shipping would cost 2000 yen, but when combined, it is just 2500 yen. Now, there's the other question of all these strange cryptic symbols on the pages...
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