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Everything posted by nhyone

  1. I think it depends on the storage conditions. I removed the tapes from all my MP boxes and my experience is that (i) the older they are, (ii) the hotter they are stored [my guess], the more they stick to the box. My technique is to heat the tape with a hairdryer first, then peel it off. I don't know if it actually helps, because it doesn't work with the bad cases. In those cases, I use the same sticker that I just pulled off to remove the sticky residue. It works mostly, except in some cases the box tears off -- watch for it and stop just before that happens.
  2. Just got this: for 20 pence, excluding shipping. I bought it for the commentary track. I have listened to all three commentary tracks and I must say this is the best of the bunch.
  3. US$200 is way too much for one Dinobot. All 5 is US$1,000! Not going to happen for me. Even at the reduced price (which is still very expensive), I will probably consider just 1 or 2 -- especially for re-enactment with Devastator.
  4. The Toyworld Constructicons are spot-on G1 individually, but the Devy mode is not. The head sculpt, the thin midriffs, the overly long forearms and the silver thighs. I'll wait for the green v2 before deciding whether to take the plunge. Also, on Mixmaster's mixing drum. The purple looks better in vehicle mode (else it is too green), but in Devy mode, for Constructor, it looks better with the green. Purple makes it too "colorful". This is different on other Devys because their legs are green throughout.
  5. Not going to miss that. However, there appears to be only one commentary track. The 20th anniversary edition has two (one of which is now left out). The UK Ultimate 2-disc ed has another. I wish this release has all 3, but that's a minor nitpick. I'm glad both the 16:9 and 4:3 versions are available. However, I wonder how "open" the 4:3 will be. Comparing Sony's 16:9 to its 4:3 version (red = 16:9): Comparing Sony's 4:3 to Reconstructed version (red = Sony):
  6. There has been 3 upgrade kits for the Combiner Wars Devastator: - Perfect Effect - PC-06 - X2 Toys - XS001 Kit - DNA - DK-01 I like the last one most of all. Among others, it fixes 3 issues: - Mixmaster's cement mixer in correct orientation in vehicle mode! Foot is also more G1 looking (basic expectation) - shoulders - tiltable head. It is a "parts-former", but I'm fine with it I ordered it right after I watched Vangelus's review on it.
  7. Does anyone have a recommended shop to get 3P transformers in Singapore or on TaoBao? For TaoBao, I can't seem to find a single seller that sells the current set, say, of FansToys Dibots. I prefer to buy from one seller than several. I told myself I would never buy 3P, nor dinobots, but the FansToys one are really tempting!
  8. I don't mind the MP-14+. It is one of those "special editions" that will appeal to a small segment. My first reaction was that I didn't even realized Red Alert was colored wrongly! Now, ask about MP-29 (Shockwave). Most people won't mind a variant with a different shade of purple, do they?
  9. Not true if you look at The Transformers: Masterpiece. The suffix ones are the special editions, which I interpret to mean they are one-off runs with lower quantity. IMO, most of these special editions won't appeal to normal fans. Even for MP-11SW and MP-11T, it'll be cool to have them to form the seeker trio, but it is really buying MP-11 three times. Because of that, I find it hard to justify at these prices. At this point, I hope Takara re-issues MP-11 and MP-13. I have missed them twice! For MP-29, for those who haven't gotten it, I have a strong feeling that Takara will release a toy-colored purple color.
  10. HannouHeiki, are you talking about these: Left = 2012 BD, right = 2016 BD. Resized to 480p and denoised, but colors should be unaffected. The brighter colors look better in a side-by-side comparison, but I believe the more muted colors are either (i) closer to the original, or (ii) a side-effect of lowering the brightness.
  11. The torrents are starting to appear. 1080p at 11.63 GB, a bit lower than my estimate, though it does compress a little better than the old one. There is also a subtitled BD at ADC, so it is doable.
  12. The blu-ray is 40 GB. It is possible to re-encode it to a 15 GB video file and remain perfectly watchable. You can add subtitles easily if your device supports MKV or MP4 playback. It does not always have to be blu-ray.
  13. technoblue, you can save screenshots as PNG in MPC-HC. The images from anamorphic DVDs are saved in stored resolution, so they are always 720x480. Difference between the 2012 and 2016 blu-rays based on the two screenshots above. (I didn't check more.) 2012 vs 2016 (click for cropped 600x600 1:1 images [no resizing]) They know they can't do anything about the out-of-focus, but they try to darken the lines to make them "sharper". 2012 vs 2016 (click for cropped 1200x800 1:1 images [no resizing]) The brightness curve is tweaked to hide the grain. The grain is still there in the dark areas, just not as obvious as they are now darker. Updated: sources are the 2012 and 2016 blu-rays, extracted with MakeMKV and played back with MPC-HC.
  14. This is great! How about the video quality?
  15. Maybe it was sold out? Video stores are relics... I'll be watching this thread very closely to see how the new blu-ray is like.
  16. Just want to make a few corrections here. I finally took my Perfect edition out of mothball after more than 10 years to watch it. And found it was better than I thought. It is windowboxed more-or-less similarly to the remastered edition. It is interlaced, sure, but HandBrake manages to deinterlace most of it properly, except for some panning scenes. How does it compare to the remastered edition? The colors are more saturated, it is bluish where the remastered edition is grayish, and the blacks are crushed -- no details in dark areas at all. Other than that, it is good enough. Three oddities, though. It lingers on one scene (Hikaru and Misa at the re-surfaced city) one second longer, so the two went out of sync. After re-syncing, the remastered edition lingers on another scene (musicians trying to fit the DYRL tune) one second longer, so they went out of sync again. The video glitch in the remastered edition did not cause any sync issue, though. Here's a screenshot of me playing all three at the same time. The videos have been re-encoded to H.264, denoised and resized to 360p, though. The remastered edition is slightly wider on the right side, and the blu-ray is even more slightly wider on that side. But that is almost negligible. For the Flashback 2012 ending, the blu-ray is noticably sharper, even though this part is upscaled? The words are smaller on the blu-ray, so it looks like there is a textless version. (The end credits are not identical.) Edit: once the new blu-ray is out, I will be able to play four at the same time!
  17. It looks sharper because it has been sharpened (not by me, it is in the FB2012 source). My point is that it has the same blurriness, meaning it comes from the same source. So, if the new blu-ray looks better, it is because it will (i) use motion-adaptive DNR, (ii) sharpening, and not because there is a new source.
  18. From Flashback 2012 BD: The board resizes the images to 1200px wide, but we can still compare the images somewhat. A 800x600 crop from DYRL blu-ray (1:1 if you click on the actual image): Cropped from Flashback 2012 blu-ray (not identical because it is a little more zoomed in): I see the same blurness in the FB2012 image, just that it is not as obvious.
  19. Are you talking about this scene? Because if you are, I'm sorry to say the FB2012 one is also blurred. It's just not as obvious. From the remastered DVD (resized for correct AR):
  20. That's not true, the blurred scenes are everywhere. You can tell they are out-of-focus optically. The grainy scenes are the ones with motion. It looks like the DNR only works for static scenes. My guess is that their idea of improvement is that they were able to remove all the noise. Well, not to knock them, but if they were being conservative the first time round and now they could remove all the noise, then it is likely they could do it correctly. DNR is always very easy to overapply...
  21. The beginning works for me. We are thrown right into the action and left to figure out what happened later. I don't need to know how they got there. Later we were told they had lost contact with Earth and were on their way back. That's good enough for me. I know I'm in the minority because we now have an exposition in the prologue for the "Complete" edition of the blu-ray. It must have been one of the neverending complaints over the years. On the other hand, I find the ending weak -- once Britai allies with the humans -- so that mars the masterpiece a little. (It may not be obvious at first because you are mesmerized by the song.. ) I know many people also think DYRL does not work standalone -- you have to watch the TV series first. I also disagree with that.
  22. I read that entire thread and the news post, but someone must have edited my memory. Everyone has different thresholds and criteria whether to buy, or most likely, to re-dip again. I do think people -- other than the hard-core -- are hesitant to buy out-of-sight, given the past issues. At least that's the case for me. For me, the blu-ray's biggest issue is not the censoring nor altered music track. I always felt the two scenes are unexpectedly violent compared to the rest of the movie, so I'm fine either way. Rather, the video quality is extremely variable. From sharp to soft to out-of-focus to grainy, repeatedly.
  23. Yes, you are right, the music plays on track 2! Now the question is, why did they remove it on the 5.1 track?
  24. Hopefully this will be the "perfect" edition and be free of glitches. There has been 3 releases so far, all have their own issues. Perfect edition (1999): very windowbox, interlace from hell. Remastered edition (2007): windowbox, grainy, video glitch, audio popping. Blu-ray (2012): soft in some parts, violence censored, altered music track.
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