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Everything posted by nhyone

  1. I think TLG is trying to be cautious so that they don't get stuck with too many unsold units. Maybe their plan for high-priced-but-unknown-demand sets is to produce X numbers per quarter, so that they get stuck with X numbers at most. They seem to be using the same approach for the Apollo Saturn V set. I'm also thinking the chance of this set staying at list price the entire run (due to ever-demand), or will it be discounted by 20-30% at some point to move sales?
  2. I'll be skipping MP-40. Too close to MP-28 for me. The MPs have been going up in price recently and hence my criteria for getting them has been going up as well.
  3. By 2021, HG would have blocked Macross in US for 40 years. Even if they lose the rights then, I don't think it matters where it comes to the early Macross series. They are too old-school for new fans. 40 years of lost profits and opportunities for all the rights holders.
  4. Pre-order is a bit more involved. You have to install the chat app Aliwangwang so that the seller can notify you when the item arrives and you can make the rest of the payment (either a link or he'll adjust the price after you ordered it but before payment). A little bit of communication is required.
  5. It's worth reading how-to-buy-from-TaoBao guides such as http://www.howtotao.com/buy-from-taobao/ .
  6. Images are bandwidth intensive compared to text. Forums have gotten away with it for so long that people have taken it for granted.
  7. This may be true in the 90s, but my impression is that, from the mid-2000s onwards, it's from entrepreneurs who could "do the same" for much cheaper. While KO companies start off copying, they often do their own designs later.
  8. MP-39 vs MP-12, 120k yen vs 85k yen list price. That's 40% more. Perhaps HasTak should offer a basic version and a decked-out version for those of us who just want the robot -- especially for supporting characters.
  9. KOs are cheap. 30-50% of the original price, because at some point, people will buy the original instead. Even you don't support KO, you have to wonder if the cost of the original is justified -- and if the makers are doing anything to bring it down. Or do they just blame the usual license fee and increased cost. Also, KO start from the opposite spectrum. They start cheap and poorly made, then they move up over the years.
  10. I had the opposite reaction from you. It had taken so long that it meant the VF market was too niche and not lucrative at all. But low-volume accessories and high prices for them are easy target for KO.
  11. Could have been the VF-4. The VF-1, YF-19 and YF-21 should be more recognizable.
  12. The Wei Jiang MPP36 looks good! They even show the back to show that there is no kibble. I thought Wei Jiang mainly copies existing designs and upscales them? This looks original. And why is Megatron holding a giant search light instead of his fusion canon? Megatron search and rescue?
  13. For me, only two meets the G1 (cartoon) look: the HasTak Devastator and the ToyWorld Constructor. The HasTak individual bots are somewhat sub-optimal (YMMV), since the goal is G1 combined form. It is even better with the DNA DK-01 upgrade kit. For ToyWorld, the upgrade parts made available later are essential to get the G1 look. While some people may not like it for being a partsformer, I think it is needed to get the gestalt form look proportional. Almost every other gestalt look off somewhat. The DK-01 kit quenched my thirst for 3P versions, for now at least. We'll see when FansToys show off their version. I'm not sure how they can surpass ToyWorld, though.
  14. I'm usually wary of origin stories (*yawn*), what's more a live-action anime adaptation (they suck), but Chris Stuckmann, a YouTube movie reviewer, gives this an A- (Ghost in the Shell - Movie Review) — and knowing he watches anime — I trust his recommendation and went to watch it. I like it. The key is not to expect it to be Ghost in the Shell (GitS) 1995, but a cyberpunk movie. In fact, I get vibe of Blade Runner and The Matrix for scenes that were not lifted directly from GitS. (GitS was heavily influenced by Blade Runner anyway.) The film lifts many iconic imagery as-is from the anime, although not always in the same context, but tells its own story — more simple and much less philosophical than the anime — and is still cohesive and coherent. It stands on its own. I'm fine with that. I treat it as an alternate universe. There was hoo-ha online that GitS was white-washed due to casting a white female lead over a Japanese one. I have the reverse issue with it. It would have been better if the Section 9 Chief was dubbed over in non-Japanese market. It was jarring to listen to half the conversation and reading the other half. If I have any issues with Scarlett Johansson as The Major, it was that her thermoptic camouflage suit wasn't skin tone-y enough. It's too bad with the poor box office numbers that we will not get a sequel. But why do films need sequels? Blade Runner and The Matrix didn't... My original text:
  15. The 3P Megatrons nailed the upper-half of the body, but the legs look off. MP-36 is the opposite. The top is off -- his chest is way too thick -- but his legs are spot-on. IMO, Mightron looks the most balanced from the front, but he has back-kibble.
  16. I didn't realize the X version is limited to 1,000 pieces. If so, they are unlikely to be reissued. Let me see if I'm able to find one w/o significant markup on TaoBao *and* ship overseas. It seems to be prohibited for export -- dinosaur, perhaps. I was rather surprised to find a FT-07 that I could pre-order. I like cartoon color, but bling is, well, bling. The official pics for FT-07X are way overexposed, IMO. I can't see how it looks under natural lighting. The X version comes with the pop-out eyes too? It is one reason why I consider Stomp over other Dinbots...
  17. I would like to ask people's opinion of FansToys Dinbots normal vs X. Which one do you prefer? Because they are so ex, I decided to buy only one, FT-07 Stomp (aka Sludge). FT-07 reissue is available for pre-order on TaoBao. Am wondering if I should wait for FT-07X?
  18. April is also when MP-11 (Starscream), MP-13 (Soundwave) and the cassettes are re-issued. That's expensive to get all in one shot if you missed them the first time round, like I did.
  19. I don't believe Takara will release Megatron just once, so there will be color variants. I've said that about Shockwave, but so far there is still no sign of a deeper purple variant. So far, it looks like every mold is used for at least two toy releases?
  20. From TFW 2005. The upgrade parts should be available separately. Now my only gripe is the forearms are too long, else it looks very G1.
  21. Minority here, but I like Cars. Eye candy, pacing and just enough story. Cars 2 was trash, though.
  22. Green Giant used to look good, but he has been eclipsed. IMO, the most G1-looking and proportionally-sized Devastator is Takara's UW-04, more-so with DNA DK-01 add-on kit. The bot-mode for the Constructicons is compromised, but I can live with it.
  23. Me too, but it has only one commentary track, and that's the weakest one -- IMO. The Reconstructed and Ultimate editions can be gotten on Amazon UK very cheaply used all along. And now that the 30th Anniversary Ed is on its way, the Sony 20th Anniversary Ed can be picked up quite cheaply used as well. It depends whether there are any special features that you want.
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