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Everything posted by nhyone

  1. This review makes me want to buy DX9's Gabriel.
  2. Zeta says: "Thank you for your concern. We will come out with better toys." If true, this implies that ZetaToys will still be around. I'm still of the opinion that Hasbro can't really enforce its G1 IP much, especially in China.
  3. I agree. Hasbro was able to take down the videos because they mentioned "Unicron". But ZetaToys itself? My belief is that Hasbro is unable to go after them directly -- unless someone shows that they were served C&D letter. The way ZT phrases it, "it looks like it will be aborted (abandoned) this time", there is some uncertainty. (I use 'may' previously, but now I think 'will' is closer. 'Looks like it will be ...' = likely to happen.) Will they be uncertain if Hasbro sued them? Maybe the factory got cold feet or retailers declined to carry Core Star, so they couldn't proceed. For now, at least.
  4. Seige will scratch the G1 itch for many people, I think, at a fraction of the price of 3P. That's how you destroy 3P, by taking their market away.
  5. https://www.tfw2005.com/boards/threads/hasbro-has-taken-legal-action-on-transformer-kos-in-china.1180249/page-14#post-17188698 IMO, Hasbro has a case here because unlicensed 3P looks too alike an official product. Keyword being 'official product'. G1 IP infringement? Hasbro has a long fight ahead.
  6. I meant legal lines, of course. Didn't a toy shop use "Optimus Prime" to describe Toy World's figure recently and Hasbro send the cease-and-detest letter immediately? Hasbro is watching -- all the time.
  7. While many people think Hasbro is tolerating the presence of 3P, I don't share that view. Cross the line, Hasbro will come after you faster than you can transform your 3P figure. Clearly over the line: trademark and counterfeit At the line: KO and stuff that resembles their physical products Not that close to the line: 3P G1 stuff (IP violation) For example, TE-01 comes with the Autobot insignia sticker sheet. I thought that was bold of them, but apparently it was okay. And why was the v2 head not installed by default? Maybe it is too close for comfort. (Because it is based on MP-44.)
  8. I don't know. Given what just happened to Toy World, the fact that they still went ahead says they think they are on safe grounds.
  9. If you think about it, it was Zeta Toys that was scooped by HasLab. It was supposed to be their big reveal on Aug 10. They decided to hold back until Sep 1, except HasLab extended their campaign and ZT said, "not going to wait anymore". ZT is planning to release this end of this year. They don't have much time.
  10. Brightened-up images: The back of the planet is extremely panel-ly. I have also brightened the front images that I previously uploaded.
  11. MP is now all about "stepping straight out of the cartoon" now. I don't mind, since I never hold it to the realistic alt mode, toon bot mode model.
  12. HasLab Unicron is a shellformer. The bot is hiding in the shell. MP-44 is an inside-out transformer?
  13. I must be doing something wrong cos I don't see any out-of-place articles/links when I search for his name.
  14. In any case, you can only ship D12 to the US via third-party forwarders. From my post in TFW: I've checked with them: 70cm x 50cm x 58cm, sum = 178cm. Zhongshan EMS limit is 80cm for the longest side, 130cm in total. JCEX limit is 80cm for the longest side, 150cm in total. It won't be possible to ship DX9 D12 in its original packaging to USA using the official forwarders. Based on the dimensions, the volumetric weight is 33.8 kg! Looks like this option is out.
  15. What's the cheapest you can find DX9 D12 for? On TaoBao, some sellers are listing him at ~800 yuan (US$114)! It looks like they just can't get rid of him... (This is why I'm not surprised DX9 does not release the blue guardian.) At this price, it is really a "no-brainer", not even considering that it is the best looking OS in bot mode (YMMV). Shipping would be very expensive, though, so be sure to check it out first. I'm still thinking, though. I don't feel the need for OS in my collection -- yet.
  16. The answer is yes. It is being offered by Hasbro China on TMall, along with many TaoBao sellers, for the China market. The text there says it is jointedly marketed by HasLab, Hasbro CN and TakaraTomy. It also mentions a worldwide target of 8,000. Not met = not made.
  17. I have the toys and I watched the cartoons. I only remember how Motormaster and Menasor look like. It is slightly better for Aerialbots as I know there's one with orange head.
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