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Everything posted by locidm

  1. I look forward to Cap’s creation! got mine and here’s a quick pic with the (grasp) Toynami and ET Legioss. This guy looks really good! Lots of falling bits. I’ve only put him on the bike so far and I’ve already managed to twist of his head, his top torso, his shoulder pad, and his ankle guard multiple times. Looks really good though.
  2. I always say; money, time, and health; you can usually have only two out of three. When you get older and have lots of time and money, the health part goes away. Such is life which is why we treasure the time we have always because it’s always going to be a struggle one way or another.
  3. I picked up some smaller items during my HK/Japan trip: Then when I came back there were these waiting for me. it’s been a nice few days of toy opening. Hopefully the Sentinel ride armor and MB Mazinger arrive tomorrow!
  4. In anticipation of the ride armors coming out I finally picked up the ET Legioss. Boy my expectation was low but it managed to not meet it. I do like the soldier mode but it leaves a lot to be desired like all other Legioss toys before it. It’s good to finally have something next to my Toynami. my copy came with some strange double tapes on the inside of the plastic insert. The adhesive from the tape kind of made a mess on the surface of the interior plastic insert, but luckily didn’t affect the toy itself. Did anyone else have this? I couldn’t attach the missiles below he chest and will probably just leave it as is until it goes back into the box. Did others manage to attach them?
  5. I lucked out and got the Legioss when amazon.jp had it priced low enough to be less than $200 shipped. Have yet to open it though!
  6. HLJ notices finally went out! Just in time for me to ship it with MB Mazinger.
  7. In case you want to chase your childhood memories and buy the modern version of the same toy, Megahouse made one and it's pretty nice. I held off buying one until I saw one in person. It's nicely made! I must admit that I still haven't transformed mine..... THey're sold out now but here's a link on HLJ: https://hlj.com/product/MEG81807/Act
  8. What a waste! You’d think they’d send someone with at least some knowledge on the subject matter to do the interview! The reporter probably didn’t appreciate what she was seeing, at all. I hear you about the figures. I got questioned once over a very innocent looking Minmay figure fully clothed in her signature DYRL pose. You’re wise to do what you did.
  9. Wow! Insane collection. So this is where the awesome N-scale town diorama is housed! Very nice. Given Tekering's locale (Japan), it's interesting how much of the collection come from sources based on Hollywood productions (Star Wars, Star Trek, terminator, iron man, avengers, etc.), and relatively small percentage based on Japanese materials (Macross/Robotech and Godzillas). There are nice Kaijus but no soul of chogokin (except perhaps the ships?) and super robots. The TF collection seems to be most prominent given it's sort of both Japanese and American. Definitely awesome setup. Two/three rooms of just toy displays. I wish I have room to display half my collection! The media will have a jaw dropping day!
  10. locidm

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Imagine the big shots calling who gets made......, and selecting from a catalog of zentradi soldiers: Grunts = basic soldier, lowest tier software, middle tier hardware Exedore = highest tier software, hardware is lowest tier except for the brain, which would need the most storage and processing capacity Bretai = highest tier hardware, software focuses on courage and decision making. Milia = Best software integration with hardware give best reflexes. Kamjin = good software integration with hardware. Mediocre software.
  11. locidm

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I guess I haven't thought about it this way before, so do the Zentradi just keep manufacturing new soldiers? They obviously don't reproduce naturally. If they don't manufacture more over time they'll just die off one by one either naturally or through battles. I have a hard time picturing Zentradis taking care of Zentradi babies. It doesn't work without culture. So in my mind Zentradis are likely manufactured as adults ready for battle.
  12. locidm

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Wait, someone got banned from HLJ because of cancelling too many pre-orders? I've bought from them plenty in the past, and cancelled plenty of orders too. Are they being more strict about it these days?
  13. Arcadia delayed to July, diecast will replace plastic in some areas for strengthening. https://ameblo.jp/arcadiaac/entry-12356412578.html
  14. Nice review. Thanks for posting. I have their ravage from few years ago and liked it very much. These look really nice too and I agree with you about the torso and forearms. Still it’s oretty impressive engineering.
  15. locidm

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The armor covers so much of the valk it almost doesn’t matter what’s underneath except for the head. If it’s sold separately I might grab it to put it on Messer or something. Not a big fan or Arad’s scheme.
  16. Ya these days it’s tough to find time and energy. Kids and work completely consume both on a daily basis. Which is why I appreciate intuitive transformation like the VF-1 and VF-31. On the other hand, I hate spending time on transforming YF-29 just because I spend 90% of the time trying to get the arms in place in frustration . MP Meg though, I think after the first transformation shouldn’t be too hard to do it again. It’s not difficult, just lots of steps. Fun ones at that. Fun is the most important factor. Why the heck waste time doing something frustrating? It’s a toy at the end of the day. It’s purpose is to provide entertainment.
  17. I got MP Megatron back in April 2017, almost a year ago. Finally found time and gathered the interest to transform him for the first time today. Gotta day I’m impressed. Turning from gun mode to robot mode was especially rewarding. Now if I could gather enough energy to do SV-262 next!
  18. I've been out of the 3P TF game for a long time.......but these pics pulled me right back in. Thanks for poking a hole in my wallet guys!
  19. locidm

    Macross figures

    Wow putting the 1/20 scale figures and valkyrie together really is something. Come on folks, we should be psyched about finally getting a Misa figure with good sculpt!
  20. I guess ET will also be making the dark Legioss
  21. locidm

    Macross figures

    Yay!!!!!! Finally a Misa!!!!!
  22. Yes. A member here made it along with the zentradi soldier. DarrinG if I remember correctly. I like them both!
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