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Everything posted by locidm

  1. And look at where animeigo is now..... I'd have a hard time believing that BW will let go of its ego and ask fan's help for free, so that they can satisfy a market that they don't really care about.
  2. it all comes down to money. There is a budget to the blu-ray's production, and a (likely tiny) amount of that budget goes towards the sub. If the budget doesn't allow for additional proof reading, it won't be done (unless someone on the project is both skilled and dedicated enough to do it for free). I'd rather them say, "let's get subs onto the bluray disc with the available budget, even if it ain't perfect", than say, "since we don't have the budget to get the subs perfect, let's forget about it". Scenario 1 is probably what happened to MP. Hopefully they'll either do the same for MF boxset (or even better has a bigger budget for it). If I have to choose, I'd pick slightly subpar subs over no sub any day.
  3. Any subtitles would be fine for me, even if it's just like Macross plus ones. Especially considering its either that or no subs at all.
  4. Is there any way to purchase the concert goodie package? I would like to get that poster! If there are any brothers out there who are going and are so kind to buy for me please PM! Thanks this is the poster I was referring to (interesting that Max and Miria appeared twice in there!)
  5. Apparently one can enter a vf-1 cockpit by opening a door on the side!! Talk about an accurate model! Pity that Minmay cosplayer was blocking most of the view of the cockpit interior. Thanks for the links and pics guys.
  6. There is also the belt from Jeeg, immediately below which is the combattler waist. No that's the core fighter from gundam RX-78.
  7. I've been following this thread and am loving it and your translations. Thank you for doing this. Misa is more into Riber than I had thought!! I thought it a little cheesy that they happened to have gone to Ngyan Ngyan and saw Minmay and that Minmay even said that Riber looked like Kaifun. Haven't read Ch 2 yet though. Hopefully tonight.
  8. How much does customs charge? I assume you are in the states too? Is there a upper limit above which we get charged duty?
  9. yay, after this i'm done with Frontier valks.
  10. Thanks Tochiro. I still have to figure out a way to overlay subs on blu-ray. Not savy by any means. I can sit through a 2 hr movie without subs, but not 50+ episodes on M7! Either that, or learn Japanese already.....1 sem in college years ago wasn't nearly close to enough. At least I can read most kanji thanks to my background. I'm surprised that MF tv series never had a box set, or did it? I'd pay for a nice box to get all nine disc in one place.
  11. Is the macross zero blu-ray worth picking up? I couldn't find a thread with much information. What do you guys think of the video/audio quality? I assume no subtitle either, but doesn't hurt to ask....
  12. locidm

    VF-1 Plush toy

    10" would put them at 1/60? I think I just found a stand-in for 1J max. Now release the FPs too.
  13. nah, a naked VF-1 with basic armament only weighs 8 oz. A fully loaded VF-1 with Super and Strike pack + armament weighs just over 13 oz. I imagine if you take away the armament it'd be under 13 oz. Having said that, don't those things work based on magnetic field? If so the minimal diecast on the v2 VF-1 will be just sitting on them, no? Edit: nevermind, just saw the first video and saw the little rounded plate that a valk can sit on.
  14. Haha thanks guys for your input. gloss coat it is!! I'd love to have the hanged upside down diorama, unfortunately I ain't got the skill, time, an space for it.
  15. Almost done with mine, just waiting for the paint to dry before final coat. I'm still trying to decide between gloss or dull coating, or go in between with semi-gloss. What do you guys think? Should fan racer have a gloss coat? Or should I apply a dull coat to match my VF-1 collection?
  16. Yup. The adapters work great. The stands need a little bit of glue for it to be sturdy. Don't get it through the jacked up price from amazon, get it from HLJ or other place selling at MSRP or less. I got five for around $35 shipped from HLJ.
  17. Ya if this works I'd be open to buying more Macross in bluray. Otherwise I don't see myself enjoying going through hours of non-subbed SDF or M7. Those are long enough I think I would miss the subs a lot more compared to DYRL. Unfortunately I have a Mac and it doesnt come with a disc drive. Apple doesn't believe in hard media. I watch all my blurays on my PS3. If you get it to work please let me know. I use VLC too.
  18. In terms of hardware, what is needed to do this? Do these programs have option to overlay subs on top of the video, or do you need another device? I supposed at the minimum one would need a computer with a bluray drive. What else would one need?
  19. scoopda, Max got caught by spy cam in Shinkansen having a secret meeting with medical staff, Max had a grim look on his helmeted face. he was later caught doing business in the back of the train.....
  20. good show. How does one put subtitle on top of blu-ray movie??
  21. Great thanks! Lacquer it is! I hope my fan racer comes out half as nice as yours. It's so stupid that the first version (what i have) doesn't come with a pilot nor the landing gear. I guess that would put my 1D in battroid mode and then I still need to somehow find a stand for this thing.
  22. Thanks MechTech. Does Tamiya offer enamel spray? I only see polycarbonate and lacquer available from Tamiya.
  23. Will tamiya polycarbonate spray paint be compatible with enamel paint? I'm planning to buy some tamiya spray paint as base coat and then use my existing enamel paint to do touchups and details, and not sure whether to go with lacquer or polycarbonate. Any input?
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