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Everything posted by locidm

  1. locidm

    Macross figures

    I actually did went ahead and pre-order. I figure at some point we'll know what it is and at that point I'll decide whether to cancel. Another reason I love HLJ.
  2. I didn't know this will require a neck cover like the VF-19. Nevertheless, very excited!!
  3. locidm

    Macross figures

    So nobody knows what this is? Macross art collection http://www.hlj.com/p...t/ban985472/Gsh HLJ descriptions says it's gashapons of characters made by Bandai. I'm hoping this is more than just Frontier stuff but include characters from prior series too.
  4. 4 kids??? I'm having trouble just opening my toys with just 1 kid. Kudos to you!
  5. My issue with any new series with characters that are in previous series would be any potential changes in voice actor. If they do Megaroad, Hikaru will have a new VA, and most likely Minmei too. I know it's been done before with M30 and other games, but a TV series will be very different.
  6. locidm

    Macross figures

    Does anybody know what this is: http://www.hlj.com/product/ban985472/Gsh Macross art collection
  7. Fantastic pics! I love your hangar. Great builds!
  8. me want one meltran zentran...
  9. If I recall correctly, the VF-25G Michael Renewal was also re-issued at one point.
  10. Thanks! I thought I saw something somewhere but couldn't remember. Actually doesn't look too bad. I may pickup some. But then I'd be suppporting Harmony Gold.......
  11. and what are those Robotech 30th Anniv. SD figures on BBTS?
  12. I actually went through the manual for this guy today, and noticed something I haven't noticed before, and going back a few pages of pics it appears many others also didn't notice this little hidden feature on the YF-29 Isamu. THere are two mini turrets looking pieces on its head (one on each side) that has a hinge and can move outwards. In fighter mode, the two turrets are tugged in and hidden. In battroid mode, they can be swinged out and give the head a more angular shape that in my opinion, much better looking. Attached are crappy cell phone pic Edit: just realize UN Spacy already covered this in his comparison vid, which I didn't see until now, way to go!
  13. Is it already up on Amazon.jp? I couldn't find it. I hope they don't categorize this as a game......8% off from amiami isn't big enough!
  14. Thanks. I must have walked passed it and totally missed it. I've been there three time since 2007 and never saw it. I guess my toy radar didn't turn on until I was in the general vicinity of the toys section. Next time, whenever that will be.....
  15. I was in Nakano last November but didn't find much Macross there! I must have missed a corridor or two? There is no way I would have missed so many macross related items if I had walked by it! Which floor was it on? Relative location to the Mandarake flag store with the Tetsujin in front?
  16. Mine doesn't stay open no matter what I do. I wonder which version everybody got and maybe the production run is the difference in some staying open and others don't.
  17. It's all based on weight. I finding great savings with my private warehouse. Shipping macross chronicle issue by issue is not feasible! Meanwhile, I find that FedEx is a lot cheaper once you reach a certain weight, and the weight bracket (same cost between two weighs) are much larger with FedEx. Perhaps shipping to your country is different?
  18. Leon - main character of M30. The VF-30 has nothing to do with Leon from Frontier.
  19. that's a pretty impressive diorama! Now, somebody else with 25 25F's try to replicate it!
  20. I had the hardest time too getting my Alto back to fighter mode when I was packing it back in the box. After that I didn't feel like touching the valk again. Actually, I hate transforming all Bandai valks because they're so fidgety! That's why I'd much prefer Yamato/Arcadia stuff.
  21. Just got 25A. I think out of the five VF-25 released the 25A is my favorite. The color rocks and I've always like its head sculpt the best. Don't need super parts for it though. Looks good as is!
  22. I'm a strong advocate of not posting live (and especially new) listings from places like Mandarake. It's hard enough as it is to find deals, free advertisements in a broadly viewed board like this doesn't help. If someone is looking for something, and the item has been up for quite a few days, it's another story. But posting a new listing not an hour old? I don't agree with it. It's my strong opinion that this thread should be about SOLD prices, and not prices for items still available!
  23. this looks good! I'd be interested!
  24. nice vid review of the 30th 1J. The paint scheme is better than I thought, and it does really flow very well, I was impressed with battroid mode's backpack. It also looks good without the decals.
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