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Everything posted by locidm

  1. ditto on display space.........doesnt matter how complete the collection is if you can''t (properly) display them!
  2. VT-1, then M&M, Cavalier, and maybe low-vis VF-1S roy. Probably won't get any of them unless Arcadia releases them. Doubt it...
  3. Sorry for bumping old thread. Got around to play the ps1 dyrl game that I downloaded years ago using the code last night, two questions: 1 - is there no way to save game? It says something about no memory card but doesn't PS3 have a hd? 2 - I got through the armored Valkyrie stage and some really long message popped up and won't play more afterwards, the message said something about changing disc and memory card again, how do u continue the game afterwards? There is a yes/no question on the screen at this point. I only read very limited Japanese and mostly katakana so can't understand the messages very well.. Any help is appreciated.
  4. is the skull on the FP going to be tampo'ed in?
  5. I'm still hoping to see it next to a 1/60 VF-1 for size comparison. Looks promising though!
  6. i love that they cut the sychronized mech dancing sequencing short to a point where it's almost acceptable. That was my main gripe in the previous episode. Overall I like this much better.
  7. locidm

    Hi-Metal R

    you know I try tell people about what NOT to do with their valks. To be honest though, when I got the Hi-Metal 1J back in the day, it was on clearance bin and I didn't think anything will become of the line. Who knew it would make a full come back! The yellowing comes from it standing in my office at work which receives indirect sunlight.
  8. locidm

    Hi-Metal R

    Finally arrived. Mine is missing two spare cannons but I love it! Here he is with my yellowed 1J and toynami's tactical battlepod.
  9. locidm

    Hi-Metal R

    would Noa Izumi from the 1/24 Yamato Ingram 1 fit in the Regult cockpit?
  10. locidm

    Hi-Metal R

    My original HM 1J has yellowed. It sits on a shelf in my office which gets indirect sunlight.
  11. locidm

    Hi-Metal R

    got my second regult from CDJ! Thanks!! And it is still available after 12+ hours?? wonder what happened.
  12. Mikumo = Sivil + Basara offspring ??!?? By the way, I haven't heard the podcast and have missed it elsewhere in the thread, who is the music director?
  13. the only thing that I really hated was the one scene when the valks were dancing. I also didn't like the Walkure, the way they fight seems too unrealistic (head on with fully loaded regult and no harm done? come on). They do too much "fighting" in my opinion. Leave the fighting to the valks and just sing! The songs were great. Love the destroids and regults, The setting was good. The two main characters seem interesting so far. the enemy mechs rock.
  14. let's face it, the armor is released in 2017 so that it'll get to spend a good year in our display cases "naked" before being entirely covered in armor permanently.
  15. He's the Kakizaki in Delta! Let's see if and how he dies in battle.....
  16. locidm

    Hi-Metal R

    the only reason i got the Roy was so that these enemy mechas have someone to shoot at. Anybody finshed the Macross Factory kit (1/100 scale from Bandai)? Wonder how they look with Hi-Metals. I got the kit but haven't had time to build and won't have time to build for a loooong time.
  17. if you go through the sales page you'll find it still discounted. http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljlist?SaleGroup=SALE1512SCI&DisplayMode=images&Dis=2&Sort=std&qid=CGXBK0ICJEMLMEQ&set=1&Price2=30000|39999
  18. crap! i bought it during black friday deal
  19. locidm

    Hi-Metal R

    they should always make things available through Tamashii (like the exclusives) that are built to order. That way when the online retailers run out of stock ppl are still able to get them at slightly above MSRPs instead of letting scalpers benefit. I really want to get into this line but my lifestyle does not allow me to sit in front of computer and hit F5 in the middle of the night.
  20. man orguss looks good..... hope there is a re-issue followed by massive discount. one can wish.
  21. is that the megahouse orguss, didn't know its about the same height as 1/60 VF-1. I always thought it's smaller.
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