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  1. I was really impressed with the soundtrack. The vocal tracks were amazing.
  2. My brother is getting back into Macross after 30 years thanks to the streaming on Hulu. I recommended him to start with zero, then plus, then go straight to Frontier. He asked about 7, I said it's really hard to watch unless you're a big Macross fan. While there are some charming moments, the plot just does not move forward much. Then he said, oh that sounds great, because he can watch it in the background and not worry about missing key moments.
  3. My first release limited edition from yokakunow just arrived. No poster. It does come with the A4 size acrylic board with Mikimoto's illustration on it, the '84 summer badge, and the "signed" screenplay.
  4. To me the biggest change is the colors, really makes it pop like cels. However, not all is good, the shot with Miria, her green hair seems oversaturated, so is the skin tone of one of the Minmay shots. There are shots where the 2016 version looks better, but for the most part this 4k release looks better.
  5. Oh this is good to know! THank you. Sounds like you only need either Disney+ or Hulu by itself and a bundle is not required.
  6. I canceled my Disney+ subscription awhile back. Question: Do you need the Disney+ / Hulu bundle to see Macross shows? Or would just the Disney+ subscription do the trick?
  7. Side question, is there any trick to get the flashback bluray that came with the Japanese DYRL to play in US bluray players? Mine would not play. The DRYL disc was fine though.
  8. This section is focused on Macross. Mospeada has its own thread in the anime section: There are some discussions on the Moshow Cyclone toward the end of the thread.
  9. If you send one my way, I'd be happy to build it and deliver the finished product to you across the bay.
  10. I'm glad to see they used a current conversion rate when pricing the tread on amazon US. It'll be about the same or cheaper than ordering from Japan even with taxes.
  11. I have not and just shot an email to them yesterday but haven't heard back.
  12. Haha, I didn't notice this before Few frames later:
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