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Everything posted by xTIMMYxCOREx

  1. I was going to get a table, but I couldn't get all the stuff I wanted to sell back from Massachusetts in time.
  2. isn't the keyclub the one where they have grill em all burgers too?
  3. Hope to meet you guys there next weekend.
  4. Hey guys the first Robo Toy Fest is coming up on Mothers Day, May 13th 2012 at the Pasadena Sheraton. Admission is free from 10-4. And you can bring your own items to sell and trade. Hope to see you there!
  5. I am so down for this. Arcadia is not far from me.
  6. Is there a group buy for the full armor??
  7. Anything planned for the LA area soon?
  8. I would be willing to host something in the Hollywood area. I have a big screen TV and all of the shows and movies. Anyone interested?
  9. Is the original Fast Packs for VF-25 compatible with the renewal VF-25? According to one ebay seller they are: Bandai claimed that the renewal version VF-25F can be equipped with all previous Bandai WEb Shop released Super parts or full armor parts. In bandai website, bandai quoted the following description: "※DX超合金シリーズで2010年以前に発売された、VF-25用「スーパーパーツ」「アーマードパーツ」「トルネードパーツ」は当商品に装着することは出来ません。 " Can anyone confirm this?
  10. Put me down for 1 of each on the group buy. Just let me know who to send the $$ to. I so want these!
  11. Mine should be arriving within the hour! Is it bad that I am tempted to run home during lunch and bring it back to work with me??
  12. Does the demo work on a US PS3? I am assuming it does.
  13. I would be interested in meeting up in you guys are near LA ever!
  14. I would be interested in buying one. But I am sure it will be way too much for what it is!
  15. So this is out.... GBP-1S Armor Parts for VF-1 Valkyrie (2nd ver.) (1/2010) YAMATO ONLINE –- ???? copies –- Separate release of GBP-1S armor parts v2 only including missle-effect parts. Exclusive release sold through the Yamato Online Web Shop beginning September 1, 2009. Any ideas where I can buy it? Will there ever be a Weathering version? (I really want the firing/smoke cloud missile parts)
  16. Where do the Bobby versions of the songs com from?
  17. So, was the real star of Macross Frontier, Bobby, featured more in the movie? I am still waiting for a bobby statue LOL!
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