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Everything posted by eyesonme78

  1. Hmm Caslon, actually i was thinking of it... previously i had msg WMcheng and KyeKye for their advices.. probably will do it soon hahaha... i had the photo etch parts standing by also. =)
  2. Falcon Hangar has it at SGD$240.. but i did not see any preorders at Latendo shop when i visited their website. did you went down to their shop for preorders?
  3. Thanks gmanifess, for your advice.. was thinking to be lazy and not panel line.. but now its a must! Caslon, thanks. I never expected myself to do the conversion also but its is a fantastic experience for mw cos I really find myself being drawn back more to macross again I got myself a 1/3000 sdf-1 as well!! Hahah
  4. Preordered one finally from my local source at 15000 yen, ex.. but then no choice.. hard to find gd price.with the current situation. Sighs... But yea!! Finally one vf-171ex valkyrie for me!! Hahha
  5. Valkyrie make over for VF-1A Kakizaki Hayao! Originally the valk was not yellowish and the super & strike packs are different colors. The buyer had screwed me by saying it is brand new, but after opening it.. it was not brand new at all.. but nevertheless it was cheap so i let it go, i had intended to sell it off, but then i decided to do abit of color changing and weathering myself. I always like the green color for VF-1A, thus with this valkyrie, i just decided to change the super & strike to GREY!! It was a good choice as i like the outcome. Before Color change. After Color change using acrylic colors
  6. Guys, i just found another way to get the VF-171EX from noppin.com but of cos they charge higher price of 14700 yen, not including all the surhcarges and such, but for those who like to get one, it might be a better way, i am asking for a quotation for it now. the link is here http://www.noppin.com/portal_ra_details/detail/721A8CFE/hobbyone%3A10019472
  7. It's out.. no choice I hve to use my backup local source .. but its ex..full price with no discount... Sighs..
  8. The product does looks gd, but the thought of having to compete with the forum for a order of the valkyrie simply puts me in a shock mode
  9. I foresee wallet burning a hole... and it's running aways in pain.
  10. I want Aegis more.. haha sharing pics which i have just built.. almost completing..
  11. HI guys; I started on my 1/3000 sdf-1 building recently, and it was a big kit. I also encountered missing parts for my runners. just to check did anyone encounter missing parts and screws? I had emailed HLJ earlier for missing parts, they said they are able to support. but i do not know if they charge me for the missing parts. Could anyone with similar experience advise ? Thanks. Edmund
  12. Hey EMM Cheng, thks for the advice I think i will consider carefully before opting as its gonna be a pg like building. Am a little afraid of that as the pg took me a super long time to build and spray paint. But the result is absolutely fantastic.
  13. Wow nice work here.. WMcheng, just to seek ur advise and possibly some of the mw'ers advise on unpainted 1/3000 unpainted sdf-1, i am having a filename on getting the completed one or the unpainted one. As a beginner for modelling, I am inspired by the works for sdf-1 at mw forum. But as the price differences between a completed kit and non completed kit is big, I am more drawn to getting the unpainted ones. But is it the right choice to make if I like a model like sdf-1? Or shld i get a completed kit that will shorten my modeling time?
  14. Actually i made amendments to AmiAmi every now and then, but i did made cancellation a few times also without them saying anything.. they just went straightahead to cancel it.. perhaps i am on their blacklist already... I buy frequently from them as the shops here required deposits and out of a few buying experience, i had encounter staff from local shops who are unwilling to help when items get delayed.. and one case went so bad then i went to the extent to threaten them to bring it to consumer association before i get help in refunding for item they cannot deliver.. Anyways back to the SDF-1, i have called a few shops and asked , but it seems not every SG shop will be bringing in the SDF-1. And also i think i prefer to order with AmiAmi, at least i can get to use my credit card for such a big item. but the tax in SG will be 7% plus handling fees... plus shipment fees, it be heck of a X'mas present.. LOL.. my Gf is gonna kill me and eat my bones if she knows...
  15. I Just emailed AmiAmi, hopefully i get a reply soon on whether will they be selling it on the English site... but if this release is cited as a domestic release then i have not choice but to source out somewhere else...
  16. Hi Guys, needed some help here, i purchased an item over ebay. The transaction was quick, but however there was a problem, the seller did not mention what method he was going to use for postage. The seller mentioned 12~15 days more or less... When i called USPS to check, i found out my postage was shipped using first class mail international. and it could take 6 weeks to 6 mths. and it could be lost in the process and never reach me. When i first contacted the seller to seek help in checking what methods he used, he never reply. when i send him a second letter stating i will raise the dispute case then he replied, stating i have choosen the option, whereby initially i had not been given other options. From $24 shipping charges, he claims i paid only $20 shipping charges. and the USPS tracking shows this: Detailed Results: Bullet Processed through Sort Facility, August 25, 2010, 10:13 am, CHICAGO, IL 60688 Bullet Processed through Sort Facility, August 18, 2010, 3:31 pm, LAREDO, TX 78043 I think i am about to give up hope on this already... any kind souls can provide me any advice? sorry if i posted this in the wrong section... I have already raised the dispute in the ebay section.. and i think the amount i paid will contribute to my learning lesson. ( never buy from ebay )
  17. Now anyone has dates that the item will be released?
  18. Looking goiod!! hope it's within price range of USD$250..
  19. Thanks for the encouragement! thks!!
  20. My latest completed works!!, badly done up.. but hope u guys enjoy, and also i am sure some of us did our eggs valkyries up already.. so put more pics in pls?? =)
  21. Nothing much to share except for my egg planes and my VF-25F robot spirits..
  22. Something new to share... preordered straightaway from AmiAmi 2 pcs.. LOL.. AmiAmi Link
  23. OMG.... B.U.Y ......
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