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Everything posted by eyesonme78

  1. think i can get one of those at cheaper rates but however to complet the collections ....................well..................maybe maybe...
  2. ok ok well haven't been here for a long time anyway
  3. HI;; http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=3172393657. is it real>?
  4. Dont think should worry so much guys have dealt with him before should not be a problem.
  5. i th8nk hasbro is lighter the takara i have actually sen one and compare them both but stil i like takara box better have collector's value
  6. saw the MPC in singapore already very big and heavy man. can be on par with Vf-1s with fast pack on. without packing of course i guess even heavier. man wish i have to money to get it .
  7. please read the above statment thanks seems no one reads that .
  8. Hi guys could you guys please casts votes on this ? thanks these are the few names that caught the attention well i need you guys to cast votes on that thanks for the suggestions. and for those guys who suggested these name maybe could you explain to us how the names came by? cause it's good to let people know why this name whatever . so that they know . 1.) omganimetoys 2.) mecha imports 3.) Japangatech 4.) Go-Go toyz 5.) eyesonme78sfriend.com
  9. anyway i will be seing chances that i might go with them for setting up of online store also as well if everything goes well here i am still doing some work with them on this so i dare not say i am setting up so that is why i am helping them out we are seeing chances her that 80% i will be in so help me on this please cause we are actually looking at ways to get stuffs all that so that all can benefits .
  10. something more to what we all like best anime in jap? something like that ?
  11. Hi guysa friend of mine is thinking of setting up an online store with a friend and i need you guys to help me out with names and you suggest one okay? and also they are selling manga stuff and japanese stuff and a little bit of US transformers and well robotech stuff. well wha name should it be ?
  12. it's up to you guys well for me i feel it's worth getting comparing to gakken ones which lacks certain details and anyway we will see again when i get the alpha than maybe i can send you pics and then i will maybe have a better review and well up to your guys .
  13. and i think it should not be so small and also i don't wanna moan oevr it when there is not stocks left for grabbing so i am acting now
  14. well guys i understand but for my retailer i can trust her about this things but then it doesn't mean you preorder it's going to be paying money first :0 well you pay only when stocks arrived which is at the end of december she has already confirmed that with me and also one thing she said it's going to be 130-140 SGD$ which means in current conversion rates of 1.73 about 80 USD$ and well with more she can bargain about it means lower prices and more savings and well i do not have the pic yet but i am trusting her about it cause i have got my 1j form her as promised she has got me mine and she did it befoe the valk reached US well guys toynami well at times do not give very accurate informations you guys should know that well just give it a trust nothing to lost right onyl pay when stocks arrived in december right ?
  15. Hi guys any one wana get MPC alphas? my retailer here have some connections maybe could get some she told me will be herein december about the same time as optimus prime what you guys think ? if you guys want can get discounts with more people ordering in advance she can bargain save more money PM me or email me for more informations :)but however if you preoreder it means it's confirmed already no going back on words i have got mine preordered :0 and are working towards that
  16. Hi guys any of you have know how to build this 1/48 imai alpha figther variable? any pics for references? what are the things to take note? thanks
  17. Hi guys any of you have know how to build this 1/48 imai alpha figther variable? any pics for references? what are the things to take note? thanks
  18. Hi guys any of you have know how to build this 1/48 imai alpha figther variable? any pics for references? what are the things to take note? thanks
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