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Everything posted by eyesonme78

  1. eyesonme78

    Got My YF-21!

    well let's hope so
  2. congrats graham and best wishes for your kid.
  3. I want monster the VB-06 monster!!!! yamato when ya coming out with that ?
  4. Well think so cause it's vintage what if it's not will be different.
  5. me want a 1/3000 sdf-1
  6. Looks fantastic.....i would wanna get one now already since you have made it so nice....
  7. i agree the holy mother of all valks
  8. after virgo whose next i wonder
  9. well seems like i misssed the thread heehee
  10. well any one into saint seiya as well here ? let's hear some comments.
  11. What ya guys think of the armour for the saint seiya golden saint ?
  12. eyesonme78

    Got My YF-21!

    Well waiting for YF-19 to come out anyway....with fast pack............i want it !!!!!!!!!when is it coming out ???????????????? sighs................................
  13. eyesonme78

    Got My YF-21!

    My YF-21 has no such problems but then same also no sticker guide. but i love the slim design though. and the additional fast pack.
  14. 70 bucks consider cheap i got my first cyclone at USD$200 bro; way expensive but well what to do ? was madly inlove with it at that time. hee i would recommend a go go go! for it. but then be careful, maybe can check out things you need to check out first thanks. Anyway if prices for alpha is this low maybe i would not mind buying both , toynami and gakken but i think my GF will detain my wallet for a month if i do so.
  15. Guys, anyone knows what is the anticipated toy that will be released the earliest? VF-0s? Monster? or anyother items ? I was discussing this with my friend the other day while browsing through the hobby denki,and was thinking most likely VF-0s will be coming out first. What you guys think? Graham? or anyone any ideas?
  16. Yo guys saw the pics in the toynami website. what ya guys think this time worth getting it?
  17. Saw the pics on toynami web sites it is true this tiem at last july? anyone any ideas?
  18. i really hope a 1/48 GBP armour and 1/48 CF will come out as well as a TV style ben and max..... hahahaha
  19. Hey guys just saw this thing about the VF-0S and also macross stand in denki hobby saying it's coming out in may ( macross stand ) and june ( VF-0S ) Amny one getting the VF-0S? or stand? i am wondering to get or not to get spend money again hee.
  20. Hi guys started to notice that my valk is turning a bit yellow dunno whether is it my eyes or just my imagination can someone help me ? let me know thanks guys!!
  21. i will jjst get one i think cause i want it anyway more better then the old ones in details can lahz
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