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Everything posted by eyesonme78

  1. anyone know is it worth to get justice gundam ? 1/100??
  2. Just got mine yesterday was so nicely weathered love it like mad anyway, for mine, it was with the marines pilot.. ha.. that is nice anyway
  3. I see.. so basically grey and nothing else already is it ?"
  4. well bro, any others colors i should use for the DYRL thingy?? \
  5. well, i see... but then is a primer really needed in this case? i mean can't i just directly spray the paint on it ? or the primer is required so thgat the pain will stick onto it ? can advise me on this? please let me know thanks.
  6. Hi guys, be planning for my SDF-1 customisation, any ideas on how to make a greyish white customisation? let me know
  7. well thanks bro; got my email today stating the item is already send out for delivery, well i guess i am too anxious for the sdf-1 , been asking the seller when it would be delivered. Think the seller got fedup also
  8. By the way how long can a seller take to ship out the item? please oculd someone advise me ? thanks.
  9. HI bro; yea it;s the one i won for USD61 but then however the one by summer deals is not the one i won.. it's another one
  10. Final;ly i got my SDF-1 issues, think i was too sensitive, the seller response back and the item has been send thru EMS and one more good news. i manage to get another SDF-1 thru ebay at a lower price of USD$61!!!! unbelievable but i think i will use either for a customization or coloring. hahah weather the ship
  11. well just emailed the seller abut when he can send the item, he didi nto reply, lucky i have not send the money over yet. if not i will cry...
  12. i have won the texas one but then i have tried emailing the first one, in california, not so resposive, and he actually kicked one bidder out to let me win the bid, and he emailed me. The second was rather responsive regarding the shipping and others. i can proof with email. so what ya guys think ?
  13. yea i agree that, but looking at his feedback should be okay ... the other had a bad feedback.. i think i remember reading thru it once and this guys seems to be rather fast in response.
  14. i know i am late but pls put me down for 1 set thanks!!
  15. if you think so, I wouldn't mind taking a few off your hands. I would not mind taking a few fast packs from you also if you're thinking of so ....he he
  16. Thanks guys.. wasn't sure about this at first did not check the price opf the sdf-1 for a long time already.. well then maybe i am just too sensitive abt money hahaha.. But thanks to all Brothers in arms..
  17. i intend to display it with my monster and vf-1a hikaru, be getting a vj-1j with GBP armour to go with it though..
  18. just won sdf-1 at an ebay auctions, take a look at the link and well wanted opinions is it worth the price? SDF-1 auctions
  19. let us hope so....
  20. Hikaru is a pretty good price. TINSIC selling them for $150 and other than that there are some sellers putting up their own on ebay. I had trouble finding one but manage to eventually one. Did you get a first issue or reissue? To me it was harder to find a reissue. I think i got a first edition well then but it's nice no matter what
  21. did that bro thanks!!
  22. looking for a recast VF-1S head, can anyone help?
  23. well wel... i guess no choice then i will have to buy.....can't resist... buy bundle.. ... no vf-1j valk.. must buy......
  24. if it's the case, i think i wil be a very happy man
  25. Ha ha thanks brothers, i have opened up and played with them already so awesome!!!!! hahahaha well i guess, it's depends on people actually, well i have a first issue VF-1A hikaru, but then no matter what it's nice hahah no waiting for the armout
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