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Everything posted by eyesonme78

  1. Waiting for CM corp.......
  2. WhaT is LOS?
  3. It seems like many online sellers are offering the cyclones at USD60 USD70 region.. hmm without postage.. think lucky i managed to secure a order from HLJ.. And a gakken legioss 1/35 was going for USD$99.00.. wow seems like many is dumping their mospeada stuff out, especially the vintage ones.
  4. i cannot wait for feb to come man
  5. EMS, safest and trackable.. Now it reminds me, think my package will be coming in EMS since my value exceeds USD$200 hmmm... i think it be ex.. haiz.. one more finaly pic for those who wanna see how the cylone looks with rider on.. i think so far it seems okie.. but it's true, it's abit small for the rider.. Mint looks like she is going to have a painful butt ache after a ride on the cyclone. haha..
  6. Ha ha okie =) anyways i am a sucker for looks.. hahaha
  7. Choosing between so many, i am only waiting for Mega houseas the design is still the slickest, beagle's ones i will not say much as i have nto seen any prototypes at all.. but beware, if too much orders, it will be sold out for megahouse cyclones.. Got a hunch these items will be selling like hotcakes, if CM corp's Legioss and Tread comes out, i will be getting too =) But of cos if there is better design i will get the better design ones.
  8. Toynami design
  9. CM corp design 1/18
  10. I am referring to both hahaha.. okie, it's mega house that is on preorder, and i have attached some pics for your viewing. Scale 1/15, about 13 cm tall.
  11. get both, i am sure you will be intoxicated by them like i was when i was young, and even till now.
  12. well i suppose it's hard since u live in mexico, but EMS is the safest way, i choose SAL as it is the cheapest way and also the best way to get it shipped under a lw cost, hahah wanna save costs, cause evn if i go get from local dealers, it will costs me transport fees also thus i think i rather get it it's better to order, and yen rate wise i think it's quite reasonable. How much local sellers are selling i dunno but i suppose almost same as yen rate, but at a later date also. and i trust HLJ given the dealings i have with them =) Hope my experience helps you to decide Lonely Soldier Boy =)
  13. HLJ already have them up for pre-orders =) http://www.hlj.com/product/MEG80806 http://www.hlj.com/product/MEG80783 I've already ordered 2 each.. think u guys better act fast also incase no more stocks =) Local agent has already gotten the preorders in SG.
  14. well seems the same to me. i would strongly think wait for CM corp's production.. better i think.
  15. Hey Jenius; no problem... =) glad we gotten it sort out.. now any one know exactly when this item will be out?
  16. okie.. well i used the word vapour ware to freely i supposed, but that is the closest word to use, as we have know it's coming out in july, yet till today nothing is seen in the real market.. thus i used the word to decribe something that is not in our market as stated in the dates... Well perhaps i used the word wrongly as you have said, but i dun think any other word can decribe it.. hope i explained clearly why i used vapour ware .. hope u under stand jenius.
  17. well after so much been talked about, any one seen any actual release yet? seems it's like vapourware again.
  18. Okie... now that does it.. CM FOR ME only!!..
  19. Any news yet for this item? seems so quiet..
  20. oops, mods mind moving for me? thks..
  21. i think cm corp's tread have an openable cock pit rite?
  22. For your viewing pleasure. This it be good for all of us so enjoy!! =)
  23. well i suppose aoshima will be coming a beta/tread afterall well in terms of design, and connectivity i think it's gonna be better then CM corp, perhaps but i was looking at the legioss pics earlier on and i think this time round aoshima is not using rubber hands, but plastic hands like those found on gundam and such.. maybe some things was improved.. but i dare not confirm till it comes out.. =) but transformation wise i think there is something to look forward to with those missles and extra stuff.. =) Well what do u guys think? i will get one for myself most definately.. =)
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