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Everything posted by eyesonme78

  1. pre-order price for Mega house was 5510.. still CM corp is more ex at 5700 yen
  2. pre-order price for Mega house was 5510.. still CM corp is more ex at 5700 yen
  3. CM corp's cyclone up for preorder already.. now that is fast... =)
  4. Hmm.. but for mospeada toys, i supposed mega house still have the best magnetism out of so many manufacturers?
  5. well i dun think so there is much die cast, but more like saint seiya's stuff perhaps or fully plastic.. those soft ones
  6. You aren't wrong.. u can see previous proto type pics has his visor being raised up. but i am not sure if it is removable.
  7. Hahaha of cos i saw that, well in order to make the armour feel slick on the rider in armour mode definately the figure have to sacrifice some space and maybe not proportional to what we want. Well nvm abt that anyways.. hahah..
  8. Well i think CM corp has not been put up for pre-orders right? I think we wait first see how. but it depends on which one u like more in appearances, transformability and such I prefer mega house ones, but i might get CM corp's set just to play around =) haha mega house's gonna sit in the display cabinet.
  9. Nice pics seems CM Corp is not bad..but i will still get mega house one, i like more realistic ones =)
  10. i suppose toynami has the best design, closet to anime but worst QC..
  11. i like thread's design and such. plus i think CM corp will make a better design perhaps for legioss and thread in terms of durability and quality. Toynami's design is nice in static but i think not durable in playing.. Overall i will get CM corp's stuff. Cyclone most prob.. i thinki i will get mega house as it's better design overall in looks not so plastic.. i dun like plastic look hahhaa..
  12. i will be dying to see the legioss and thread by CM corp. hmm for the cyclones.. i think i will also consider, need to see the actual product first..
  13. HLJ pre-order up again!! just a heads up!!
  14. i agree with what u have said.. haha.. =)
  15. well.. let's give it some time although personally, i think QC will remain same.. with the recent release from Aoshima's case? i am not that optimisitic about this..
  16. hmm you can pre-order from HLJ, or any of the local dealers, i think most of the local dealers will have the preorders in. =)
  17. Well, if u guys dun mind here's my opinion. Ride armour: ========= 1/15 Mega House: Ride armor, closest to anime. best looking of two ( comparing between toynami and Mega House) 1/12Toynami : Ride Amour , Chunky, reminds me of gakken's style with articulation most prob. 1/?? Beagle: Not shown/ No proto pics 1/18 CM corp: Ride armour not shown, only proto pic in cyclone mode. Cyclone mode: ========== 1/15 Mega House: Bit on the small side, make rider abit bigger. ( but hey anime magic dun work on actual product ) 1/12Toynami : Almost proportional, quite gd ratio reminds me of gakken's style with articulation most prob. 1/?? Beagle: Not shown/ No proto pics 1/18 CM corp: Quite proportional also, seem to be quite fitting but small size out of so many. Personally i feel it's not the best out of the two but, which mode u prefer. If u prefer a ride armour in good proportions, Mega House currently is the best to get. If you prefer cyclone mode, i prefer toynami / CM corp, toynami is infamous for their QC problem thus.. i will end up with a CM corp eventually, i am sure i will see reports on QC problems, but hey.. it's lesser i suppoose. and calculating the probability, it seems we will not be unlucky to get a bad one. My two cents worth of opinions on the comparism.. no offence anyone.. =) I will personally vote Megahouse, that is my personal opinion =)
  18. at least we get a cyclone after such a long time of wait.. y ask for more? for perfect transformation.. get the vintage instead.. =)
  19. new pics promotional ones i supposed.
  20. So far no... hmm i was still hoping by now they have some news.. but i think i will be waiting for this rather then toynami's version.. well my opinion, hope dun offend any one else =)
  22. Well pricey, but quality i believe be better then toynami's MPC. Anyways my personal opinion only but they are the ones who came out with the preorder dates.
  23. Oh okie =) thks man =)
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