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Everything posted by eyesonme78

  1. Shun, u might wan2 to count me in =)
  2. welcome to join me bro... ha ha ha
  3. well back to the topic on transforming to gerwalk mode with legioss and tread comibine, i think it will depend on the transformation of the tread, but then again.. mayb we can study the robot and bomber mode carefully to see it its possible =) but i think maybe there is 50% probability that it can be done during combined mode. Let's study and speculate abit and really put it to the test after we have gotten the legioss and tread in our hands
  4. maybe.. didn't see b4 this mode but at starting of anime i saw tread using its leg thrusters.. could it be? cprrect if i am wrong..
  5. It does matter since it's one of our favourite anime.. haha
  6. i really screw up big time.... i ordered.. a pair for each company... man.. my gal's gonna kill me if she knows abt this..
  7. i think we have different sellers, but based on what i have, USD$1.00= SGD$1.44 thus i came out with my USD$52 amount. maybe izzyfcuk if u have better prices could u let me know who to get from? If you don't intend to share then it's okie.
  8. Well blame it on taxes.. i think that adds quite a part in it, but even that ios the case the main cost is still ex, even in asia, the item costs USD$52
  9. They do really look tiny.. to be exact..
  10. i think it's because it's in linkup mode..
  11. well i think, it's worth some of the valks, and also i feel since in so long something is really coming out it should be something to get, whether good for collecting or if you're an investor. =)
  12. I agree to it.. maybe it doesn't shows when iot's colored.. hahaha
  13. i will try get them , and yes i am an indiot
  14. arfeady PM you bro =)
  15. well i have pre-order for USD$206.90, does it consider cheap? Gotten it from my local dealer..
  16. something to share, and LOOK FORWARD TO IT! FINALLY IT IS COMING!!
  17. Well toynami's items i think i will definately skipped and CM corp's cyclones has been delayed... Well good thing for my wallet though..
  18. i doubt so.. hahaha
  19. Now when will CM corp's cyclone see daylight?
  20. i think Aoshima has really decided that it's not the way to get toynami to manufacture and resell under their name. Toynami has really some big issues... and i think it has spoil Aoshima's reputation .. well let's wait for CM corp's legioss and tlead =) I believe it will be worth waiting for like the mospeada cyclone. personally i feel japanese stuff has better QC and less prone to problems.
  21. Something i have done up.. but i still feel it lacks something..to have that special feeling.. any ideas or comments to help improve it be very welcome =) http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x102/sa...78/PICT0901.jpg Mods if i posted in the wrong place, pls do help me to move it to the correct ones.. many thanks..
  22. dec soon.... CM corp pls release the mospeada cyclone soon hahahahhaha
  23. well ya.. true also.. anyways lets wait for the items to be out before we compare =)
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