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Everything posted by eyesonme78

  1. Counting down to megahouse releases for cyclones....dunno how many days though...
  2. seems like an improved articulation version of old gakken mospeada cyclones to me.. my views only..
  3. hope it is gd enough =) the pics shows quite alot on the items =)
  4. I think i would love that
  5. well i think it's gonna be hard as shortening the necks will mean the armour will probably not fit inside the body..
  6. anyways.. any further updates or pics on the CM's corp legioos and tread? like further promotion pics, and dates of releases, and of cos the green and red legioss and tread set? I am more keen to know when so i can arrange my buying spree already hahahah..
  7. well after all this talking CM corp's finally be out soon hopefully we will get it in jan / early feb period.. can't wait to get the items =)
  8. Ok.. let me rephase.. get all except toynami, regret and confess later muahahahaahah!!!!!!!!
  9. Thats a nice one i did not even know that hahahahah!!!
  10. get all.... regret and confess later..
  11. I think i can challenge the toynami version to do such a pose Yes CM corp seems plastic... toyish not worthy the money.. but i like the articulation it presents on the poster!! hahahaha!!!
  12. Well i think beagle might produce another master piece.. but i think for now MH is the best in articulation and posing.. but durability i think we will be able to have some idea when the item is out. but i think I like MH better.. haha..
  13. Now.. since we all feel that the toy's expensive.. then why do some people are willing to spend so much money on ebay to get the old lansay tread? which is so small and really plastic? We used to wish some company will come out with the Legioss and tread.. Now that is true , aned with the price being too ex for our spending budget, we start commenting on it's bad points. kinda strange right? Why not focus on saving up to get this item? But anyway i feel the toy has some improvements to make, but given the japanese's character of not saying giving up easily in design and such.. i think there must be a reason for all this design and such. Honestly i feel the toy is not bad... but could do with some toynami designer designs to make it flush but however i like the Legioss battleroid mode. looks coller and much taller. My two cents view.. no offence guys =)
  14. Honestly i think let's not argue on the license issue. If we work in the industry, then maybe we can start commenting on that. But since we do not know anything abt this license issue. Let's don't argue on this =)
  15. btw.. 1/10 shld be out in Q3 i guess... basing on the japanese words written.
  16. yes u're right 1/10.. seems more proportionate 2.. makes me wan2 get them.. there goes my bonus..
  17. Hmm.. does it includes me? haha if doesn't includes me that makes 5 people =)
  18. Well.. each has their own strong points i think. True, everyone is complaining abt the QC problems, but i think to each of his own. And also i think toynami's design is very attractive, but i personally suffer a broken hand and broken wings from the toynami's MPC. But as much as i dun like the QC, i think i like the MPC quite alot. =)
  19. well i think it's good news that HLJ carries it, at least it seems cheap then some of the online shop you guys mentioned. well hmm.. ok, if you really compare the mode in battleroid mode, i think it looks kinda cool.. more slimer then toynami/aoshima's version although the legs are hollow. and it seems like a toy.. i have a feeling this is the thing that we will be getting most prob.. I have attached some pics for comparisom But i think for modeller's point of view toynami is a very good piece of work for display.. but for toy collector, CM corp be a gd choice in quality though it's appearance lose to toynami.
  20. well i think at least give CM some credit for it's design.. well at least it did came out... right? We will be seeing the legioss and tread in the feb period.. well.. at least.. Well side track abit anyone managed to get sellers to help purchase the the green legioss and tread? I have gotten my seller to help me out, at least he's a local.. how abt you guys? I mean for those interested.. =) Sorry to side track .. heehee/..
  21. Hi guys & Gals; As known i will be hunting for my green legioss and red legioss, but i am not sure which deputy service to use. I have received one recommendation from Shun... But i am interested to know if there is any more toy hunter agents around? If you could kindly recommend one for me, it will be fantastic. And if any of the members are here who are doing such service, could you pls PM me as well? Members offering such service shoujld be on the SSL as well to confirm the integrity . Maybe this is in the wrong thread.. but it's the closest i can think of... * MODs if it's wrong, pls help me move to the right thread.
  22. Shun from the pics.. i think i am very happy i order CM corp cyclones.. hahaha
  23. Any new infor on this item? this thread seems dead..
  24. Counting down to Feb , well i suppose MH is the better interms of appearance.. But thinking back at CM corps design, i feel they are more sturdy.. more durable but in size very small.. Any more pics of the megahouse any one? i mean box pics or more pics that we've not seen before? I think most of us will be dying to see more pics on that =)
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