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Everything posted by eyesonme78

  1. I just gave in and pre-order the Beta from tmpanime.. hahah think i will have a big credit card bill at Q3 this year hahaha.. gotta save up more now.. man i hate these things.. Anyways i think it's really not bad.. and i have made plans to get one scott bernard from japan.. since i will be in japan.. and megahouse cyclones i think i have a problem.. cause due to license issues.. i might have to get from japan in the end.. talk abt issues with license..
  2. japan has released the MH cyclones!! pics can be seen as listed.. Mospeada (Megahouse) released!!
  3. Is it released yet?? we want reviews!
  4. You just made me wanted to get both companies' design , anyways i will be targetting to get aoshima's design first, then i will try to get a matching beta for it. though it's a gamble though..
  5. Rumours? up till now HLJ /1999.co.jp still states it listed as feb release.. hmmmmm no.. do we listen to forum news or shop news?? anyone?? any ideas? was hoping that the MH cyclones can release in Mar( early)though...
  6. ok.. i guess i have to wait till my japan trip to get them..
  7. Now. it's almost end of febuary, i have one gd question to ask, is MH coming out in Feb/Mar, looking on HLJ, it's staing Feb, but based on the rumours and such, it's stating MAr period.. hmmmmm if that's the case then i have to go akiharbara to get those MH stuff already..
  8. more pics.. from mega house releases.. I want it now.. more pics at: Mospeada Winter 2008
  9. i just wan my mospeada.. that is all..
  10. ok.. bad news.. when toynami's involved..but who knows it may turn out good right? but i still want my mega house mospeada cyclones...
  11. with the 1/60 perfect transformation valks coming this destroid will be a good addition to the line of 1/60!!
  12. wow that's alot of replies!! well i am thining of getting the weathered 1/48 valkyrie, i am so tempted by that pic.. hahaha.. i hope it's going be the end of the year before they release that valk but then again if the tomahawk is weathered also.. i be damn broke by this year..
  13. I managed to find this pic in one of the forums i frequent. Hope it's really coming out.
  14. guess i will missed the dates for the green mospeada as i will be in japan from end march to first week of march..
  15. No will be the answer most will give..including me.
  16. well seems like toynami has gotten our attention hooked..again with their beta.. but however, is it really coming out? i am so curious, but the linkup looks sooooooooo gooooooddddd, man i am drolling ovewr the overall linkup...
  17. I think i wanna get an aoshima legioss now base on what i see.. hahaha..
  18. from the toynami's recent exposure of beta, it makes me feel so much like getting one of them..,hahaha who knows i will get one set of CM corp and one set of Toynami..
  19. Hmm.. i don't think that there is an shortage of CM corp cyclones in singapore except prices are indeed high. But i also dun think MH cyclone is so smaller that it can be consider undersize.. right?? Anyways i think for release dates, it has never been accurate isn't it? delays are often, and for no reason as well.. thus we will just have to wait only.. besides we have been waiting for years for another company to produce cyclones and legiosss/tread.. why not wait some more right? my two cents opinion.. but i think CM corp cyclones are of good proportions but too small in sizes, and for transformation, as long u are careful, it should be fine and have no problems.. Oh ya.. besides that, for those who wanted to get the cyclone to have flight actions, it better to use the flight stand from hasegawa Flight Stand
  20. I have just received my CM corp mospeada cyclones, today, it seems not so bad after all, hmm probably it's because it is quite well done as i seen, also it's the details that amazes me, true enough, the items seems not as well paint as MH.. But transformation resembles the old gakken mospeada that i use to have.. and poseability is limited but not that bad as the model kit or gakken's poseability I rather like the mospeada cyclone.. but for the toy, the value seems overated.. the selling price and the actual values perhaps do not match. but i feel with the size i think it is worthwhile getting it. as it doesn't occupy so much space. overall it's not bad as a toy, but value wise maybe CM corp could really review the price, abit too steep.
  21. i just heard the legioss and tread has been delayed till march end.. is it true?? Any one can help confirm?
  22. well guys anyone knows when will it be released? hahaha anxious to get my hands on them.... =)
  23. counting down to a good review and delivery of the legioss/tread to my house!! MUahahahaahahah!!!!!!
  24. i beg to differ that toynami may bring out a good ride armour.. cause as i think beagle may be the next best one yet...
  25. Counting down to release ......
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