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Everything posted by eyesonme78

  1. be loooking forward to your works sam.
  2. hey jenius.. gotten thgat pic uploaded.. u can see from it. haha will update my signature.. thks.. btw if the custom linkup is done i will be interested in 1 !! hahaha..
  3. Just managed to get the CM corp out of the box and gotten some pics taking done.. came out with an idea to make the link up more secure and more mechanically logical, cause i read thru the manual and found it to be abit toyish.. thus i did some fiddling.. and well i got it done!! Individually the mechas are awesome.. but the problem is with the link up.. it's floppy alright in fighter mode.. But i think the playability puts toynami way backwards.. attached a few pics for your viewing though.. And i think those who has had their stuff enjoys the legioss and tread as well =)
  4. A special thanks for saverobotech for helping me get my legioss and tread!! i finally got em!! hahahaha.. but all this will not be possible if saverobotech had not help me and give me his order... thanks bro.. btw i have been to Overdrive and we had a really good chat + hangout at a cafe/ bar.. and i am planning my purchases at Overdrive already.. =) I love the legioss and tread package!! hahaha..
  5. i am going to get myself the legioss & tread set! today going akihabara at evning!! i cannot wait..
  6. i think i will like this design abit more better as it's more slimer and alot of mechanical problems seems taken out.. but of cos articulation is compromised.. and since i will be meeting saverobotech tommorrow i might be picking one up.. if i can find one thast has the right price.
  7. Hi jenius.. sorry for late replies, u have to unscrew some parts to get the wings done. if u take out the chest, and examine inside i am sure you know what i mean.. i will try get some pics in after i return from japan..
  8. to each of his own... either u like it or u hate it. i think i rather get it and love it then hate it when i cannot get it. Anyways i will start hunting for it on fri and sat in japan.. hopefully i can get some luck.
  9. the best way to avoid disappointment is to pickup modelling skills and repair them with modifications and such when possible.. i did it mysaelf and i had a great blue and green legioss ( aoshima's version) and my CM corp's legioss is coming soon also.. i think i can rest assure that will be better.. maybe..
  10. My legioss and tread be coming nextr week, thus i will try to use my aoshima legioss and CM corp's tread together. if it works out i will post up pics of it!! hahahah..
  11. gotten my legioss ( 3 types) managed to open the ETA version, file off the wings portion for pulling out and pushing in. after that put my stickers on and VioLa! I have a not too bad aoshima Legioss on displayed and i have transformed it once to check. but i think i am starting to like this color scheme.. attached pics for viewing!! sorry for the poor pic quality..
  12. credits from toysdaily.. seems like Hongkong has gotten their supplies faster !
  13. where is the pre-orders for beagle mospeada??? COME ON!! LET ME FIND IT>>>!!
  14. 2 more days tgo release by CM corp... wonder any one here will get it first hand ? wait.. when will the green one be released? if possible maybe i will get one from japan.. hahaha..
  15. man that's way too expensive..
  16. i think it depends whether you"re talking abt the toynami version or the Aoshima version.. but toynami version is quite hard to get nowadays.. aoshima i think it's still widely avaliable... and at a cheap price also...
  17. i never realised its cloth ... till now.. wow!! its a confirm must get for me..
  18. I will wanna get this when the preorders come out.. i must get it and shall get it.. * wallet starts screaming for help and attempts to runaway..*
  19. just gotten my MH stick, and taken out for transformation, i think it looks great! but u have to be very careful with the transformation and read the instructions very carefully and think it over thrice! its a very nice toy when transformed! but i think i like cm corps transformation better, almost zero parts to remove.. but megahouse has more articulation.. still worth the money i paid for..
  20. well emm..... i will be keeping for myself though hahahaha...
  21. I have one crazy idea. i will get one set of legioss and tread and instead of using the CM Corp legioss i will use aoshima's legioss!! hahaha reason? well i have my facts to based on.. see the pics!
  22. thks guys, i supposed i have gotten my stick and rey mospeada cyclones ( Megahouse edition.. my preorders came but at an expensive price of USD$86!! per pice!! and i got 2 of them spent USD$172!!) what the fish.. anyways it's a great piece and i make it a point to get my next set from japan incease of the stupid cancellation again ..
  23. i think i will be getting the toynami one, provided the price does not exceeds $150.. but it's always hard to say.
  24. Some pics i found.. hope u guys enjoy this as much as i do... Sleek and definately on good proportions!! beagle for me.. if megahouse dun hit local shores i will order from japan to ensure my stock is confirmed!!
  25. Anyone able to come up with a pic on an aoshima legioss with beta?
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