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Everything posted by eyesonme78

  1. It should transform based on the pics.. hahaha..
  2. if only the 1/48 messiah is a PG... damn... i will wanna grab that.. but think of the hours i need to spend on making that...
  3. thks!! ha ha guess i did not read that thorughly.. mods, please help to close this thread.. thk you... =)
  4. Guys, new news....from toys daily. pics as shown. Macross frontier new toys ( chinese version) 1/48 Messiah Vf-27 lucifier great news for me, bad news for wallet...
  5. gimme a date for VE-1 release!! yamato faster!!..
  6. if toynami comes out with a weathered version of the alpha...
  7. was messing around with my tamiya weathering master, quite easy to apply and wash off thought i tried on my alpha, here is how it looks.. haha.. quite fun, but need more practise.
  8. i agree, but then what's going on behind the scenes, no one knows.. lol. But seriously unless you're a newbie to macross, you will be tempted to buy especially when u have no one to guide you on what to get.
  9. Anymmore new pics ? seems the thread is quite dead without new pics..
  10. Well i think the most worth VF would be the VE-1, i really love the radar!! hahah
  11. I AM WAY BEHIND SCHEDULE......ha ha..
  12. did i missed this out some where?? VF25S FULL ARMOUR PICS!?
  13. Hello guys, i was reading this thread, thought i might chip in some of my thinking for the version 1 values. Okie, as you know all version one requires removeal of the legs to transform from valkyrie to battleroid, and also it's hardly stable because of the weight distribution. Though it's made of diecast, it's unlike the bandai chunky monkey which is perfect transformation but not close to anime. And at that time, it's the best thing we got for the macross. But considering the price for the 1/60 PT VFs, and the price then, i figure people would sell off their ver 1.0 to fund for ver 2.0 And with the chunky monkey to compete on diecast and transformation, of cos the value will drop. Of sentimental value, i think the chunky monkey would represent the toys we have in the 80s! Yamato's 1/60 ver 1.0 is sort of like a mixture of both 1/48+ chunky monkey, but of cos more anime like. So with the new devolopement, i think the 1/60 ver 1.0 would really drop in value, further more with the ver 2.0 PT, unless the ver 1.0 is dirt cheap, we can't expect value to go up, when a improved version with PT is out. Thus to conclude, i think Ver 1.0 might not maintain any collectors value.. 1/48, i think will at least maintain some value, but 1/60 ver 1.0 is hard to maintain its value consider all the pros & cons.
  14. not me for now as i find it quite ok..
  15. it's 1/100 scale. haha..
  16. hahah well i think you have a good suggestion also!! haha thks, but i think i really grew to love my 1D... hahah
  17. That's one amazing display u have there, waiting for your final touch!!
  18. Can i join in the showcase? only 2 valks hope you guys don't mind..
  19. My new VF-1D!!
  20. My turn to show my collections, but i only have 2 valkyries only for now.. not enough to match any fellow MW'ers here... *shakes head* but hope you guys don't mind.
  21. I like that!! but it's slowly tempting me to buy it!! damn!! Must resist and wait for the elint seeker!!
  22. i think it should be the pre production colors, but perhaps subjected to change
  23. Gotten my Vf-1D trainer!! so happy.. but VE-1 coming out soon ... my wallet is crying for help..
  24. I wan that elint seeker!! finally!!
  25. Anyone knew of news on the Elint seeker ? I thought i saw news of yamato releasing VE-1.. but up till now no news, that will be something i be very interested in.. Well any updates?? anyone ??
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